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Everything posted by orizaba
Hi Mick, Ok, I'm happy, I think nobody will blaim me for having encouraged you... Yes, I just saw your actual "LAKELAND 2008-2010" (I didn't see former version) and soon I will see your other published PTE projects. Great, and most enjoyable, mainly because of excellent photo quality and landscape beauty. At this point, I think I wouldn't be honest with you (and myself) if I didn't point out some details... which I would care of if I was the slideshow author. In fact I am not, and I am nobody to allow myself teaching you anything! Anyhow, you asked for comments. So, let me put things this way: in case I was the author, and having such excelent photos of such beautiful landscape: - I would choose another music, it could be classic, ok, but not so sad. After all, nobody was dying, the day was clear and sunny, gras was green and walkers were happy, why the funeral? I would choose a classic piece with a minimum rithm in order to pass a natural dynamic to the show (I saw the show twice to check if with this Bethoven Quartet this could be achieved. Impossible, no rithm at all) - With this Quartet or not, I would always give some movement to each image (pan or zoom). In case of this kind of landscape zooming, never zoom-in, always zoom-out, a big and slow one now and then. - When zooming or panning, unless the start or end are faded, always start or end with zero speed (example: 0% - 100% - 0%, beeing 100% in the midle). - I would make shorter fades in transitions. I think you used 4 and 5 seconds transitions, and due to the almost static images, the "indefinition period" takes a too long time beeing such kind of movement (images are changing) not too much nice. In case images were moving (zooming or panning) long transitions were more acceptable because people were distracted with images movement. - I would try to mix general viewes with details, not only general landscapes. For this, it would be necessary respective photos. In conclusion, I would say that I consider SlideShows as a kind of cinema where images are time-stoped. This does not mean that the full dynamic of cinema should be lost, only treated in a quite specific way. And beeing a SlideShow an audio-visual show (just like cinema) to be seen by people, both audio and visual aspects should try to "imitate" (let us say...) the cinema. In my "Um dia... em Agosto", I could simply show the same landscapes, the same train, etc., with a simple any kind of music in the background. I would be wrong, I would say. On the contrary, I tried to follow "cinema way" and I think it's better like this. Sorry, Mick, I am not quite sure about your acceptance of all this theory of mine, so, I apologize for that. At least, I have been honest! Best regards, Jose
"Um dia... em Agosto" / "One day... in August"
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Hi Bert, Thanks so much for your time and comments. I am happy to see that you enjoyed my show, even if it is 19 minutes long...! I started such project last August 2010 and I only interrupted for 2 weeks till this January 15. So, it took exactly 5 months to build it, working not less than 6 hours/day (or night!) 7 days/week. Conclusion: I am slow...! Starting by a very simple idea for the first sequence of images, I always prepare first the respective soundtrack piece, and this soundtrack will conduct image edition till it ends. Next, new idea and new piece of soundtrack. And another image edition. Etc.. 5 months! Best regards, Jose -
"Um dia... em Agosto" / "One day... in August"
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
You are right, low download speeds is a nightmare! Cable is much better and I didn't think on that detail as I am used to cable. Sorry. Of course, my frame is intended to work on a 16:9 TV set (Blu-ray disc), and (most important) if you play the BD disc on a 16:9 TV set you will see that width is the same all the way round! That's why I had to make it NOT equal, in order to be seen equal. Thanks and best regards, Jose -
"Um dia... em Agosto" / "One day... in August"
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Gary, I must say I am "almost" convinced to accept your resons about PAUSE/PLAY button! In fact, all my thinking is based on a "first preview session", I mean, when a show is seen for the first time. This is the usual situation when we go to the movies, is it not? This is the moment of the first good (or bad) impact of the movie (or show, in our case). In such first preview I would keep away of any control possibility for the reasons I already told. But you are 100% right when you say that I, myself, enjoy "study" and review some parts of a Spielberg film, when I am at home playing a DVD, and so using pause/play/rewind controls. So, beeing not possible to change control availability after first preview, may be you are right, may be common sense advises to include such controls from start, I will think on this again. And thanks for your considerations. And yes, I didn't intend to let the right-mouse button work, it's my fault. Best regards, Jose -
"Um dia... em Agosto" / "One day... in August"
