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Hi, Thanks for your kind reply. As you can see (my reply to Ron) I could make a BDMV folder! Best regards, Jose
Hi, Ron, Thanks so much for your reply and your offer to send me your tutorials. My e-mail address is: josesa@netcabo.pt In the meantime I can let you know that I bought "NERO VIDEO PREMIUM HD" (v 10.5.10500), (59,49 euro) and I already tried it. Result is 100% GOOD!!! I loaded my MP4 file made in PTE (1920x1080, 16000 kbps, 2-pass) directly into NERO, and there I made respective BDMV folder which I will burn in a BLU-RAY video disc with my IMG BURN ( software. Perfect! The "preparation" of the BDMV folder (in NERO) is very complete and very detailed, and I could choose all necessary parameters in terms of quality, etc.. I even could choose a MENU for my movie (which I did not, beeing only a small test). This way, I think I solved my actual problem, the BEST way possible! However, I should thank you for clearing why you say that BLU-RAY way is complicated. And what can be the differences between BLU-RAY and AVCHD, mainly in terms of final quality. I will be waiting for your tutorials... because my NERO also has the possibility to make AVCHD (despite my IMG BURN does not accept AVCHD to burn BLU-RAY discs. Or is it the case that AVCHD implies another type of disc and burner machine?) Thanking again, Best regards, Jose
Dear Fellows, This is a specific problem of mine, I agree, anyhow... here I go! I have made several PTE slideshows and burnt on normal DVDs. OK. Normal DVDs are 720x576, while my actual slideshow is 1920x1080 (because I am starting with HD world). This way, I bought a cheap BLU-RAY player (home), and a BLU-RAY (computer) recorder. Till now, in order to burn normal DVDs, I use to make: 1. In PTE, CREATE an HD file (MP4 file). 2. Convert MP4 file to AVI file (with TOTAL VIDEO CONVERTER) 3. Get the respective VIDEO_TS FOLDER (with XILISOFT AVI TO DVD CONVERTER) including menu, etc. 4. Burn the image (VIDEO_TS) in DVD, using IMAGE BURNER. Result is perfect and I am very much used to it! (NOTE: The sequence MP4 to AVI is due to the fact that I NEVER succeeded to create an AVI file using PTE itself! It's a mistery, but it is real...!) OK. Now, with HD and BLU-RAY in mind, I intend to do as follows: 1. Create the same MP4 file, using PTE. 2. After this, I want to convert, directly, such MP4 file to a BDAV or BDMV FOLDER (what is the difference?) 3. Burn a BLU-RAY disc with IMAGE BURNER (which can do it from such BDAV or BDMV folder) Questions are: 1. Which software to convert MP4 to BDAV or BDMV folder? 2. Where, and how, to input a MENU? Fellows who are already working with HD and BLU-RAY, how do you make it? Thanks for your help. Regards, Jose
Thanks, Xaver and DG, I got it. And explanations by Lin Evans are very clear as well. Regards.
Under OBJECTS AND ANIMATION, COMMON, there is the option TRANSPARENT TO SELECTION. I would thank you very much for letting me know what is this option for, applied over what, and in which circunstances is it commonly used? In fact, I must be missing something because I couldn't yet discover this mistery...! Thanks.
