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Everything posted by coopernatural

  1. Ken, Hope it wasn't too depressing. Charlie, Good of you to watch and comment. It was a bit on the dark side and I suppose London is not too far from Clacton. Don't panic Clacton's safe. Davy
  2. Jan, Thanks for watching and commenting. Artistic ability is down to others.I just about stumble through Photoshop. I had no idea what way this was going to turn out when I started but I deliberately left out what could have been obvious links between some images. This change leaves interpretation more to the viewer. Lots of people here willing to offer help/advice,so when it comes to making/uploading a show of your own,just ask. Davy
  3. All, A small < 17mb AV ‘Strange Things’ uploaded to Mediafire. http://www.mediafire.com/?66vwc8v48m72w78 The planet has been going through a turbulent time of late. From freakish bad weather to the flux of plate tectonics. Davy
  4. Hi Lin, That's for sure. I'm just in the middle of cleaning up my old scuba gear Davy
  5. Hi Roger, A bit of fun. You can see a video of these Newfoundlanders on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXPzMXN3hAg&feature=related Just had to make an AV. Thanks for watching. Davy
  6. Ken, I blame it on a lack of toys when I was young. I once opened a christmas present that turned out to be just an empty box. My dad told me it was an Action Man (G.I. Joe) deserter Cheers, Davy
  7. Maureen, Trust a mountain woman to change an innocent nautical term into something a bit more Frankie Howerd.Ooh err missus Davy
  8. Colin, Glad you liked.It took an age to fish for the images. Dropped anchor just by Google Image Bay Thanks, Davy
  9. All, A smallish AV under 20mb ‘The Mermaid’ uploaded to Mediafire. http://www.mediafire.com/?z1n5txatdm78txo A simple tale (tail)of love between a Sailor and a Mermaid. OK,knowing what Sailors and Mermaids are like, I've had to give this a 15 rating, viewer discretion advised. Davy
  10. Peter, Please take this as intended. Just a little fun. I thought you were a bit of a movie buff and would ‘get it’ right away. Plan 9 from Outer Space has achieved cult status and has also been dubbed ‘The ultimate cult flick’. The classic Tim Burton film ‘Ed Wood’ which better highlights the life of the man,is in my top 10 best movies of all time. Technically your AV is way beyond me and if I was to offer some criticism,it would be that the show could be doubled or even tripled in length. Maybe there would be too much work involved in extending it,but like many fans of space travel,I think it would be well worth it. So,ending this time on a serious note,well done and if you are up to it, please do an extended version. Regards, Davy
  11. The copyrighted music is from Stanley Kubrick’s ‘2001 A Space Odyssey’ and Inspiration is I’m guessing,from the 1959 Edward D. Wood Jr. ‘Plan 9 from Outer Space’. Compressing 50 years of human endeavour in manned spaceflight into 2 minutes and 8 seconds with only a hand full of low res images,combined with a rotating,exploding panelled box is truly inspired. Even Neil Armstrong fluffing his lines,doesn’t take the shine off this instant classic. Incredible that anyone here could better Edward D. Wood Jr. Davy
  12. Maureen, With 'Video' being the main topic and buzz word on the ‘Pictures to exit’ forum, it was good to see a proper,no nonsense AV. Excellent photos from Mark and skilfully crafted together by you. A very enjoyable joint effort. Well done, Davy
  13. Hi Colin, Yes a bit more work than a normal AV,but I wanted to see if it could be done. Quite pleased that some of the frames came out with decent enough quality. If I don't get arrested by the Mickey Mouse club,I'll do a part II. Cheers, Davy
  14. Cheers Ken, This was more tricky than I thought it would be. Just think of the work that went in to the original animation. Davy
  15. Do you have permission to display a Walt Disney Avatar? Davy
  16. All, Have uploaded to Mediafire 'Christmas Town'. http://www.mediafire.com/?adia5jdyi2pczb0 A fun/experimental AV. No Google, No Camera, just captured video frames. A bit of a heavyweight at nearly 60mb,but then just wait to all the mega video uploads start with the next PTE release. OK it's 271 days to Christmas,but just use your imagination. This is an excerpt from the Tim Burton film ‘The Nightmare Before Christmas’. The opening scene finds our hero Jack Skellington walking in the forest....... Davy
  17. George, Good luck with the competitions. I see you have a double rainbow in amongst the Photos. That's always a lucky sign. The digital art looks cool. Thanks for the sneak preview of your work. Davy
  18. Hi George, Thanks for watching and your comment. it's hard to beat 'Stunning' as a word to sum things up David, I know what you mean about the distortion induced by slowing things down. Makes things sound sort of glitchy. I use the time tested 'suck it and see'method. Will get back to you about some music. Thanks. Davy
  19. Sorry David, I should have explained better. I had been trying to work with some images set to some of your music. Just as a little tester.Like an ambient sudoko puzzle. I had drawn up a possible candidate list from your catalogue of about 10 tracks. The different elements and changes from more mainstream music was more of a challenge. At least as I was interpreting it. Syncing one of your high bpm tracks to images would be a real tester. I mean Google images would struggle to keep up with the pace. Davy
  20. Hi David, Thanks for watching and commenting. Just going to tweak a few of the images again. Thought you would like the soundtrack.I have been listening to the David P stuff again. Think I have a hitlist drawn up,but probably about a year's worth of Google images needed trying to cover some of the soundscapes.140 bpm is into Video territory! Davy
  21. Daniel, Glad that you enjoyed this. And thanks for watching. Images are via Google,so that saved on queuing up and air fare. Davy
  22. Rick, Thanks for watching and the thumbs up with the pans and zooms. It's easy to overcook things. Davy
  23. Ken, Well spotted with the washed out pic. I have updated things now. Original pic was pretty badly distorted/skewed off center etc,so I was just glad to get that sorted. This is the entrance to the Sistene Chapel. Lighting does not appear to be that great in the pics I have seen and not many tourists will take the time to compensate for the lighting. Thanks for keeping me right. Davy
  24. Colin, Appreciate you watching and the feedback. It's hard to tell sometimes when working on an AV. All too easy to miss something,or get something wrong. Thanks, Davy
  25. All, Have uploaded to mediafire an AV ‘Above’. http://www.mediafire.com/?tqy19hqd4pb6atj Weighing in around 26 meg and lasting 4min 31 sec. Warning Contains mainly Christian religious imagery and if you think that may offend,don’t download. Think Sistene Chapel,Duomo,St.Peter’s Basilica etc.Featuring the elaborate artwork and carvings on walls and ceilings. I have used some long zooms/pans to capture the scale of the work. This is a presentation of the amazing artwork which I have tried to display respectfully. Davy
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