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  1. Dave, I will add that to the message I sent. I purchased Deluxe last February and am using the same e-mail address. I did send the order ID and all the information they requested with my first request.
  2. Dave, I sent the request. I appreciate your help and certainly hope they respond faster than they have. I have been trying to resolve this since January 3rd and have sent numerous e-mails with only one reply. Thanks again Pat
  3. Dave, I will request another key. I did purchase Deluxe which included the video builder. I'm sorry but I don't know who Igor is. Would that be the help people on the website?
  4. Dave, It brings up the program and when I try to burn the video, it asks for a key again. Is it possible that there is a different key for the video? It tried the other two suggestions with no luck.
  5. Dave, I have tried it both ways and no luck. Any other suggestions? I certainly appreciate all of your help.
  6. Dave, These are the instructions they sent: "Hello, I have attached your register key to this e-mail. Please, save the file to any folder, rename it to pte.key and run it to register the program" I did look at the tutitorials without any success. Is there something that I am missing, or do you think there could be something wrong with what I received?
  7. They sent a "pte.txt"
  8. I have the deluxe version which was purchased early last year. I am able to create the video and view it on the computer. When I try to put it to a dvd it has the nagging message on the slides. When I try to load the key, it tells me that it is corrupt or invalid. I am far from a computer expert, but I believe there is a problem with the key.
  9. Yes, I have the Delux version and that information was sent to Winsoft when I requested the new key
  10. I had a virus and reloaded everything. Have contacted Winsoft numerous times since January 3rd. I finally received a new key on January 11th. Unfortunately it would not work. I have have a project for my mother's 80th birthday that needs to be completed by Saturday. When I try to create the video, it has the nagging message on the slides. Any suggestions as to what I can do to receive a key that will work?
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