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Hi, Gary, Thanks for your nice comments. I was just waiting for you to see the complete project, in order to "comment" about the "PAUSE/PLAY" suggestion of yours. First, may be after you have seen the complete project, you have not the same opinion... My thinking is that if something is made to be seen without interruptions (just like in a cinema hall) interruptions must not be allowed! After all, when someone goes to cinema, session doesn't pause in any circunstance because of each one's affairs...! Authors, directors, producers and actors would be very much disapointed with such lack of attention and consideration...! I know, of course, that these amateurs' SlideShows are not the same, but I think that same spirit should be practiced, so, no PAUSE/PLAY button! You liked my frame, but such frame is not enjoyed by everyone and I accept that. Anyhow, do you agree with my "justification" as I put it to Mickp and Mary, in my former replies? Regards and thanks again for your lines. Jose -
"Um dia... em Agosto" / "One day... in August"
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Hi, Mary, Thanks very much for your kind words and "report" on my project. It is first time I upload a project to be seen and "judged" by other PTE members, and each comment I receive it is really an excitement! Mainly because I know it is quite an independent judgement made by PTE experts, which adds an extra value and allow to learn more and more. Now, concerning your comments: You are right, may be you missed my inserted phrases in Portuguese, because such words are exactly the introduction/justification of what comes next. Please note that such phrases are over 3 old photos of my youth, and over the train we are riding, and everything is sepia, so, next images "pretend" to be my own memories of my days (in August...) I spent in such vineyards, taking part in vintages, etc.. This way, I don't see any reason to separate the Show in 2 parts. The same concerning next "memories", when train is passing by those green trees, its constant and "sleeping" steam noise, and I start remembering (over the trees passing by) some other moments of those old times. Suddenly... the train stops at TUA station and all action takes a new rithm. Concerning my frame... please see my former reply. Animations a bit slower, too fast to truly appreciate. May be, may be you have some reason... Or not, in my opinion! I had to follow soundtrack music rithm, so instead of "one image per n compasses" I would be obliged do duplicate or triplicate compasses, which fact would result in a too long time. My opinion is that it is always desirable that people wants more, than people be tired and only waiting for the next! In fact, around 2 seconds is time enough to see and appreciate a static picture. The same is not true for a moving picture, but in some cases I have not "picture enough" to pan or zoom. Thanking again for your lines, Jose -
"Um dia... em Agosto" / "One day... in August"
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Hi, Mickp, I am KO (yes, KO!) with your post! Which better promotion could I have for my SlideShow? Thanks for your lines... and advice! In fact, I must say that you rised 2 situations which make me feel "unsecured" in terms of people's way of thinking! First: Why a big project (big running time, big size and big downloading time) is "out of question" for most people, as I already detected in other discussions in this Forum? I think it is not understandable at all, on the contrary, it is a very big mistake! Are people always in a hurry? What is the problem? Second: FRAME! You say "Shame about the frame" Mary (former comment) also disagreed with my frame. And in other discussions in this Forum I already saw that a frame is reason enough to exclude projects in some photo/slideshow competitions. Ok. I can say that I fully respect each one's opinion, but may be each case is a case... And in this particular case of this project of mine, I think I have a "definitive" justification! This project is intended to burn Blu-ray discs and so, to be seen by each one, at home, in TV displays, full surround sound. And here comes the so-called TV Safe Zone, which "eats" part of the image. Each TV set "eats" variable doses of image, not always the same geometry. I really want people see what I want to be seen, not what their TV sets "decide" to show. So, I created such dégradé beije frame, which allows each TV set to "eat" what it wants, without the whole picture be damaged in its proportions/framing. I remember that this problem has already been discussed in this Forum, and solution hasn't yet been found. http://www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11946&view=findpost&p=76806 So this frame of mine was created, beeing beige color choosen because it's quite a neutral color and it agrees with "old memories" spirit of the Show, and dégradé was made exactly with the purpose of allowing a variable "cut" from each TV set. I hope I can go free...! Thanks again for your most welcome comments. Jose -
Please go to "SlideShows created with PTE", it's there (from "orizaba"), ok?
