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  1. Big thank you to both of you - that worked perfectly!
  2. Like others here, I've been struggling to make an AVI file that doesn't miraculously disappear when it's saved. I've found the help and followed all the advice but am still stuck. Having found out I need mpeg4 codec, I downloaded ACE Mega CoDecs Pack and opened the 'Dashboard'. I selected the mpeg4, tried 'load' and 'apply' then rebooted. But - back in PTE - when I get to the stage in Create AVI where the mpeg4 should appear in the dropdown list...it's not there! The help instructions on how to make an AVI just say download and 'install' the mpeg4. I don't know whether it's installed and PTE can't find it, or whether it's not installed properly? Would be very grateful for any advice! Thank you.
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