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Hi Brian (again), Please, let me add something important, to my former reply to you, moments ago. Here, in my weekend home, I have PTE and older versions of this actual project of mine I am now building. That's the reason why I wanted to make backups to go on working when I move from one computer to the other. So, actual situation here is as follows: * PTE files (several versions of project) are in folder "109" * Slides JPEG are in folder 101A. I checked and I see that no DAT file (PTE file, I assume) is in folder "101A". This PTE file is in folder "109". In my other computer (where the problem exists), following XAVIER indications, I copied all JPEG slides to a new folder "101B" and I also copied to "101B" the more recent PTE file. I think that this corresponds to your copy/paste of everything (slides and DAT file) to the new folder. I remember that, today, when I made this attempt, old folder "101A" was not deleted. And this is a difference to your recomendations! When I double clicked PTE file (from "101B") an older project version appeared and updated version was gone. So, my mistake was NOT DELETE the old folder "101A"? What about PTE file still remains on a separate folder, and have to copy/paste it for "slides' folder", is this a difference? I hope I made myself understood... Regards, Jose
Hi Brian, First of all, thanks very much for your help and good will! If I am offended? Of course not, and I appreciated the way you put things, you are 100% right. I will try, in the future, to follow your advices on "short names" and "direct folders", despite I already knew this criteria... only I didn't follow it! On your 3 pictures (what a nice work!) I only can say that they are perfectly clear. But... Don't you think that this was exactly what I did before (as explained in my last reply to Xavier)? The point is that I moved to my weekend home, so I can't repeat the process now, only next monday night. In the meantime, please kindly review my exact explanation to Xavier and please check where I made some mistake. Because the result has been to replace an updated version by an older version of project, resulting the lost of updated version. With big luck I recovered it from MediaFire but I could have lost it forever...! Thanks once more, Jose
Hi Xavier, Thanks for your help. However, may be I made some mistake, but I almost lost my project!!! I explain: * Yesterday night (23:00) I saved my project after working on it. * Today I worked on it (big advance) and I saved it as usual (15:00). This was the version I uploaded to MediaFire. * As told before, I created folder 101B with all my JPEG slides. * According to your instructions, I put a copy of my PTE file (15:00 version) in folder 101B, together with JPEG slides. * I opened such PTE file from 101B folder. * When I run it... it was version from last night (23:00), so, very much incomplete. * I looked for "original" last version (today 15:00) but it did not exist, it has been replaced by old version 23:00. * I made WINDOWS SEARCH: no updated version (15:00) at all! * But, after all, I was very lucky: updated version (15:00) was in MediaFire, and I could download it and put it in its original folder. * I tried to run this PTE file and everything is OK and updated as version 15:00. What have I missed? By the way, how do you explain your theory? By what reason, putting PTE file in same folder as respective JPEG files, do change paths of slides? And what could have happened causing one PTE file been replaced by another one? Hope to hear from you. Regards, Jose
Hi Lin, As told before, I just uploaded my PTE file (link is in my last post). In the meantime, I made some tests: I copied all JPEG slides in my "real" folder 101A (slides which are really used by my project) to a new "real" folder 101B. I deleted all of them from 101A. When I opened my PTE project, he couldn't find any slide, as expected. So, I replaced first slide (path passing by the "virtual" folder 109) by the same slide located in new folder 101B. Problem of "virtual" path disapeared, as expected. This way, if I follow this procedure for all slides, I solve the problem, all slides of project will have a true path and backup will be possible. However, it will be impossible and inconvenient to replace all my actual 147 slides, one by one, using this process, beeing highly dangerous to make some mistake. Question is: is there any "automatic" way to replace all slides at a time, just saying that all of them are now located in folder 101B? This should be great...! I can add that my purpose is going on building my project in my 2 computers (one at home, the other in weekend home), so, several backups and restores taking place. Both computers are desktop, XP SP3. Please, don't say this is not possible! I hope to hear from you and thank you in advance. Jose
