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Everything posted by pjln_phillips

  1. Thanks, Gary I saw your post from back then before I started this thread because I couldn't see a result from your efforts! I am using v5.22 Now I have tried setting all the defaults and maybe I am closer to locating the problem! Thanks. It seems that the fzziness only occurs when I resize a comment away from the default. I can move the comment at its default size. If I rotate the comment, it reverts to pre edit position on second selection on slides bar. Each time I select a slide in the slides list there is some redrawing of the comments. If the comment on a particular slide has been stretched or shrunk using the handles in the Objects & Animations tool it goes fuzzy when reselected in the list. If it has been rotated, it reverts to pre-rotation. Not a complete solution but a work around. Many thanks for progressing the situation. Patrick
  2. GForce 8800 GT in the 64bit Mobile Intel 945GM Express Chipset Family in the 32bit
  3. I am sorry if I appear to be making life more difficult. Not my intention; quite the reverse! Here are the snapshots on their own... I don't know quite which screens you wanted so I have included everything I think might be relevant. I think the issue about 64bit or 32bit may be clouding the issue as there is no difference in the effect no matter which machine I use. All that I have sent you has been from the 32bit machine. Many thanks and apologies for being a difficult client! Patrick
  4. I made the slideshow for you on the small XP machine and I have just checked - it does the fuzzy comment bit. I normally work on the big 64 bit machine, so that was were I first noticed the problem. I just downloaded the one I did for you on the 64 bit m/c and it came down and played OK!!! The script explanation slides were a little blurry but quite readable. I made those quickly by exporting from CorelDraw12 and I didn't want the size of the slideshow to get too big so... Once again, thanks for all your trouble on my behalf. Patrick
  5. I guess it would have helped more if I included the file link http://www.mediafire.com/?ddl1mjm03wg
  6. Thanks Conflow, I hope I am being helpful by uploading the screenshots as a slideshow telling the story as clearly as I can. Hopefully, it will show you exactly what I am doing...wrong! Incidently, I had the problem on my pride-and-joy, a Vista Ultimate 64 with 8Gb RAM but it is just the same on my little UMPC with XP Home & 512Mb RAM! If you would rather have individual screenshots, let me know. Patrick
  7. Yes, I have only used Arial and Courier (to see if it was font types). I have unchecked all checkboxes.
  8. 1. No. Photos are Jpeg imported and then comments added through typing into comments window. 2. Almost exclusively Arial. Would be happy with almost any sans serif typeface if that would solve the problem. Thanks Patrick
  9. Hi all, I am a newbie really and I have only just completed my second show in four years!http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif My question is about comment text going fuzzy. I did find a reference to the issue in the forum archives but I couldn't see any sign of a resolution... I am using P2E as a means of deseminating information so I use comments on most slides. When I do so, they appear crrectly unless I later go back to that slide to edit it. And that may be no more than to select it from the timeline. When next viewed the comments will have gone blurry.http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/mad.gif I have found a work-around. If I go to <objects & animations>, selct the comment and then select <Font>, reselect the chosen font to the same font and then close the slide it will become crystal clear again.http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif Unless , of course, I bring it back into the editing window. In which case it will be fuzzy again. Interestingly, if I select <objects & animations> again, it will go twice as fuzzy before I change it. Even changing its size will clarify the text but just moving it won't.http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif Anybody able to "clarify" this one for me?http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif Thanks Patrick
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