Hi, Thanks God! Thanks for your lines. I was just posting to Davy and I only saw your lines after that. Sorry. PTE can produce excellent, professional quality BDs? I already made my day!!! I only need to know how! Waiting for your kind support and thanking in advance, Jose
Hi, Davy, Thanks for your "support"! This is first time I am thinking on this subject because it's first time I really care about QUALITY of final Blu-ray disc. So, I never thought about PTE VideoBuilder performance as it was good enough for files intended to DVD burning process. However, I would be very much astonished in case Igor (and his PTE team) would accept such TREMENDOUS FAULT! Igor is always working to achieve maximum quality and performance of PTE software, which indeed he gets with a very big success. After this, when we want to burn a Blu-ray disc... everything fails and quality is lost. Not possible! On the other hand, nobody else replied to my post (except you) which makes me think that nobody else, till the present, missed such Blu-ray high quality (IMPOSSIBLE!), or that nobody else knows what to say (IMPOSSIBLE!). It's a strange situation... I know that Igor himself follows this Forum, so I think that if he wants he can give some kind of support. Let us wait. In the meantime, I uploaded my first slideshow project, the one I want to burn in Blu-ray disc. In case you want to see it, it will be easy to detect where missing video bitrate affects Blu-ray disc quality, because such zones are the same where computer performance is most required, sometimes failing to give a smooth image movement. As I said, let us wait. Regards, Jose
Um dia… em Agosto / One day… in August File size 158,08 MB Running time 19:10 Aspect ratio 16:9 Resolution 1920x1080 Intended audience: not only family and friends, I hope… Synopsis: When I steped in that old historic steam train for a short ride along Douro river valley, I couldnt imagine how deep memories of my youth would mark such day… in August. Old images and sounds blending with scens passing by, just like Miguel Torga described in his poem (sorry for somekind of literal translation): That voice (a so happy voice…!) who speaks to me from the past, although I can hardly hear, it seems to me its true… Note: This is a hard project in terms of needed computer performance, thats why a perfect and smooth image is only achieved by means of a Blu-ray disc recording. Sorry! However, I must congratulate and thank Igor and all his WnSoft team for the unique possibility of making this PTE slideshow. I would thank to all my PTE fellows for all criticisms and comments on this first uploaded project of mine. "Um dia... em Agosto" (WINDOWS) http://www.mediafire.com/?if1hb8cw2w3wrw7 "Um dia... em Agosto" (MAC) http://www.mediafire.com/?9bnrkoj43co9la9
Dear Forum Fellows, 1. As far as I can see, this "PTE" Forum is the one people pay greater attention. The "Video Output Forum" seams the poor parent people don't care of... Look to last new Topic post by Powelly, dated Jan 09, zero replies! And this is a subject that I am now urging some kind of help, that's why I am posting here, in the PTE Forum, where replies use to be fast and very helpfull! 2. Eventual replies to Powelly question could help me as well, nobody knows, but my particular point is as follows: 3. Finishing my PTE projects, I mainly have in mind NOT to make EXE files to be seen on computers, but to burn DVDs instead, to offer to my family members and friends. This is what I made in the past, using the PTE built HD MP4 (H.264) file with which I burn DVDs by means of adequate software. I use to make such MP4 files using the BEST QUALITY parameters (video bitrate 16000 kbps, 2 pass) and results are good considering it is a DVD (720x576 resolution). 4. However, I am now entering the HD world and I want to burn BLU-RAY discs. I have already made some with good results, using same MP4 files with same parameters (even reaching the MAXIMUM PTE video bitrate AVAILABLE which is 24000 kbps). As I said, results are not so bad, they are good, but I AM SURE "RESULTS/IMAGE QUALITY" CAN BE MUCH BETTER. 5. The point is that maximum video bitrate 24000 kbps is not enough to assure PERFECT and SMOOTH image in cases like faster pans or sudden slide changes, mainly when "second" slide is moving faster (pan with zoom, for example). I already verified lots of such situations and here results are really bad, image flickers (stop and go). 