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Hi Lin, The one from your link works ok in my PTE! I see it is an original TTF type, while mine was a TTF converted from an original OTF. May be this was the problem. Thanks very much. Where did you downloaded it from? I had to pay for it...! Jose
Brian, Thanks very much for your explanations and all your trouble. I quite understood, however, at the end, I would ask why movie files from DSLR Canon 5D MkII (MPEG-4 format, QuickTime format profile, codecID qt) run ok in PTE, no problem at all with video/audio sync? After all, they are QuickTime/Apple format, are they not? I attach MediaInfo of such movie files from Canon. I am using a Windows-PC (XP Pro SP3). Jose
Can someone say why "Astoria Titling" font (from www.myfonts.com) is not recognized/accepted by PTE 7.0.5? I bought it OPENTYPE format (the only one available). As PTE only recognizes TRUETYPE, I converted it to TRUETYPE. I used several online and offline converters and no converted file was recognized by PTE. I mean, in PTE, text fonts available, such TTF font shows with correct sample. However, when I try to use it, text shows like ARIAL or similar, not the correct design of ASTORIA. What can be the problem? Sample of.doc
Thanks. File is 25235 KB, was downloaded from Youtube using DAP Premium v9.7.0.7 Link is I used it on PTE 7.0.5 as it is, not converted. I just made a new PTE project using only this file where we can see video running too fast and ending about half way of audio (last video frame freezing while audio playing till the end). I attach EXE zip file for PC. I attach 2 more files from MediaInfo v0.7.57 As I said before, running the file on VLC or NERO MEDIA HUB, video speed is correct. Not Sync.zip
Starting working with video (PTE 7.0.5), a video clip 1920x1080 (with audio) 01:38 long (MP4 / 29,97 fps) when I run it on VLC both video/audio end at same time (sync). Runing on PTE, video runs aprox at double speed, audio runs ok till the end. Last video frame freezes... waiting for the audio to end! What am I missing? Thanks.
Greg, As I said, I understand. I didn't succeed to transmit what those houses/stones/place mean to me. Made 2 years ago, it has been a big mistake to upload it! One more, in this Forum topic... Now, after watching all Charlie's work (Jazz & other 19), I will be more carefull before uploading something! Thanks, Jose
Hi Jean-Charles, Last August 18 you uploaded this "Jazz..." of yours but I missed it. During next 4 days you had 11 comments. End of story. Only today I could watch it ("video version" under PTE topic) and I posted my own comment there. However, I think that this is a situation deserving more than 11 comments, assuming that only 11 members watched your "Jazz...". Not for a question of number of comments, but only because I think that more than 11 members should watch all your work and learn something (a lot...) with it. Starting by myself. I am just trying to bring your work for first pages of this topic, as I think it's worthwhile for all of us. I "discovered" your site with your 20 slideshows and I watched 2 more. These 2 (and "Jazz..." as well) are authentic lessons on how to make slideshows. I assume the other 18 will be my next 18 lessons. 11 members? How many members are we? Free lessons, people! Don't miss it! This is my own comment: Congratulations Jean-Charles, and thanks. Regards, Jose PS: Is it allowed for Jean-Charles to write in French, since he can not in English?
Hi Jean-Charles, Lin said "Wonderful implementation of masks, video and stills!! Bravo!!!!" David P called it a "Brilliant correlation..." In my case I only can say that I am smashed!!! I have been away from this forum for some time but today I had a look in all past posts and new slideshows. Subject of the day is new PTE version 7 with video, everybody is very excited and it really looks like a fabulous possibility. You tried it in your slides 2,8,9 and 10 and I found it super! But my point is not version 7 video. My main point has to do with quality of your slideshows, that's why I am trully smashed! I think (through your site and other details) that you are a Pro. Good, much better indeed. Because I feel lucky to have the possibility to learn a lot from you. In fact, besides each one's pleasure to show to others each one's tricks, I think that all of us should learn something with others' work. And here comes your work. I found your site and your 20 slideshows. I watched "Island - Les couleurs de la Terre" and "Niger - L'école du désert, école de la vie". Next days I shall watch next 18. Ok, these 2 I watched are true lessons of making slideshows! That's why I am so enthousiastic! Yes. And "you have no right" to not show your slideshows in our PTE Forum. I think it's a must! Really! In detail: "Les couleurs de la Terre" is all of it a perfect harmony. No words to describe the quality of slides (in our Forum there are 2 or 3 members with great slide quality as well). However, the way you build the show is, in my opinion, 100% perfect under all points of view. I can not avoid laughing about usual theories about static slides, pans and zooms, and other great opinions on the subject. This slideshow of yours is a lesson. Paragraph. "L'école du désert, école de la vie"... another lesson! (for sure, I still have 18 more!) Here you clearly show how to change the usual pack of slides (I am sorry to say, but it's true in 99% of the cases) into a very interesting slideshow, with a purpose, with a "story", with great sensitivity, after all, with everything necessary to full fill our own deep interest. And this is different from watching a slideshow as it was a (bad) TV advert. It prooves as well that a little bit of imagination is necessary for each one's creativity, but such imagination can be searched inside us, it's a question of beeing interested to find it and practice. Your idea of making the little girl reading the letter to her mother, which supports all "action", is 100% original and at the same time adds to a better understanding of all problems of the region. Perfect. Your final message, when those 2 faces fade out, is a great moment. So, my best congratulations for all your work. I am sure it will really inspire me in the future. But I really ask you: please, put your slideshows in the Forum, in the right section (New slideshows created), not here in PTE topic. I would ask how many of us watched it...? 2 or 3, so it seams. As it is usual to say in this Forum: "Thank you for sharing". Now I am saying the same, not to be delicate, but because it was really worthwhile. Please, upload all your 20!!! Regards, Jose
Ken, TOO LONG - I understand quite well. MEDIAFIRE - I uploaded as usual. My MediaFire PRO account enables such direct downloads, no infos, no pages.