Hi Fellows, Thanks for your suggestion on MediaFire. Ok, I just uploaded my PTE file, according to Lin's indication 2 days ago, and I hope that I can get some help on how to solve this problem of "same file name under 2 different folders" (for backup purposes), beeing one of such folders a "virtual" folder because, in fact, it doesn't exist in my drive now. Link is: http://www.mediafire.com/?vw2zmoqn4zw Thanks, Jose
Sorry to insist, but I think that my PTE file did not upload as it is 2,20 MB and system only permits 2,00 MB. How can I post this file, as Lin suggested, to get some help? Thanks, Jose
Hi Lin, Thanks very much, once again, for your help. Thanks, as well, to Ken Cox, for his suggestion about NOTE PAD. In fact, despite I am not at all familiar with DOS, I copied my PTE file to another location and I opened it with NOTE PAD. Amazing!!! Everything is there! I verified that I have LOTS of slides (jpg files) under the so called "E:\01. PTE\109.PTEs\..\101A. Slides JPEG" folder. Point is that this "101A" folder ONLY exists as a direct subfolder of "01.PTE" folder, not as a sufolder of "109.PTEs" folder (which only contains PTE files). I think that this problem may have a reason: I built 90% of my project in one computer. After, I made a backup and I restored the project to my actual computer (both on WINDOWS XP SP3). I am now finishing the project in this actual computer. May be (I can not remember at all...) in my old computer I had folder "101A" as a subfolder of "109", and after backup and restore I changed folder "101A" to a direct subfolder of "01. PTE" main folder (so, avoiding folder "109"). May be... During the finishing process of my project, I have replaced some of my already used slides, so, this may be the reason why the same silde appears now under 2 different paths, despite ALL are in same folder ("101A"). I could send you, Lin, my PTE file, but it is 2,20 MB and we are only allowed to attach 2,00 MB. How can I solve this? Thanks and regards, Jose
Hi Lin, Thanks very much for your help. Please, kindly detail what do you mean by "Open the PTE file with an editor". Which editor? In fact, I don't know how to. In the mean time, I wish to underline that I made SEARCH, and (as expected...) Windows only found 1 jpg file with this name, which is located in the right (and only) folder. In fact, the strange thing for me is that there are NOT 2 folders (with same name) under 2 different tree branches. How can PTE inform this? Regards, Jose
Dear fellows, 1. This is a new and unexpected problem for me, as I already made lots of backups of my projects and this never happen. I am using PTE 6.0.2. 2. When I click BACKUP a message/information comes: "Project contains 2 or more files with the same names, but located in different folders. Please use unique file names for every file if you want to create template or backup." 3. It follows the case: * E:\PTE\109-PTEs\...\101-Slides JPEG\02xa-Background.jpg * E:\PTE\101-Slides JPEG\02xa-Backgound.jpg 4. So, the file in question is "02xa-Background.jpg" and message says that it is inside 2 different folders. This is false. It is only inside folder "101-Slides JPEG". However, it is false as weel that, in first case, this folder exists. In this first case, folder "101-Slides JPEG" does not exist! I mean, it is only "E:\PTE\109-PTEs\PTE files". Folder "109-PTEs" only contains PTE files (several versions of project I am bulding). How can this be explained? And how can I solve this problem because at the present I am not able to make a BACKUP? Thanks for your help. Jose
Hi Yachtman, Thanks very much for your help. Here in Lisbon it's hard to find 4:3 monitors on shops, only 16:9, and I am almost decided to adopt 16:9 because I think I will have no distortion problems as I explained to Peter. Thanks for your list. I am thinking to choose a 24'' monitor, if possible a LED one. Best regards, Jose
Hi DG, Yes, I agree. Please read my reply to Peter, where I explain what I think was the problem. Thanks very much, Jose