6. It's not a surprise to verify such errors when seen on computer (it depends of computer performance and mine is not a top one, not so bad anyhow...) but it is really a surprise to see such errors in final BLU-RAY disc. BLU-RAY "runs" video bitrate till a maximum 40000 kbps, so, THE PROBLEM IS IN THE ORIGINAL FILE (the MP4 made at 24000 kbps). 7. In case I am thinking well, it seems to me that I must FIND A BETTER ORIGINAL FILE to be used to burn a BLU-RAY disc. 8. So, which is the very best quality file I can make of my PTE project, no matter the size, no matter the time it takes to build. Which file, which parameters? 9. I already tried to make (in PTE) an AVI custom file 1920x1080 using video codec "x264vfw" (as indicated in Output Video Forum), which seems to create a virtual AVI file (!) but I must say I am completely lost! When configuring this codec parameters I want to use multiple pass option, but how? I tried to make a first pass at 30000 kbps. OK, file is created... at 1536 kbps!!! How is that? Then what? How to make second pass at 35000 kbps, for example? And second/final pass is still a virtual one? How to use in NERO VISION 10 which is my software to burn BLU-RAY discs? It doesn't accept virtual things, only real MP4, AVI, etc.. 10. Please, could someone help me (and Powelly...!) to solve this IMPORTANT problem? After all, I only want to make a BLU-RAY with SAME QUALITY as I get in my computer when I preview PTE project, WITHOUT own errors of my computer. Is this possible? I hope so, as PTE own VERY HIGH IMAGE QUALITY can not be lost when changed to BLU-RAY discs, it would be a very big damage. 11. For sure this post will be moved to Video Output Forum, no problem, but I hope that in the meantime I can get my help (as well as Powelly...) Thanks in advance, Jose
Very, very good, this possibility, as already stated before! Big improvement! Congratulations for the success! When, your BETA version?
Hi, Ken and Xaver, Thanks for your oportune help. I am sorry to say that I almost forgot the existence of other main topics like VIDEO OUTPUT, I am always following PTE main topic, so it's my fault, indeed. I read the threads you both indicated and I found it a very interesting subject, I never thought on this particular point because I am already full happy with PTE image quality as it is. Knowing that it can be even better makes me trust even more in all this magic team of WinSoft and associated Forum. Congratulations to Igor and all of you. I already installed 6.5.7 Beta and I hope to try it soon when bulding my final MP4 file to burn BD disc. Just one more question: Xaver suggested an option, either as it was (non-standard) for PCs, or a new (standard) for TVs (meaning, I suppose, for example, MP4 file for BD burning). Am I right? My question is: does 6.5.7 include such alternative ways, or only the new (standard) way? Because I started the "Create MP4 file process" and I didn't notice any option to choose. Best regards, Jose
Hi, Igor, Allways looking for maximum possible image quality, I allways create my H.264 1920x1080 files (2 pass/16000 kbps bitrate) in order to burn respective BD discs. When you say "Fixed problem with loss of details in lights and shadows in created H.264 video file" I become very enthousiastic because this means "even more quality in final image"! My specific problem (?) is that I never noticed such loss! Is that I will now notice some difference? How did you detect such loss, may I ask? Was it by some laboratory tests, or under certain circunstances only? Regards, Jose
Thanks very much, Peter and Nobeefstu, for all your informations. I understood, everything is clear, now. Yes, I think I got ahead of the game...! Regards, Jose
Hi, Nobeefstu, thanks for your reply. I think I didn't make myself clear, sorry. I upgraded because of Video Builder (2 years validity). So, I received the key for Video Builder, OK. My old Video Builder (part of the PTE DeLuxe version which was installed, v 6.0.4) "ended" 19 DEC 2010. I installed new version 6.5.5 and I expected to be asked to introduce Video Builder key, but this doesn't happen. I attache snapshot from HELP/ABOUT PTE 6.5.5 and you can see that it remains "DeLuxe features: Free upgrades up to December 19, 2010". It should be "December 19, 2012" after introducing the new (bought) key. Problem is that I find no way to introduce the key. In case solution is to uninstall/install PTE 6.5.5, is there any risk of loosing the project I am building? Jose
