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Colin Smale

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Everything posted by Colin Smale

  1. Hi Anthony, thanx for your reply. I open trak, it shows as a waveform from left to right, I press green triangle, it whips from full left to full right in well short of a second and so have not been able to do any editing at all. Have tried other tracks and they all do the same. The numbers from left to right are 0.00 to 0.42 whatever that means, it can't be seconds. The only thing I have done, is yesterday I put a bird call track on, it worked fine, I cut it and pasted over music on PTE and now... audacity doesn't seem to work same. I'm afraid I have to leave it at that, have visitors coming at 8 but hopefully you might get a clue from all that ? Cheers Colin
  2. Ok guys, I have spent all this afternoon revisiting this problem and I bet the answer is so simple. I put a 3 minute music track on audacity in order to cut it to about 2 minutes and fade end but, the whole track sits on audacity's desktop and when I click play it plays the whole 3 minutes in about a quarter of a second. Obviously I cannot edit at that speed..how do I get track under control ?
  3. Many thanx guys, working my way through answers, this was the one that worked though can't find it on the forum now ! Ver 5.5 Project Options / Music / Check - " Don't interrupt sound comment when next slide appears " Choose slide - Add bird sound - top main page PTE screen ( Speaker icon ) - " Add / Remove Sound file for current slide " .wav - .mp3 - .wma - .ogg formats Bird sound will play on top of background music. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AND IT WORKS. GREAT. The audacity thing's super too although I am just untangling myself out of all its strange lines and graphics ! Many thanx, only way I can return the favour is if you have a question on photogrphy !! Hope I will be more up to speed with PTE soon.
  4. I am making a PTE wildlife programme, I have laid first music track down but I want to fade and then cut that music track and then fade in a new one as the subject changes, in other words I want to cut the track short of its end. Secondly, I want to lay a second track, in certain places, over the soundtrack so that the background music plays while ocassionally hearing bird calls. Hope someone knows how thanx.
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