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  1. Hi Brian Thanks for your reply Tried both methods suggested but still no joy Regards Stew
  2. Hi Lin That`s great Many thanks for your help - greatly appreciated Regards Stew
  3. Ok Lin Many thanks for your help
  4. Hi Lin Yes that`s exactly what I`m looking for. Are there any tutorials that would show me how to do this? Many thanks
  5. Hi Lin Thanks for your reply That`s not quite what I`m looking for - it`s more of a news headline ticker that would scroll continuously across the slideshow while the images changed behind it Many thanks
  6. Hi Lin Thanks for your reply Yes I`ve done everything you mentioned but still no luck. I even tried using my daughter`s log in and password but still nothing. I can upload to vimeo without any problems tho Many thanks
  7. Hi Lin Thanks for your reply What I`m basically looking for is something like the windows marquee screensaver in which I can insert text that will then scroll horizontally over all the slides in my slideshow ( not just an individual slide) There was another post on the same topic but nothing since http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index....l=crawling+text Many thanks for your help
  8. Hi There I`m wanting to insert a rolling text banner across all my slides in a slideshow, but I can`t see any way to do this. In a previous post someone mentioned that this facility would be available in ver 5.6, but I can`t find anything Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated
  9. Hi there I`m hoping someone can help I`m trying to upload a slideshow to youtube, but I keep getting the error "your log-in details are incorrect" - although they`re not as i can log in to youtube if i go there directly. I know there was a post a while back when someone had the same problem trying to upload to vimeo, but the problem seemed to be solved by the new 5.6 ver 7 beta Thing is it`s the 5.6 ver 7 I`m using and I can upload to vimeo no prob Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated
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