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Everything posted by coopernatural

  1. Mark, This is sort of awkward.I was going to say well done with the excellent AV. With such an august body like the IAC downgrading it,I can't really go against their criteria. Perhaps I could just cancel my IAC Polo Shirt as a protest. Seeing as version 7 of PTE hasn't been released,Maybe it will be OK to say. 'Wonderful Slideshow Mark'. Davy
  2. Colin, Finally got your AV downloaded. I downloaded this revamped version only. It would appear that you are having way too much fun with PTE,Photoshop,animations,scenery,wild animals etc. Enjoyed this,so keep up the good work. Davy
  3. David P, Very kind of you. Just spent a bit of time having a nosey in on your huge catalogue of tracks.Some ammount of work in there and am impressed. I will spend a while yet on listening to them all. Normally I build an AV sound first and pics last. Probably this would apply to your tracks. The soundscapes you have made will provide a fair challenge and maybe off my comfort zone with Photoshop. I will pm you if I can come up with something that I think might work. Thanks for the help, Davy
  4. David P, Think I might have a try at this. Might need your help with finding an ambient track. Rick, Glad it worked for you Thanks for watching and commenting. Davy
  5. Maureen, Simply brilliant. Wonderful capture of your voyage. The Northen lights were the cherry on a snow topped mountain. Music was inspired. Well done, Davy
  6. David P, We must have been posting at the same time. Thanks for the thumbs up. I wonder how a cool ambient track would work with this sort of thing. Davy
  7. Anthony,Roger,and Jan, Thanks all for watching and your comments. Anthony, Will be pleased if this will inspire you to do your own project. No point in it gathering dust on an old hard drive. Look forward to it. Roger, I tried a bit of classical music,but it just wasn't working for me. I used this piece of music {Sally's Dream) and timing with a more intimate sound seemed to work much better. Jan, It was Jan Vermeer (also my favourite now) that started the AV. Recently in the UK (BBC4) there was a documentary about him,his work and his life. I was blown away with his talent. So I started looking for his artwork. So I now have to thank 2 Jans' now. Thanks again guys. Davy
  8. Hi Colin, Like you I'm just having a bit of a fun with Photoshop. Blending textures with artwork created some interesting effects. I had originally made an AV featuring textures and behind them,an almost ghostly presentation of these works of art. It didn't work very well,so just developed the textures into the full blown artwork. Works much better. Thanks for watching and your comments. Haven't downloaded your latest AV (version 2) but will do that later on. Davy
  9. Mark, Thanks for watching and glad it worked for you. I was none too sure about posting it. Davy
  10. Thanks Ken, I'm sure I will have another go at this. Winking Mona Lisa Now that's an idea. Maybe I'll up the age limit and include the Monty Python Venus animation for the intro Davy
  11. All, Have uploaded to Mediafire an AV ‘From a rough background’. http://www.mediafire.com/?ueoe2ej0oxv2u1k Weighing in at just over 25meg and lasting 3min 37 seconds. An experimental mix of classical works of art and some textures with stone,grass,wood,corroded and painted steel. I’m sure if they were here now,Botticelli and Da Vinci would be holding me down while Vermeer would be landing a few punches. Can’t say I’d blame them. Davy
  12. Greg writes.. 'Maybe Barry should be known as "The wizard of Awe"' Thats pushing Fiction towards total fantasy Davy
  13. All, Early this morning and surrounded by a virtual international peace keeping force,Barry and I met in cyberspace. I have made the following concessions. I now have to address Barry as The Wizard of OZ. Destroy all Jpegs/material pertaining to Barry’s estate. Do 100 hours community service cleaning his forum. (Mainly removing graffiti and photo corrections) Sign up to an anger management class for 6 weeks. Barry concessions were, To address me as Sir Davy and say goodbye to his tall horse. Barry get’s to keep the hat and cloak and I get to keep the ruby slippers. PTE....There’s no place like home. Sir Davy.