Hi Peter, Thanks very much. I can say that your paragraphs 2 and 3 are 100% correct. I do exactly as you say. I agree 100% with your paragraph 4: "... there should be no distortion." Concerning this point, my doubts arrised because I got distortion when testing a wide monitor at the shop (as I told you before). But... I spent all night trying to clarify this in the internet and I think I can conclude that this problem occured in the shop because the computer (and monitor) were not correctly installed. I mean: may be the the monitor was not correctly installed (drivers on monitor CD installation were not installed) and this is reason enough, I think, to get distortions, even if we put monitor in its maximum (and optimized) resolution. I understand that such monitor drivers MUST be installed. In case they are, common resolutions (monitor and graphic card resolutions) will show, and among them we must choose the recomended (optimized) one for the monitor (which uses to be the maximum one). If this happens, ANY picture we pass to monitor should automaticaly present no distortion at all (even in case of interpolation in order to fullfil one of monitor's dimensions. So, I think that this was the problem in the shop, don't you think so? In conclusion, I think that I can buy any WIDE MONITOR (either 16:9 or 16:10), install it correctly, and hope that I will get no distortions at all whatever is the picture's resolution I present, is this so? Jose
Dear Fellows, Once more, I am asking for your explanations and best advice. I must say I am a bit confused and upset! 1. I am changing my "second" computer to a new one which will include graphic card "Connect3D ATI HD5770 1 GB". It will use XP PRO SP3. 2. My actual problem is to choose the monitor because: a) The "old" monitor of my "old" second computer is a "square" "HP L1706" which delivers several resolutions. I always use the maximum which is 1280x1024 and this is the resolution I also use in my PTE projects, so I get a "native" full screen picture. OK. Trying to choose a new monitor I only find WIDE MONITORS. "Square" monitors are not built any more, it is said. So, I was thinking in SAMSUNG 2433BW said to have 1920x1200 max. I couldn't see it yet, but testing another wide model, and opening my blog on it, my big surprise was to see all my videos and PTE projects completly distorted, I mean, "fat" or "slim", I can't remember. Trying to adopt other existing resolutions, even "my" 1280x1024, none of them could give an undistorted image. c) My big concern is: is it the case that I (and all my blog viewers using wide monitors) will not be able any more to look at decent undistorted images? Even in case I state that blog is optimized for 1280x1024 resolution? Is this possible? I can not believe! 3. I also saw catalogue of a monitor "LG W2486L-PF" (TFT LED type, much better, it is said) which informs to be able to deliver 4:3 images, showing two side black strips. OK. But my projects are not 4:3, they are 5:4. What will it happen in case I use monitor 4:3 mode? I doubt if I get an undistorted image because choice of resolution falls in my above point 2 doubts. Would you please give me some help trying to clarify all this mess for me, and even give me your advice for a "civilized" monitor? Thanks and best regards, Jose
To Igor and all above fellows, Thanks for all your cooperation. Indeed, I already decided and my new computer will go on working with XP PRO SP3 and this way I will not run any risk. But... the main reason why I decided so is because I use computers mainly (99%) for video editing and PTE, and both programs run 100% OK with XP and I do not wish more speed, both run very fast with XP, depending, of course, of kind of hardware components used. I always "design" my computers, choose hardware and only order the assemble, so, in present case, I am sure results will be good as well. By the way, concerning "audio" improvements of next PTE version anounced by Igor, I must say that NOTHING will replace with advantage my video editing software (PINNACLE LIQUID 6.10 PRO, six years old...!) which I use to prepare and edit the PTE audio files. It allows to mix and edit up to .99 audio tracks, all kind of audio files, real time audio effects, etc., etc., and it is very much precise and rigorous. Of course, I only am using it because I already have it for video editing as well, which may not be the case of most of PTE users. Regards, Jose