1. My PTE-DeLuxe expired last 19 Dec. I mean, respective Video Builder free upgrades. 2. Some days before I decided to buy the new Video Builder upgrade (10 Dec). 3. I downloaded and install PTE-DeLuxe 6.5.5 (so, including last VB, I suppose). 4. VB key was e-mailed to me but my VB still indicated "valid till 19 Dec". Ok. 5. Today (21 Dec) I decided to upgrade VB using respective key, but I am astonished because VB is still active and saying "Free upgrades up to Dec 19, 2010". Of course, my "old" VB version will be active for life, but how do I manage to install the new/actual VB version (which I suppose is included in PTE-DeLuxe Upgrade I paid and download)? 6. Please, note, I followed instructions sent with key: If you purchased an Upgrade license key: 1. Run VideoBuilder (Start menu -> All programs -> PicturesToExe Deluxe -> VideoBuilder). 2. The program will ask for the license key. Click "Load a Key" button. 3. Copy the license key above (including both the KEY BEGIN and the KEY END lines) and paste into the window of VideoBuilder. 4. Click "Activate" button. 5. Restart VideoBuilder. Problem is that program does not ask for any license key... because it seams to be the old version. How to upgrade VB? By the way, why VB is not version classified? How can I know which version I have? Thanks for your help. Jose
Dear fellow Marcel Boi, In case this is a comment/reply to my post to Igor (as I suppose), please translate "white spaces things" because I don't get it. By the way, what did you propose? I couldn't find a bit in this thread. Concerning my reaquest to Igor ("inverted mask option")... it's a "must", I would say, and I hope he will include it in next 7.0. Sorry to insist on this... Best regards, Jose PS: I downloaded your "Clarence Diaporama". Congratulations, excellent photos, nice Park, nice music. Was it made with PTE?
Thanks, Igor, for your informations. By the way, please, "don't forget" to include in your next PTE 7.0 version the option "mask inside" / "mask outside", I mean, as discussed before in this forum, the option to mask an object inside the mask, or outside the mask, meaning "invert black and white fields". I think this is a need, and I had already to create my own "inverted" masks in order to get the effect I want, despite loosing the "edge blur" effect which is an important loss. Thanks. Jose
Hi, Igor and all PTE fellows, Next week, 2 years have past since I discovered PTE. As you can see in my profile I always "worked" with film and video, starting with the old 8mm and Super8, than with Sony Betamax and Video8, than with analogic miniDV, and digital DV at last. Family films and short documentaries always were my only job. However, I always took my photos as well. Over 10 thousand slides and some large kilometers of film and video... is my curriculum as a job! The reason why my films and videos always were my big priority (editing and showing) is because I never searched for a slideshow software, I didn't even know they existed, never thought on this. My movie editing software (actually AVID LIQUID 7.2) was more than enough to enjoy my job and give some joy to my family and friends as well. 2 years ago, a friend emailed me a PhotoPress slideshow made with SoundSlides software. I became astonished! I tried it but in 2 days I was very disapointed with its small possibilities. However, that was the big idea, my slides with music, all in a DVD to be played. I searched in the net, I saw PTE, I remember I asked some questions, and - who else? - Lin replied with a long, long post, explaining why PTE was the best I could get and why! I remember I thanked Lin for this... and I don't regret at all. Since than, PTE is my only "image job", I already made some projects, but my "big" PTE projects take me some 8 months to make! Can you believe? Am I slow, or are they complex and very rigorous and detailed projects? If you want my opinion... that's because they are very, very good!!! But, it's only an opinion... I never claimed for any audio in PTE, because I make my soundtracks with my AVID LIQUID 7.2, which is very, very good, almost professional. Concerning video integration in PTE, this is it! I hope to be the first to try, and I hope it will be a success. In this very moment I am in the middle of a "big" project, and video integration would be 100% adequated. Will I wait till 7.0? In the meantime, could Igor reveal some details of such PTE video? For example: - Video files format accepted? - Maximum length, if any? - Maximum video/audio bitrate? - Variable opacity (video over a slide, fade-in/fade-out over slides on the back, etc.)