08:47 1440x1080 (4:3) 57 MB In 1968, Kubrick anticipated an extraordinary 2001 space odissey. I saw it hundred times but… a 33 years anticipation is peanuts! I am now anticipating 992 years, no more no less, in this 8 minutes PTE production of mine, made 2 years ago and now translated into English and uploaded. 3001 – A SPACE TOUR, I must say, is not an odissey but a low-cost 1 day space tour, including a visit to a small village in planet Earth, before next stops in Mars and Jupiter, and back to… who knows? Yes, this is called anticipation! What’s the point? Well, I needed to transmit something about that village and mainly what it means to me, not only to show a pack of photos, out of any personal and time context. Space introduction was used for that. Space occured to me because, in fact, when I revisited that village 2 years ago, I was really shocked, and I felt as I had just landed from another planet some thousand years latter… One more detail: music. It was not easy to choose, as I needed a kind of dramatic tone to express my actual reaction in front of what I was looking at, but at the same time I needed some kind of light tone which would follow my childhood memories of that place. Besides, the music for the space introduction should be adequated, but needed to be coherent with the main one. As usual, comments, opinions, rolleyes, everything is welcome! Jose Windows http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1w83edp3edndbp4 Mac http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?3byoexj4th18pg5
Hi Peter, Thanks for your notes. But I just made a small test in my show: As it is, EXE file is indicated as 180,6 MB. In one slide (train passing by the window) I replaced the Mask Container by an appropriate "transparent" PNG. EXE file size increased to 186,8 MB. In fact, actual "transparent" PNG is 7,27 MB. Before, Mask (JPEG) was 50,6 KB and respective JPEG foreground (windows) was 1,17 MB, so, both, much less than 7,27 MB. Do you mean that these sizes have nothing to do with computer's load , but only the processing of "Mask way" puts more load on computer? Jose
Hi Lin, As usually, everything is cristal clear for me, thanks so much for such detailed and most usefull report on PNG. In the meantime, if you want to remove this subject away from this topic I think it would make sense. One more point about PNG: PNG allows transparency, etc., but it is heavy in size vs JPEG. So, why not using JPEG masks, "traditional" home-made JPEG masks, as I use to do? Homework cutting away what is not to be shown, I think is exactly the same as in PNG, is it not? And size is smaller. May be I am missing something, and I am only thinking in NO animated objects (like your flying eagle, for example), I am only thinking in "my kind of masks", if you understand. In such case, is there any advantage to use PNG instead of "my mask"? Regards, Jose
Hi Lin, I never used PNG in my shows, always JPEG, because I never knew the PNG advantages. But as I can see, may be PNG has some vs JPEG. Is it so? What about quality? So, I think I understood your above comment: a PNG object to be inserted in a show must be framed before applied, is it? And this turns any framing unavailable in PTE, I suppose? What do you mean by "trimming excess transparency"? Where to trim, in PTE (how?) or in previous photo-editing? This trimming, again, makes me believe any framing in PTE is unavailable, trimmed PNG is final. I would thank you for some comments on this subject, if possible. Best regards, Jose
Hello Jean-Cyprien, Only now I watched this slideshow of yours and I must say I became really impressed! For two main reasons: your research/script and your fabulous technic with PTE! I didn't completely follow your texts because my attention was mainly on graphics and animations. So I lost a lot of the story and for sure I will watch it again. I confess that I have no idea at all how you produced a lot of animations, starting by those 3D pictures of fireplace and 12 boxes, probably the easiest ones. And I can't resist to ask how long did you take to make this show? (Please, don't say 1 week, neither 10...!) In conclusion, my sincere congratulations! I can see in your show that you must have an excellent movie background and great experience dealing with all phases of "directing/editing". So, I hope you don't mind if I note that along the show, I missed a "continuity background soundtrack". I mean, some kind of sound (music or whatever) to fill "spaces" between used musics/sounds, and so assuring an audio continuity. For sure you must have had your own reasons, that's what I would like to know. Another point which I am in doubt: I can imagine the complexity of producing the "3D fireplace/12 boxes" scenes and as I said, I have no idea how it is done. Question is: is it possible to produce shadows? I missed them... Beyond a simple PTE slideshow, yours has "soul", visual rithm and purpose, and such qualities are enough to distinguish it among the best. At last, I fully agree with you: "There is a lot more we can do with PTE! We have just to imagine them. PTE'll do it." YES!!! Best regards, Jose
Hi Lin, Your Wide Screen PC 16:9 on my XP SP3 ATI RADEON HD5770 1920x1080 monitor, run clean, smooth... and beautiful! STOP. I only wonder how you did it? STOP. Mountain's shadows are all left to right so... what kind of photo is it? From the moon? I should like to know. STOP. Best regards, Jose. STOP. (Mick: you see? I did it again...! "Twitter style", I'm getting used...)
