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Everything posted by nelson

  1. It is a pleasure to work with the new features Igor. You have done so much work behind the scenes that we just take it for granted. Thanks for all the time and hard work that has gone into this. Kieron
  2. A lot of work certainly paid off Dave! Enjoyable to watch.
  3. I found "Impressions" very enjoyable to view Barry. Your chosen piece of music very suitable, and certainly adds to the overall enjoyment. I recently was asked to do a tribute to a fellow photographer who passed away. I found the most difficult part was finding the appropriate music. Take care, Kieron
  4. Thanks to "PTE for Smarties" produced by yourself and videos from Barry Beckham, I overcame the early learning curve and have embraced this wonderful software. It has allowed me to share my travels and photography with friends and family. Take care, Kieron
  5. Hello John, I am curious if you resolved your issue. The only way I can resolve mine at present is revert to windows 1709. Thanks, Kieron
  6. Definitely smoother and quicker for me. Looking forward to the finished product. The dark theme took a little time to appreciate, but now I prefer it. Thanks to you, and your team Igor, Kieron
  7. Has there been any update on this issue? Will version 10 still be affected? Thanks so much, Kieron
  8. Thanks so much Dave for your ongoing generousity. Kieron
  9. Well done Barry! Looking forward to more. Kieron
  10. Thanks so much for trying to sort this out for the rest of us. I for one really appreciate your effort. Kieron
  11. Interesting Dave. I look forward to your final assessment. Thanks, Kieron
  12. Excellent effect Lin! Shows the power of a great imagination and masking. Kieron
  13. Thanks to Lin, Dave, Barry and others, I am always learning new things, and totally immersed everyday in this amazing program. Kieron
  14. Thanks so much Dave.
  15. Me to Barry! Mine is only 48 minutes and will be shown in a 300 seat auditorium projected onto a movie screen. I present shows on vanishing cultures and with PTE it allows me to place voice overs, sounds that I recorded, video, and of course my photographs. The usual questions are "What software did you use". I just viewed Hot in the City. and really enjoyed it. Excellent photography, timing, and transitions. Kieron
  16. Thanks Dave, very helpful. Kieron
  17. Add another one to that list Dave, I really appreciate and enjoy these snippets. I am keeping them all for reference, Kieron
  18. I was trying to explain the merits of the software to members of our photo club. The question they kept asking "what is that name again?" Kieron
  19. Thanks Dave, I found it interesting and informative. Kieron
  20. Thanks so much Lin. Very detailed, and a lot of work on your part. I really appreciate your contribution to this forum, always enlightening. Kieron
  21. Thanks for taking the time and sharing your knowledge Dave, always appreciated! Kieron
  22. Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year everyone!
  23. Your creativity is beyond compare!
  24. If you google micro stuttering in windows 1803 and 1809 the gamers are furious. They have some apparent fixes or hacks that they say are working for them. Is it a windows problem? or NVIDIA? or the combination after build 1709. Kieron
  25. Installed 1809 and latest NVIDIA driver. I am now using Acronis backup to 1709 on Laptop. Will stay with Windows 7 on desktop computer. Unfortunately can not upgrade to the latest Photoshop build for Windows 10. The micro stuttering is still evident on transitions with the new update 1809. At least for me. Before 1803 everything is smooth. Will wait for Igor to assess the latest update. Until then I will prevent Windows 10 from forcing 1803 update on my laptop. Kieron
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