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Everything posted by coopernatural

  1. It's called 'Canon Rock' Just when 'FunTwo' thought it was safe to come out of his bedroom, his street cred has been ruined for ever. It all became a bit Barry Boring after about 15 seconds in. Shame as there were some great pictures to make an excellent AV with. Davy
  2. Gary, Thanks for posting the Picture. 'Rainforest IIII the final episode'. Comes hot on the heels of Rainforest I,II, and III. We might well see another Rainforest show. That just might be a mistake though. Davy
  3. Bernard, This was a very good show in 2D, but even better in 3D. Everything works so well. Excellent and thanks for posting it here. Well done, Davy
  4. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef,but the wrod as a wlohe. Olny 55% of plepoe can raed tihs. Rianfroest IIII the fainl eipsode. http://tinyurl.com/3b7qy4y Davy
  5. Bernard, Another first class show from you. Would love to see this in a 3d version. Well done. Davy
  6. Barry , This is more like it. The framing worked well, the music was spot on. A wee bit of stretching with people/boats maybe,not sure,but back to top form here. Davy
  7. Eric, Must have taken an age to put this together. Much like the other comments,simply superb. Don't think I would have the patience for something so huge. Well done. Davy
  8. Jan, Catching up on some AVs and downloaded this. Glad I did. Super AV,very clever and original.I like it when an AV gives me ideas. Well done, Davy
  9. Bootlikka, Smoking is a disgusting habit.Much like sychopancy. You should really try giving it up,or start smoking instead. Davy
  10. Barry, You can do much better than this subpar effort. The premise of the show as a step back to prehistory was weak and unconvincing. A thinly veiled attempt to disguise a rebadged presentation of Rainforest III,rather than a Jurassic Park III. The departure from your usual type of music is encouraging,but not here.The scale,grandeur,reverence and timing of the piece was lost and seldom matched. Rainforests must be great places to visit in real life,but something is lost in your AV translation,same as with Rainforest I and II.Devoid of life,this is anything but exciting. Some excellent images/tweaking,but then again,some not so great. So for me,it’s not one of your best works,but I do think a combo of Rainforest I,II and III could yield a good AV/Slideshow. Music/Musak and timing would have to match though. Davy
  11. Hi Sheila, Photos as far as I know,are from the North of Ireland. Some details from AV images below. Photo 1/ Sowing the Flax, Toome Co.Antrim “ 3/ Taking Flax out of the dam. Co.Down “ 4/ Spreading out the Flax. Co. Down “ 5/ Flax “Gated”, to dry in wet weather. Co.Down “ 6/ Scutching Flax by hand on the Scutching Stock. Toome, Co.Antrim “ 7/ An Irish Handloom Weaver at work, Moira. “ 10/ “Roughing” York Street Mill. Belfast “ 23/ An Ulster Handloom Weaving Factory. “ 24/ Spreading Linen to bleach at Glenmore Glad you liked it. Davy
  12. Hi Colin, Got your AV and have watched it several times now. Gets better with each viewing. I'm not a fan of text in an AV,(well maybe a documentary) but this was bordering on divine advertising. That's not for everybody,but it's your AV and I'm not going to cramp your creativity/opinion. The image pace works well with the music and its a pleasing AV presentation. Relaxavous style. Good work, Davy
  13. Hi Shelia, I think you said at one time you were from Lancashire and that has no small history with Mills. I did a Linen AV some time ago after having rescued some old photos from a shredding pile. http://www.mediafire.com/?lzezmzkgw2z Mood and music very different to this AV. You might like. Without the scale of a wide angle shot a reference is lost,but there is greater scope for an interesting shot with light,form,texture and even the abstract.(I think) Well I could pretend to be really arty and that some meaning lies within the abrupt ending with a non zeroed voltmeter. Truth is I just that I ran out of Photos. Thanks for your comments and watching.