Dear Fellows, I am about to order a new computer to go on editing my videos and making my PTE slideshows. My main one, at present, is more than 5 years old (Pentium4 - 3,6 GHz - Windows XP PRO). All my "advisors" insist that I should go to WINDOWS 7 (Home Premium) which will work well with my video editing software. Concerning PTE projects I am very much afraid to get in big trouble as I can see all problems with W7 everyday posted in PTE Forum, and I saw as well Igor's reply dated 31 Dec 2009 saying that problems were not fully solved at present and he could not fix a date to do so. And this is not a nice thing to hear...! I must say that I am a full suporter of PTE and I don't intend to change because I don't know any better software. PTE is an amazing one, as I already said in previous mails, I am 100% happy with it! This way, I can hardly understand why PTE is not yet fully adapted to W7 and this upsets me a lot. Please, let me know your advice: will I use W7 (and all its big advances - new hardware philosophy, etc. etc.) or will I be obliged to continue with my XP, only because of PTE? Thanks and regards, Jose
Sorry, I am very sorry for this trouble! It's 5 AM... and I should be in bed! I was looking to slide view. When I changed to timeline view... the icon was there... as usual! Sorry, thanks and good morning! Jose
Dear fellows, Something strange just happened! I made a backupZIP of my project from my main computer and when I opened it in my second computer everything was OK, projects runs, audio is OK, but I am not able to see the audio waveform because respective icon to "open" it does not show, no icon at all, anywhere! I must say that in my main computer this icon was showing and I used it very often. In my both computers I am using version 6.0.1 de luxe. What could cause this and how to solve the situation? Thanks in advance for your help. Jose
Audiences prefer bells and whistles
orizaba replied to trailertrash's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Hi Andrew, I understand your surprise and disapointment! Just one year ago I got the same when presenting a short movie to a contest, I just had to smile when results were announced, but... this is life! Anyhow, I got curious about your "Aushwitz project". Is it possible to see it and have my own opinion? Best regards, Jose -
Dear Fellows, I am having some problems related to creating an HD VIDEO (MP4). Anyhow, I don't think it is a problem of PTE, but some problem with my computer, so I hope! In the meantime, there is something I would like to know in order to help me "think" in my problem. The point is: 1. When creating an HD VIDEO (MP4), option CUSTOM PRESETS, in VIDEO PARAMETERS we have several MODES. 2. Using ONE PASS - QUALITY, we can choose QUALITY from 0 to 100. 3. First question: To which parameters correspond such quality numbers, in terms of video bitrate or whatever? 4. In case we use TWO PASSES - BITRATE, we are asked to fix a video bitrate. Ok. 5. Considering that TWO PASSES MODE produces better results than ONE PASS MODE because second pass "corrects" first pass "errors", which bitrate should we fix in order that final result can be compared with ONE PASS MODE? That's why I think we should know which bitrate is "secretly" adopted in ONE PASS MODE. Thanks for your comments on this. Regards, Jose
Hi Peter. Laszlo and Brian, Thanks very much for your help. In fact, I should have already informed that I "discovered" how to solve this problem, some hours after I post my message. I discovered the reply I needed in this same forum some weeks ago: just "unzip all" (right click) in a sole folder in my actual (second) computer, and that's it! Anyhow, thanks for your kind cooperation! Regards, Jose
Dear Fellows, A Happy New 2010 with lots of PTE SlideShows! Sorry for my ignorance, as I think I should know how to deal with this problem... but I don't! I just moved from my usual computer where I am building a long project. I made a "SAVE ZIP". In such computer all my used slides are in Hard Disk "I", so, path is something like "I:\34.\Picture 00356.jpg" (34 beeing the folder). In my actual computer I only have a "C" hard drive. I installed PTE software and I unziped the "SAVE ZIP" I made. Clicking on "PTE file" (which is mixed with all pictures and sound files) I can open my project, but all pictures (and sound) files appear with message "NOT FOUND" because, obviously, path does not correspond to nothing (I have no Hard drive "I"). I can say that I made a copy of the complete folder where I had the pictures (I:\34.) in my other computer. I think that I could try to change path of each slide, one by one. As I have more than 150 slides, I think there is a more convenient way to do this, all of them at the same time. How to? Can somebody give me some help? Thanks very much. Jose