Mask container INSIDE a mask container
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in Suggestions for Next Versions
Yes, the right word is in fact "possibility to invert" actual PTE masks. So, in order that this can reach PTE authors, I suggest that a PTE Forum Moderator moves this topic to "Suggestions", ok? Thanks. Jose -
Mask container INSIDE a mask container
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in Suggestions for Next Versions
Hi, Peter and DG Thanks for your help, I have solved my problem using 2 "normal" mask containers one below the other. But... I had to build myself a rectangular mask just like the PTE standard one, but a "negative" one, I mean, white borders, black center. And I could not use round corners because my software is ARCSOFT PHOTO STUDIO (not Photoshop)and I it is not possible to create the "dégradée" in round corners. This rises me a question: could PTE introduce in one next update, "negative" standard masks (round and rectangular), just like the actual normal ones? I think that it should be a big improvement, don't you think? Thanks again and regards, Jose -
Dear fellows PTE experts, I must use a masked object inside (or "over", or "above"...) another masked object. I am using PTE 6.0.4. My situation is: 1. First masked object: a window of a train, and through the window we see a moving landscape. The mask is a white window, the object is the window itself, the landscape is placed under the mask container. Ok, everything runs ok. 2. But... all this is like a dream... or a vision...! So, I want to put all this INSIDE (or "above"...) clouds moving around! 3. If my first masked object was only a simple object, I would put it in a mask container, which mask could be the PTE rectangular mask with some 80% width of blur. Under this I would put my moving clouds. Result would run ok, the object surrounded by moving clouds. 4. Problem is that my object is already a masked object, and it is not possible to put it inside a mask container. 5. How to overpass such situation in order to get the requested result? Thanks for your kind help. Regards, José
How to make a DVD to play on television with PTE 6
orizaba replied to rick235's topic in General Discussion
Hi, I work with PTE 6.0.4 and recently I started making DVDs of some of my PTE slideshows. I found myself with a problem to solve, which concerns the so-called TV Safe Zone. I don't know if you have this same problem (when burning DVD, part of the picture, the borders, disapear, because of such TV property). Anyhow, although I have no idea why you are not having success playing your DVDs, I only can let you know that I never use PTE burning process, instead, I prepare a VIDEO_TS folder and burn it using IMG BURN software (free, although the best!). In case you are interested on TV Safe Zone problem and all my usual process to make PTE DVDs, please see www.picturestoexe.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=11946 mainly my last post of this discussion, dated 02 June. Hope this helps. Regards, Jose -
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in General Discussion
Hi Ken, Thanks for your suggestion and explanations. In fact, I myself was not too much enthousiastic trying to decompile a PTE test file in a near future, as I was convinced that it would be a hard task for experts only. Anyhow, after your comments on the subject, I will not waste my time with this anymore! Thanks. Have you already tested my "method" to burn a DVD? By the way: I can see from your profile (and present explanations) that you are an expert in programming. Would you care to give me some help trying to solve a "problem"? It has nothing to do with PTE, so I think this is not the right place to discuss. My problem is related to "preparing/programming a SDK software". I already asked for help to all possible instances but nobody seams to be interested...! In case you may be available to give me your kind support, my e-mail is: josesa@netcabo.pt Thanks. Best regards, Jose -
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in General Discussion
Hi Lin, Again, thanks for your reply. I understood, and I had a look on the BOOMERANG link. It seams a complex process to me... Anyway, one of these days I will make a short testing PTE project "prepared" to allow decompilation, and I will try to use BOOMERANG on its EXE file, just to see what happens...! I will let you know the result. Best regards, Jose -
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in General Discussion
Hi Lin and Peter, Thanks very much for your help, mainly to Lin's explanations and quick reply. Anyhow, I have some good news! I just discovered my "lost" PTE files in an old external hard drive which I have already forgotten! I am the luckiest guy of the world! However, I would profit to clear some details with Lin. When you say that a "decompiler" can be used for this kind of problem, would you please indicate one or two of this kind of programs? Another point: why do you say that a decompiler can recover images, mp3, etc., but NOT the "instructions" included in PTE file? In these circunstances, what kind of decompiler is this? Am I missing something? Thanks again and best regards, Jose -
