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Everything posted by heinzgebhardt

  1. HI Igor, i will be available as a beta tester too. Hardware: Macbook Pro 2018, I7, 16GB and MAC Mini late 2014 both on OS Catalina Heinz
  2. Great work, can't wait.
  3. Hallo Igor, the new Version looks good. I tried to playback a video. But I can't hear the sound from the video. It does't doesn't matter, if "mute audio" if enabled or not. There is on other souindfile added to the project. Video File is AVI Res: 640x480 30 Frames Audio: 64kBit by 8kHz Mono Fiel came form a Fuji Finepix Camera. Best Regards Heinz
  4. Hallo nobeefstu, thank you for you replay. Link was not visible during a costumized Win 7 theme. Changed back to default theme, then it was visable again. Heinz
  5. Some of my studends on a PTE Workshop asked for "Customized Font" settings. I would like to have the option, to choice one font as a "default font" for a PTE Project. Heinz
  6. Hi Brian, i using Win7 64 Bit on my notebook as well. After install of Win7 SP1 i tried some of my shows, and most of PTE Functions without any problem. Regards Heinz
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