  14. Hi Andrew, I know it's a bit short,as at the time I wasn't thinking of AV. It was a day out for my local camera club and so with around 25 other peeps in confined spaces,it was a bit tight/rushed. Lighting was very good in places where there was a glass roof. Other places bordering on pitch black. Still,I did miss lots of photo opportunities and that would make for a great day out (and a full length AV presentation). Thanks for watching. Davy
  15. Hi Paul, I keep some actions for oldie style photo effects,but this time used Nik Software Silver Effects Pro plugin with CS5. It's a pretty cool bit of software. Some pics can come to life with a bit of tweaking. Glad you liked and thanks for your feedback. Davy
  16. Hi Colin, Thanks. Have been practicing some real photography instead of playing with computer images. (Who would ever have thought that tripods could be fun) So I'm sworn off Google images for the time being! Things have been fairly quiet here it seems and I havn't downloaded much by way of AVs. All these members and so few posting is a shame. Davy
  17. Ken, The health and safety guys with clipboards would throw a fit with all the code violations here. Eric, This was at the end of the day and I could well have spent an entire day there alone. I missed so much by way of Pics,but if I can,I will get back there again. Will take a wide angle lens to capture the monster mill engine. The music is set 'against' what is and was an oppressive place.It was intended to be flippant. I resisted the temptation to put in something more downbeat,with maybe the background clatter of weaving machinery. My father who did maintenance at a mill had an annual job. Painting the glass roof with whitewash. This stopped the inmates from passing out from the heat. Thanks for feedback and appreciate the trivia. Davy
  18. All, After a recent day out trip,a small and short AV of an old disused Linen Mill in Benburb Northern Ireland. Weighing in at just over 15mb and lasting 2 min 17 seconds. http://www.mediafire.com/?u7rkpecrl1fh9rz The weaving shed was built in 1873,it once had over a 100 looms at its peak and now 74 remain. Looms faced each other and the weavers had to work in the narrow space between; rarely more than 18 inches across. The vast majority of accidents happened in the weaving shed,caused by shuttles coming off the looms at great speed. Plans to restore the site have been abandoned,leaving the machinery to slowly rust away. Photos were taken with a 50mm f1.4 lens.Treatment and music added to give things an old world feel. Davy
  19. Hi Dusty, I’m surprised there has not been more comments on your AV.I thought it was excellent. Rather than churn out the same old,same old,you have made something very original. A great effort from the dancer,with powerful movement/poses and attitude. The trails of flour capture the essence of movement and time. Video would have just been wrong here,I think. Super pics combined with a well chosen,quirky,‘twisted Circus style’ soundtrack. Well done. Davy.
  20. Hi Colin, A little bit of fun. Now that I got my 3D glasses I can do a bit of proper experimenting. Glad you liked. Davy
  21. David, A refreshing look and dip into the world aquatic. Not chained as most are,by convention or conditioning,its excellent work. I envy your sound creation skill which as always,adds to the mood and feel. Sometimes I will watch an AV a couple of times to get the feel for it.I watched this 3 times in a row, picking up something different each time. I actually got the feeling that this could be the title track to the start of an Audio/Visual album. I should have minded the screen size used,but didn’t. An added bonus is that the flat earthers just won’t get it. Well done, Davy
  22. Hi Ken, I have seen Bernard Sullet's work and it's as good as it gets. Was looking at dedicated 3D macro lenses,but I would need those deep pockets you mentioned. For critical viewing and listening I always watch AV in a darkend room with a good pair of pro monitor headphones. I have been using mediafire like many thousands of others for some time with no problems. Thanks for watching. Davy
  23. Hi Rick, Glad it worked for you.I ordered some proper 3D specs as it might be worth a proper go. Think this 3D stuff would look neat with animations. I know you were having some trouble downloading from Mediafire.If you are on Firefox, there is an add-on,called 'Adblock' which filters out a lot of those annoying ads. It works for lots of sites. Thanks for the feedback. Davy
  24. All, Have uploaded to Mediafire. http://www.mediafire.com/?4vb42pytdg5oyt5 The second part of ‘The Nightmare before Christmas’ in 3D. No point downloading if you don’t have those red/blue 3D glasses,although I’m just using coloured flash gels. It’s not a polished AV and there are some artefacts from processing,but it might be worth a look. Davy
  25. *************CENSORED*************
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