Dear Fellows, The title says it all! I lost all my PTE project! I mean: slides, music and "pte" (project) file. Everything! Not only 1 project, but 3 projects. I must admit that this is not too much serious because I kept respective "exe" files and so I can see and show these projects. Anyhow, I should like now to burn DVDs with such projects and, according to my method, I must start from respective "pte" (project) files in order to create respective HD MP4 files, etc., etc.. This way, my main goal is to get back respective original "pte" (project) files. Is there any "miracle" to perform in such circunstances? Thanks for some help. Jose
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in General Discussion
UPDATE TO "MY METHOD" (item 06, above) Dear Fellows, In the past few days I have been working hard on this subject, because, in fact, I have my problem to solve. My big PTE project is almost ready (27 min, more than 200 slides) and I must "prepare" it to be burnt on DVD, without "loosing" the borders when shown on TV sets (either old 4:3 TV sets, or up-to-date LCD-LED HD TV displays), and also to "transform" it from its original 5:4 aspect into TV standard 4:3 aspect. Besides, I am focused to get the best visual quality possible. I pointed above this method, which envolves 3 programs: TOTAL VIDEO CONVERTER, FIT CD and FAVC. Such method works well in terms of creating the so-called TV SAFE BORDER and also in terms of "transforming" my 5:4 PTE project into a standard 4:3 format, without creating any kind of distortion. However, latter on, I discovered another way to get the exact same results, I would say, even better results. This is how: First of all, PTE can produce an AVI file or a MP4 file. I find that the MP4 file is of much better quality than AVI file (even when using best codecs and highest video bitrates). So I use the PTE produced MP4 file, and for this I use: * same picture size as used in PTE project itself (in my case: 1280x1024 which means a 5:4 format) * 2 passes * Video bitrate: 16.000 kbps * Audio: 320 / 48.000 / Stereo (the best possible values) I get my MP4 file (1280x1024, 5:4) I load this file in TOTAL VIDEO CONVERTER to convert it into an AVI file, still 5:4 format, but already surrounded by the necessary TV SAFE BORDER, which left/right and top/bottom values can be fixed by me. TVC calls "PADs" to this TV SAFE BORDER. I use 32/32 and 24/24 for left/right and top/bottom. In TVC, I also fix: * AVI codec: XVID AVI HIGH QUALITY * In advanced video settings: * Bitrate 16.000 kbps * 720x576 (5:4 format) * 4:3 (despite fixing 4:3, AVI file comes out in 5:4 format. OK!) * Enable PAD (32/32/24/24) and choose PAD colour (black, in my case) * At last, I save this profile for future use. And so, we get an AVI file (still 5:4) with maximum possible quality and TV SAFE BORDER included. We now use "XILISOFT DIVX TO DVD CONVERTER" Version 6.0.7 (22,34 Euro). This software converts the AVI file into a DVD file (VIDEO_TS folder), 4:3 format, ready to burn on DVD. We fix: * Video bitrate: 9 Mbps (highest video quality) * TV standard: PAL * Resize method: LETTERBOX * Video aspect ratio: 4:3 * Audio bitrate: 448 kbps (highest audio quality) In this XILISOFT software, we can even choose a MENU template, and introduce movie or image in this MENU, as well as background picture or colour. And we get the above mentioned VIDEO_TS folder ready to burn a DVD I use IMG BURN for this purpose. I put the DVD in my home SONY DVD PLAYER and I see my PTE project in my big 16:9 SONY PLASMA. Result is amazing! Image is very, very good, colours do not superimpose at all, picture resolution is excellent, we do not notice tha black PADs at all. This result is in fact much better than using FIT CD and FAVC, as explained before. I remamber that all this discussion started last 17th May, when member APLman started a new discussion "Slideshow for both PC and DVD". In the meantime, this topic was moved to "IDEAS AND SUGGESTIONS". However, while we wait for a PTE UPDATE to solve this subject by itself, I would reccomend the procedure above as a very, very good solution. I would appreciate to hear your comments on this, and have feedback of your own results. Regards, Jose -
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in General Discussion
Hi Dom, Yes, I agree with you, this is a matter of "ideas and suggestions" for a next PTE version. But, in the meantime, I would like that the above discussion on this same matter, started by myself, could go on here, because it is possible that some of our member fellows have better ideas to solve this problem outside PTE, just as I am trying to do now. I admit as well that may be this discussion of ours can help WINSOFT to develop his project the sooner the better! Regards, Jose -
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in General Discussion
