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  1. What is the specs on your computer?
  2. Are they jpegs? If so, click on the image name, if it doesn't come up on your screen, try doubleclick.
  3. Use a music editing software, or, choose a shorter song. You do know, I'm assuming, that in the project options you can click on "synchronize music to slides", don't you? The size of your files will end up being fairly large. What DPI are the images that are in your show, and, what are the physical size of them? Are they jpegs? Are they saved as a high quality jpeg, medium quality, or low quality? The music you are using, is it royalty free, or do you have a license to copy it?
  4. Yes you are. But, there are several royalty free music companies around, or, do as I've done. Find a local musician that will sell their license for a reasonable fee. As long as you are copying the music in any way, and giving it to someone else, you are breaking the copyright laws. Even though the music belongs to the customer. The fact you are charging for the cd, doesn't matter what you want to call the charges are for, you are breaking copyright law. Sorry. Kirk Kief, FSA
  5. As long as you have the "Synchronize Music" box checked, you won't be able to make individual slide modifications. However, try making a duplicate slide of your last entry, with no transition between the two. This will have your last slide show for approximately 12 secs.
  6. Copyright protection is worldwide. It's just that there are a few countries that do not enforce the protection.
  7. This is very simple to do. Your friend jumped through WAYYY too many hoops to get to the end result. First, you will need to have a video card in your computer that has a TV out port. This will a RCA or SVHS port. You simply run a cord from your video card to the input of your VCR. Do the same for your audio. Now, go open your "Display" from Control Panel, go to the "Setting" folder and click on the "Advanced" button. One of the folders will have a selection for a second monitor, as long as you have all connections made, to operate as a Clone. That should have you all fixed up. Once you've taped your show, take it to your friend and brag about the quality of your "First Run" video as compared to his 3rd to 4th generation copy.
  8. I'm sorry to be bearer of what may be sad news, but, fingerprints on a slide is not a good thing. Especially, if it's been sitting on the slide for some time. The oils in our skin that produces the fingerprint, unfortunately, also contain acids. These acides, over time, etch themselves into the emulsion of the slide. Hence, the only way you'll safely be able to clean them is in Photoshop. Never use water on an old print. If you need a cleaner on prints, use denatured alcohol. Before you attempt any cleaning. though, at least do a scan first so you have something to fall back on when you utter those frightening words.....uhohh!
  9. An easy workaround to the time limit is to simply set you computer clock back to a date that is earlier than your expiration date.
  10. Any word as to when slide shows created in PTE will be viewable on a MAC?
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