Hi Lin, That's it, thanks very much. I'm gratefull for all your comments and advices. I will use all of them, thanks again. Best regards, Jose
Thanks very much Lin, once again your reply was very fast and helpful! Please, kindly give me some more of your time. I can see that I made a big mistake! My idea using 5:4 was to see my monitor "full" (no black strips) because I don't like at all to see such black strips when looking at my project when making it. And my monitor is 5:4 (1280x1024). Ok, it is done! When I start thinking on making a DVD, I was curious to see how it would play in a normal TV set. At this point, I made a small trial and I could conclude: 1. In my 16:9 plasma, puting it at 4:3, image was good (not distorted) but the so called TV safe zone disapeared and my borders and subtitles disapeared. 2. In my normal and old TV set (4:3) exactly the same thing. So, my problem is not at all "distorted images" but only "TV safe zone" disapeared. This way, please confirm: NOT considering the safe zone problem, 5:4 aspect is not a problem in terms of showing slideshow in any TV set, beeing it 16:9 HD or old 4:3, because it is always possible (I think...) to set it for 4:3 and image does not get distorted although it gets black strips. Is this so? In case the above is correct, only problem is TV safe zone, which disapears. You said in your reply that I should pay attention to safe zone when making the DVD. I think that I should pay attention NOT when making DVD but from the very start of building my project, building it "inside" the safe zone only for DVD purposes. However, in such case, when showing project on computer monitor, aspect would be "bad", I mean, TV safe zone would show (which safe zone would not be part of image composition, and so it would " damage" the "look" of the show, is this so? My conclusion is that it is not possible to make an agreement between DVD and computer show. Ok! I think I can only conclude that "PINNACLE zoom out solution" for DVD purposes is the best solution (only for DVD purpose) not damaging the original project for computer show. Please, I should thank you for your comments. Best regards, Jose
Dear Fellows, May be some of you can help in my following problem: 1. I made a long and complex project (120 MB, 20 minutes) using 5:4 aspect ratio (1280x1024). 2. After finishing my project I made a "Create DVD Video disc". 3. On my plasma TV monitor, either choosing 4:3 or 16:9 format, my project shows well, but loosing 100% of the so called safe TV zone. 4. This way, all my color borders and some of my subtitles disapeared! Project is completly damaged. 5. It is impossible for me to make it again, re-configuring it according to such "safe TV zone", slide by slide. 6. Is there any way to avoid this problem in my actual circunstances? Thanks and Merry Christmas to all! P.S.: My goal is to make a DVD to offer people by Christmas, so I have no time for a big correction work. So, in case there is no other way, I would try the following: I work with PINNACLE LIQUID EDITION to edit video. I can in PTE create an AVI file and load it in LIQUID as a video file. Using LIQUID, I could zoom out such file in order to get away of TV safe zone. This way, 100% of PTE image will be shown. Then, still using LIQUID, I would burn my DVD. Do you find this reasonable? Thanks for help.
I am still using Beta 20. Since I work with PTE (some 1 year ago) I notice a kind of inconvenience concerning object shadow "profile". The point is: I apply a shadow profile to an object. Later, I want to see what kind of profile is this, I mean, all parameters. Even in case I save such profile, I want to identify it. The problem is that there is no way to identify it! I have to keep trying all profiles to check which one is the applied one. Unless I am missing something, why PTE does not provide at once the name of applied profile, as soon as we click "Customize" on an object shadow? I hope I made myself understood... In fact, I find this point most inconvenient, time consuming and not precise. In the meantime, I must "declare" that PTE is overpassing all my best expectations! It is really an excellent software, and I am making beautiful and complex slideshows with it. Best congratulations and thanks to the author. Regards, Jose