Hi Ron, Of course, I would be much interested to see your tutorial on how to "transform" a PTE project to be seen on TV sets. My email is "josesa@netcabo.pt". Thanks very much. Yes, this time I am building a PTE project to be seen on TV sets (playing a DVD) in 4:3 format. It is a "family show" including very old photos. But such project will be posted as well in my private family blog. This is the reason why the same project must be used, despite it must be easily "transformed" for TV use. Besides, I am building it in 1280x1024 (5:4) format, so, this point must be considered for TV show (4:3) with no distortion. The format I choose each time I build a PTE project depends on the subject and kind of slides I use. Widescreen is fine for a lot of things, but an intimate family "old" story with old photos requiring lots of close-ups demands a 4:3 format. That is why! Thanks again, and best regards, Jose -
orizaba replied to orizaba's topic in General Discussion
Hi Lin, You are right, 100% right, I would like to create a stand alone AVI file at once, in order to NOT make this first convertion (MP4 to AVI). But the fact is that I always have some kind of problem (not ERROR), the most usual beeing the converting process stops after first pass and second pass does not take place (using DivX 6.9.2 codec). Why do I want to use DivX 6.9.2 codec? Well, when we ask PTE to create an AVI file, we must choose an Audio codec and a Video codec. Concerning Audio, I always choose "No compression (PCM) - 44,100/16/Stereo". Concerning Video, we must choose among 21 codecs! My first choice would be "Full Frames (uncompressed)", as I think that this would assure a lossless conversion and a maximum of quality (no problem about file size). But this kind of AVI file is not accepted (who knows why?) by FIT CD. So, next I must choose among other 20 codecs, and DivX is my choice. Version 6.9.2 is its last update. Next, I must configure. I use "Home Theatre Profile", Encoding preset #10 (maximum quality). Next, I fix Rate control: Multipass, 1st pass at 4850 kbps (is the maximum accepted) Multipass, Nth pass at 4850 kbps (") In Video Tab, I keep Square Pixels in Format in/Format out. In Advanced Tab, I indicate a folder for Temporary files. OK. When 1st pass ends, all process stops and the created AVI file only has audio, no video at all. I wonder why process do not ask for second pass and third pass, etc.? This is my problem. Do you have some suggestion? Or is it the case that I can use some other process in order to keep original PTE excellent picture quality? Thanks, Jose -
Dear Fellows, 01. Last 17th May, member APLman started a new discussion "Slideshow for both PC and DVD" which, unfortunatelly, didn't get much enthousiasm. Neverthless, I think this subject is of upmost interest. 02. Speaking for myself, when I build a PTE project, it is intended for 2 purposes: * show it in people's computers or load it in a web page or blog; * burn a DVD and play it on common TV sets. 03. Problem is: the same PTE project can not be used in PERFECT CONDITIONS in both cases. Why? Because the DVD to be played on TV sets must be prepared starting with a PTE project containing the so-called TV SAFE BORDER, and even the starting format of slides (if different from standard 4:3 or 16:9) must be resized to one of such standard formats. In fact, if we burn the DVD without TV SAFE BORDER, a part of the image can not be seen in TV sets, I mean, the borders of the picture. On the other hand, if PTE format is, for example, 5:4 (1280x1024), we will see a "fat" image on TV sets. At last: I can not agree with the idea that an original PTE project should be built including TV SAFE BORDER, expecting that such border is acceptable when seen on computers or web pages. This is why I state that a same PTE project can not be used for both purposes. It would be necessary to prepare 2 different PTE projects, I mean, starting with a first one prepared for computers, and then, change whatever necessary to burn a DVD to be played on TV sets, I mean, introducing a TV SAFE BORDER, slide by slide (possibly changing all necessary parameters, annimations, etc.), and resizing (if necessary) to a standard 4:3 or 16:9 format (again, changing, slide by slide, all necessary parameters in order to get an adequate framing. Of course, we all agree that this can not be the correct approach to the solution. So what? 04. PTE and Igor never spoke on this subject, but I can imagine that some day PTE will assume a kind of solution. Which I think is very much necessary and urgent. In the meantime, I tried a method which I am now submiting to all of my fellow members. I would like to have your comments on it, and even your suggestions for a better idea trying to get a better final QUALITY of the show. QUALITY in terms of high definition of image, smooth moves, etc.. 05. So, PTE can create an AVI file, or an HD file for WINDOWS (MP4). By the way, I must say that I never could get an AVI file using DivX 6.9.2 codec, process does not work for me! This way, I always create a MP4 (h.264) file. 06. For DVD burning purposes, let us go to "my method": * I use TOTAL VIDEO CONVERTER 3.5.9 to convert MP4 into AVI. I use "DivX50HQ - PCM s32Le" codec. I get my AVI file. * I use FIT CD 1.2.8 to resize my 5:4 project/AVI file into 4:3, and also to create a TV SAFE BORDER (which I define as 2x32 (left/right) and 2x24 (top/bottom)). All this in only one take! FIT CD produces a so-called "AVISYNTH SCRIPT" 07. Next, I use FAVC 1.07. I load such AVISYNTH SCRIPT into FAVC, and I get an ISO file ready to be burnt on a DVD. Such ISO file is now 4:3 (no distortion at all) and have TV SAFE BORDER. My entire (100%) picture is there, ready to be seen on 4:3 TV sets, not "cropped" and not distorted. If we want, FAVC includes a DVD burning software (IMG BURN 2.5.1) which can be used at once. 08. All these softwares are FREE except TOTAL VIDEO CONVERTER (US$40,00). And that is it! Regards, Jose
