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Everything posted by coopernatural
Bill, For something as unpopular as Slideshows,that is a very impressive download count. Over 80 downloads a day.Not too sure how many of them downloading are kids though. Adult content filtering,selective screening,Ned Flanders approved....call it what you will,it’s all censorship. To be fair,any system designed to keep the likes of me out,can't be all bad Still,I would hate to see what you would do with some rolls of Gaffer tape in a Museum/Art Gallery Davy
Bill, If you ever decide to drop the Disney World censorship thing,I’d be only too happy to post on your site that you advertised. Given that it seems unlikely,I could always go for Mediafire Pro. No Ads and no censorship. It’s a paid for option,but I guess that’s the price of freedom. Still,as a low level user I can put up with the other evil of Ads and stick with the free version of Mediafire. It’s kind of reassuring to know that Burning Man wouldn’t have made it on to Beechbrook. I had feared that I had watered it down too much. Keep up the good work. Davy
Hi Colin, Although not taken with some uber mega pixel camera,these mainly people shots,I think,capture the moment. The event and people I suppose make it a little easier to do,as some love to be seen and are all to willing to pose. It’s the sort of place that could change you forever. P.S. I kept all the really juicy pics. Davy
Hi Bill, There is always some excellent AVs on Beechbrook,but isn't everything subject to censorship? I mean,no nudity,no images of war etc. Would you even allow something like 'Burning Man'? Davy
Hi Rick, I hate all those ads.Thet get everywhere nowadays. Just about killed off Youtube. Guess it's punishment for not having a paid for Pro account on Mediafire. Might help to disable popups. Ignoring the ads,just click on the .... 'Click here to download from Mediafire' tab. Davy
Hi Lin, I bet Sturgis in August is a quiet gig Pics or even a slideshow would be sweet. Like the new biker Lin pic. Davy
Ken, I have one of those tens units.Helps if my back starts playing up. Had a look at the sturgis Gig. Some nice pics/music here http://www.shootersimages.com/index2.php#/home/ Some adult content. Davy
Ken, I'm not going to ask how you got cramp in your hand Along with the keyboard control there's also little name tags on each frame. Just tell me the name of the one you fancy most and I'll see what I can do for ya Davy
All, Have uploaded to Mediafire,‘Return to Burning Man’. *************Link has been removed************* Lasting 5minutes 50seconds and 30mb filesize. A friend sent me 95% ot these portrait style shots. I tried masks and 2 at a time slides,but it didn't work too well. In the end I made some negative slide style frames which I think worked better. For Ken and his grandson,I have enabled Keyboard control. Although there is no graphic content,some occasional bare flesh does make an appearance. Well it is ‘Burning Man’ after all. Viewer discretion is therefore advised. Davy
Hi Paul, Your off to a great start. Lots of detail shots and I like the textures and treatments. As a first show it will have taken some time,but it looks like you have got the hang of things nicely. Text was a bit on the big side for me,with the underlying text not aligned to the first row. One of the shots,(A piece of wood peppered with nails) was a wee bit on the soft side in comparison to the others. Floyd was a nice bit of chillout. 'Shine on you crazy diamond' Davy
Hi Cor, First off, excellent written piece on the Helen Martins story. Watching this for the first time,I was a little put off with the amount of effects animations masks and zooms and colourizing treatment, but glad I watched it another couple of times,as I did miss some things on the first viewing. While the story is a sad one,there is humour shared between Helen's work and yours. Excellent photography throughout and the atmosphere of the place came through.Personal effects make it almost seem like you are intruding. It must have taken you an age to complete this and you should be very pleased with the results. Well done, Davy
Ken, The 'Male Hunks' Calendar of 1970 have the copyright on that Photo Davy
Hi Colin, Many thanks for the photos.Maria and indeed all your girlfriends were a joy to work with. I got to touch up every one of them twice! Apparently that’s more times than you. p.s. To protect your reputation,I didn't include the pic of you in the polka dot bikini. Well you had put the bottom part on back to front Davy
Ken, With the money invested in these girls,I wouldn't expect any zits. Any blemishes would have to be put in deliberatly after air brushing. I reckon this lot would be high maintainence.I mean can you just imagine being shipwrecked alone on a desert island with them. You would be on constant patrol in case any of them were making SOS signals
Hi Mick, I understand you being a bit dissapointed at lack of feedback,but as you hadn't replied to some early comments,I didn't leave any myself. So what did I think of it ? Well I thought it pretty good actually. A few of the images I would have replaced. The heavily pruned tree shot, The fence shot that rather than draw you in to the photo,sort of just cut across. There is a shot of a Blue coloured room and it's just a wee bit soft. There was a great opportunity for a pic on the day.You have a shot of a tree branch in focus with an out of focus castle. Had you taken 2 pics of the exact same viewpoint (1 as taken) and the other with the castle in focus,you could have a pseudo focusing effect fading between the 2 images. Some Pics I really liked,and in particular the birds. All in all, it's a 'Well Done' from me. Davy
Hi Mick, I was advised to disable keyboard control as I might be held liable for broken space bars The blown out images were deliberate,as I put a diffuse glow distortion on each of the repeated images. Good to hear from you and thanks for watching. Davy
All, A rework of a previous AV. ‘Seven Seconds Redux’ uploaded to mediafire http://www.mediafire.com/?nfnyjc39s1pzsmp Think of a seven second loop of man thoughts spread out over 3 minutes 10 seconds. Featuring more than a few female swimsuit models. Viewer discretion advised. Davy
Shelia, It’s all been said in earlier posts and it gets a two thumbs up from me as well. Hope we are going to see your extended ‘Director’s Cut’ version Well done, Davy
Lin, Pretty Cool show The water droplet was very effective. Of course that dress is probably ruined. Keep on playing. Davy
Colin, You will find it on the third page of AVs.Title is actually 'New Slide Show Added' 059 Creative Graphics. Bootzilla. I see that Almark has a Fractals AV right beside it. Scrolling on to page 14 and I even had a go at it. The title is '3 For the price of 1' and the fractals World HD is the first 1 of 3 AVs posted together. It should still be available for download. Davy
Hi Paul, Your off to a great start. Neat AV. The hard part is over and that's posting your first show. Be prepared to lose more than a few hours playing with images for your next one. Davy
Colin, Nice one!I can see you have been busy.I do like it when an AV gives me ideas. The music was spot on. Well done. Ken, How could you be forgetting Bootzilla’s fractal 'Screensaver AV'.‘059 Creative Graphics’. You and Colin both gave it a nice review. Davy
Cheers Rick, Google for images,music from Alison Krauss and a tiny bit of backing from Robert Plant from the album Raising Sand. It's been a while since we seen one of your wildlife Specials. Life must be just too easy in California. Davy
Colin, Thought you had been quiet of late. Still,it’s good to see you getting the head down with photoshop. I could do with some learn time there myself. Thanks for watching and keeping me up to date. I will expect a fancy bells and whistles AV from you next time. Davy
Hi Paul, For this syle of AV I rely heavily on borrowed images from Google.Yes I'm bad. I might tweak/combine elements from different pics. It's a highly frowned upon practice by the illuminati. Just a bit of fun for me and I don't take things to extremes. If you are just starting out with AVs,it's a excellent way to try things out and learn. Thanks for watching and your comments. Davy