Hi Maureen, I just removed my post as well. This was the only thing to do after your honest and beautiful attitude which I did appreciate. Best wishes for you, ok? Jose (Mick: another one "Twitter style"... you see? Yes, I can!)
Hi Mick, It's called versatility...! And thanks for your fresh humour, always welcome! Best regards, Jose
Thanks, Xaver, for indicating the above article. I didn't know it, but after reading it all, I think it is a most important "Bible" for all of us. Regards, Jose
Colin, I agree with you, 100%. Regards, Jose
Hi Colin, Still working? Here is 03:54 in the morning... I thought I was the only one "working"...! How is Durban? I've been near, some years ago, Maputo, and also Kruger! Wish you the best luck! Jose
Hi Colin, "You havn't had many replies, do you ever wonder why? / Barry" I'll tell you, Colin: - 00 to 44 replies ..... No good show - 45 to 47 ............. Acceptable - 48 and counting ...... Good / Very good / The best shows on earth It's easy! (sorry, Barry, even considering your "Rain Forest 2" , you missed it by so little...) Ok, I'm just joking... but not so much, anyway... In fact, I myself enjoy to have comments/replies to uploaded projects, and beeing it the first time I am enjoying even more, I think it's natural. Anyhow, when someone doesn't like a project, I'm sure there are more subtle ways to express it, even by saying nothing at all. After reading all 3 pages discussion on that Rain Forest, I must say that I agree with a lot of what Barry says, and I have already expressed it before. Mainly concerning difference between an "A/V SlideShow" and (I can't remember) something like a pack of pictures, or so. And also, for example, the case of that "forbiden" border... Afterall, this actual post is only one more attempt to underline what, in my opinion, should be a future purpose of all my fellow members using this fabulous PTE software, in order to try to make of every simple and single photo collection (beeing it flowers, holidays, family, snow, rain forest or whatever), something with a kind of story, a kind of start-middle-end, something more "deep" than just contemplating without any "thinking over". For sure, increased interest would be added, much more important, again in my opinion, than the photo quality itself. I think that Barry is not right saying that he makes his shows for himself in first place. No. Barry, and all of us, make our shows according to our own taste, let us say, what is different. But, a show, by definition, is to be shown... to others, as I understand. So, it's always necessary to have "the others" in mind, mainly how to keep them "prisoners" of the show, whatever beeing the subject. Last year I made a one week holidays in North Portugal and took some photos. No idea at all, by that time, what to do with them. Some months later my wife asked for such photos and I did show them, one by one, in the computer. "Yes...! Let's have dinner, now" was the only and final "comment". She was right! (once again...) That moment I started thinking what to do with such photos, because I did liked a few. Ok, easy, it will be "Our 2009 Portuguese holidays", a piano soundtrack, and it's done. 6 months later I was upon to finish the project... It's always possible to develop an idea and work on it, that's what I mean. Sorry Colin, for using "your" post (I don't want to increase replies to "mine"... Barry wouldn't like!) Best regards, Jose
Sorry Mick, bad news never come alone... Same with me, concerning Real Madrid, Ronaldo and Mourinho! Regards, Jose
Thanks Nobeefstu, despite this was not the case, my unknown icon was another one. Thanks as well to Lennart. This was the case, and I didn't search in Help before, but there it is indeed. Regards, Jose
No URL. These icons appear allover the index of topics in all PTE Foruns including this same topic "Unknown icon". Jose
For each slideshow project try to put (copy) all slides and soundtrack in same folder as respective PTE file itself. PTE will find them here. Jose