? - Text over video? - Mask effect (video inside a mask)? - Border for video is possible? - Creating a final MP4 HD file of finished project, no problem with such mix (slides/video)? - Etc.. I can't imagine if Igor is open to this, or if it is prudent under a commercial point of view. But I, myself, could go on preparing such video file while I wait... Igor, congratulations for your work, and thank you for all the joy you are giving us! Best regards, Jose
Here it goes, 3 snapshots. Size is 1920x1080. #51 is one of most complex, some 17 items. Here the "Frame Object" method was the right way to assure a fast and correct resizing (zoom 89%) of all of them. All this happens because when I started the project I had no idea at all to finish it in HDTV FULL HD (1920x1080), neither to burn in Blu-ray and play on 16x9 HDTV. So, PTE project itself is made in 1280x720 and all "framing" was designed to 1280x720 Fullscreen. TV safe zone cut would be inacceptable, so I had to create this "border method" applying to different models of TVs. Thanks again and best regards, Jose
Dear fellows, DG and Nobeefstu, THAT'S IT!!! Thanks very much to both of you! I never knew what was that "Frame Object" for. Now I know. Fantastic! It works, 100% well. First, I added to my slide the new Mask Container with border, which indeed reduces the usefull area to 89%. I must let you know that such border is to be seen as well. It is a soft "dégradée" with a very thin line around the usefull area containing images. The purpose of this border is to "make agree" the image (originally made at 1920x1080) with TV sets viewing, due to TV Safe Zone cut. This way, after burning a Blu-ray disc and playing it in different TV sets, 100% of image is always seen, together with part of the "dégradée" border, beeing this border cut because of TV Safe Zone of each different TV set. Am I clear? How can I send you a snapshot with this? How to put it here in the post? So, after, I created the Frame Object and put it in second place. I "copy/paste" all objects below (some 17 objects...!) to the Frame Object. Most part of such objects are Mask Containers. Then, I deleted such original objects. That's when I applied 89% zoom to the Frame Object. Everything "inside" the Frame Object reduced to 89%, as expected. And the "new" image is equal to the original one, 89% smaller due to the border. No problems at all, clean and quick! Thanks again for your help. Jose
Thanks, DaveG, for your suggestion, you are right concerning the use of a PNG file instead of a Mask Container, OK. But even if I use such PNG file method, I still have the necessity of reducing size of everything below, because I don't want to change all the framing of my slides and respective effects, etc.. This necessity is a MUST. And my real problem is how to do it by means of some kind of "insertion" of everything into a unique "something" (a Mask Container, I suppose). Is it possible?
I hope that PTE can do it! Situation is: 1. My project (almost ready) must be "fine tuned" in terms of external picture size. 2. I created an external border which limits the size of picture to be seen. This border is made by means of a Mask Container which is MC#1, which is applied to all slides along the project. 3. To keep all parmeters of each slide, I only have to apply zoom=89,000% to everything below this new MC#1 in order to reduce the size of everything. 4. This method works fine all over the project except when I have complex group of images and effects contained in several existing Mask Containers (MC#3, MC#4, MC#5, etc.). 5. So, for each slide, the ideal solution should be to create a new Mask Container (MC#2), which Mask would be a simple black slide, and whose Objects would be the several existing Mask Containers (MC#3, MC#4, MC#5, etc.). To this new MC#2, a zoom=89,000% would be applied, so, all MC#3, MC#4, MC#5, etc., would be reduced to 89%, keeping all their parameters. 6. So, Is there any method to "insert" all these already made Mask Containers into the new one, MC#2? 7. I already tried the "Additional Mask" way, but in my case I can not use it, because it makes me redo all used parameters in every Mask and Object. Thanking in advance, Jose