Hi Ken, Thanks for your suggestion! "An optional user-defined TV-Safe border zone around the image should be provided by the software at the time of generating the mpg file". No more, no less! This should be the solution! I would add that this has been my problem as well, and I am solving it by means of using my movie-editing software "AVID LIQUID 7.2". I load my PTE AVI file into my AVID LIQUID program, and I zoom it out 15%, this way creating the so called TV-Safe border zone around the image, in order to burn the DVD. It works, but I "think" it looses some quality. I think as well that this kind of solution is not so complicated to introduce into PTE software (I just think, but Igor will know exactly...). I am now finishing a big PTE project (more than 200 slides, 27 minutes, much complicated in terms of objects and animations) and I will burn a DVD. I would wish Igor could introduce "PTE solution" at once, by means of an UPDATE to actual version 6.0.4. At least, I would like Igor to reply to this request! Regards, Jose
Hi Brian, OK, I've got it! Thanks. I already suspected that such comparison was only "a way of saying", like you detailed, just to "judge" about "quality" of project development. OK. At last: this "PEN method" of yours is really a good method to work on multiple computers as it is our case, and it is not complicated at all. Besides, it avoids the necessity of Backup/Restore operations, which, ironically, was the starting problem of all this discussion. Life is full of surprises...! Thanks again for your time. Regards, Jose
Hi Brian, Sorry to interrupt your discussion about "interpretations..." In the meantime I am already working (in my main computer at home) following your above indications and I think I've got it OK! I am using a PEN as external HD. I already solved problem of BACKUPs. Only a question: what do you mean by "Compare the 'Old-Folder Test-IV' against the 'New SD-Folder Test-V'"? What kind of comparison? Just look at both or what? Because, after working on PEN during weekend, and after going on working on PEN at home, you say to delete old folder (at home) and load new folder (from PEN) in the main computer at home. After this "replacement" I can go again to weekend with my PEN. So, what for, such comparison? Anyway, how? Sorry to take some more of your time and thanks. Jose
Hi Ken, Thanks to your comments specially "dedicated" to me, who knows why, because I agree with you 100% and I never would think working with hidden extensions. What could make you think that my problems have something to do with hidden files or "annonimous" - DAT - files? The theory of calling PTE a DAT file is from Brian and he has, for sure, his reasons, but I always called PTE file. Thanks and regards, Jose
Hi Ken, I only wish to joke a little bit with your statement "...problems Jose is having understanding things..." Because, may I note, Jose understood "Dat file = PTE file" before you, Ken (as per my reply to Brian dated yesterday 11:44 PM)! Of course, I am only joking, as I know that you only wished to help me! Again, thanks to you, and all of you who are always available to help PTE juniors like myself (by the way, 69 years old...!) Jose
Hi Brian, I hope not to trouble you anymore as I understand that you are really professional on your replies and this takes a lot of your time in my own profit! Thanks, once more. Your explanations on PENs' speed is... a real Wikipedia! I had no idea, neither thought on that before! We are always learning. At last, this "humor" about PTE tending to remember the last folder used... left me amazed! But this, in fact, may clarify all my starting problem. I perfectly understood all 4 solutions and I will try them soon. Thanks very much for all your time and best regards, Jose
Hi Brian, You just presented a new way of working with multiple computers! I must test it at home, next monday, and also check if working with a PEN does not turns speed very low... Thanks for all. In the meantime I would like to know your comments on my starting point: backup impossible. In fact, as per my last 2 replies to you, I can not understand what did run bad, and I should like to understand, because this is another method of getting GOOD backups of UPDATED PTE files, is it so? Please, kindly try to spend some more time with this trouble of mine, OK? Regards, Jose