  14. Colin, I did try. Barry, The roll eyed reply bodes well for the future.Look forward to the new Barry. I have nothing against paid for tutorials per se,but it’s the time of Youtube and file sharing. Having to pay for tutorials or download for free,that’s a choice for the individual. You might feel cheated,but that could well apply to the peeps who actually paid for your tutorials. Greg, I agree with you that this has dragged on a bit.I’m getting bored of making sandcastles with a pointy hat. Davy
  15. Barry, Angry is a normal,though usually short lived emotion.My intentions are usually well defined. Perhaps too many of your posts are being misread here. Being ambiguous,or coming across as trying to be too clever is best avoided. By all means keep on the pointy hat and cloak,but ditch the high horse. If you could try to use your talent to help,guide and encourage others,I'm sure it would be appreciated. My punishment for being angry and negative is I'm going to remove my ‘Best of Beckham’ 5.25” floppys from ebay. This has nothing to do with the negative feedback I have been getting from peeps because they didn’t feature some England footballer. Davy
  16. (Sorry Colin for responding to Ken over your shoulder) Ken, For a price we can all learn from BB,but what I don’t buy,is the lame excuse for his original post here. I’m sure everybody knows,that you can get all of those tutorials free from a certain site,but even at that,they are overpriced. I had a look at the BB (who let all the flies in)forum. Wow! there has been up to 45 members online and all at the same time. The winter nights must just fly by. Surprisingly,there was a distinct lack of the crap that he regularly dumps here on members at what has become his public convenience. All is not lost with the AVs though.I inadvertently ran the entire BB collection through an exe to pictures prog. Even allowing for the original jpeg compression,with a bit of totally accidental tweaking/correction,the jpegs cleaned up just fine. Fully usable in AVs and even good ole fashioned slide shows.Obviously I recommend dumping the dreadful elevator musak, but after that,its good to go. I had uploaded a reworked BB ‘Rainforest’ AV a while ago, but it was my first attempt and every bit as poor as the original (am I allowed to say that?). I took it down at BB’s request.It could have been something to do with tampering with a masterpiece, or making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. I can’t be sure. Let me know what AV had the glitch.The new enhanced versions are guaranteed 100% glitch free. Davy
  17. Hi Hubert, I downloaded your AV and have watched it several times now. I liked the concept,but a few things I would look at/maybe change. Major distraction was the quality of the music track (not the actual music). To me it suffered from the dreaded mp3 scowl (rasp) of a low bit rate/quality recording. Minor niggle, lose the mouse pointer. Minor niggle, with the tree masking, you have left transferred artefacts from the previous image. Minor niggle, camera sensor dust spots (I think). Minor niggle, catch lights on the bull’s eyes at the end. What would I change about the AV if it were mine? The duration. Because of the often similar scenes,it was for me,just too long.Things change with the introduction of life (animals), and with this injection of something other than the trees and snow,added interest. I realise that this was a winter scene,but maybe compacting the AV by removing some of the similar images, it might work/balance out better.Duration for me would be no more than 4 minutes. Everybody will have a different take on things, but this is just my non expert take on it,so please do not take offence. Davy
  18. Mick & Maggie, This worked for me and as you mention,a point and shoot is going to struggle at times. Images though a wee bit soft had a bloom to them and coupled with the music were easy on the eye and ear. The treatments and transitions worked well adding to the experience. Why not relist this AV as Mick’s Venice,so peeps can see your version as a standalone in its own right. Well done, Davy
  19. Hubert, Thanks for your feedback. Have to admit I never even thought of using masks. I just hit the lazy,one transition fixes all setting. Next time I will have a go with masks. Davy
  20. Ken and Colin, Thanks for the comments. Ken, Thought you would have spotted Jack Lemmon and Shirley Maclaine from the classic Billy Wilder movie 'Irma La Douce'. Had to make an AV after watching it. Colin. I did spend a bit of time trying out effects/filters.Trying to track the changeable and descriptive soundtrack with images was the tricky bit. That's what makes it fun to do. Davy.
  21. All, Have uploaded an AV to Mediafire.‘Une Nuit A Paris (Part 3)’ http://www.mediafire.com/?dr0brnva48bd0c1 Featuring fallen women,Pimps and Paris,as based on the music track from 10cc. No I can’t be bothered uploading lyrics.If you have to find out what they are singing about, Just Google. Weighing in around the 23 mb mark and lasting around 3 min 21 sec. ‘Warning’ Adult themed content,so If you are easily offended or have recently had a pacemaker fitted,don’t download. Davy
  22. Colin, What a fun AV. This must have taken you a while to do. With Animation and Photoshop on the go..... Theres' going to be no stopping you now. Well done, Davy
  23. Hi BB, Version 7 of PTE will let you use video in your AV. See Igor's post on Version 7 Might be useful for your Youtube work. Davy
  24. BB, The creative bit is down to you,as well as actually having to do the thing. Your AV gets better with each viewing,so maybe just expanding it to the 4 minutes will do the trick, with the text more interspersed. The future release of Video capable pte will open things up even more for you. As David P has indicated,there are various methods to sync slides and music. If you click on ‘Slides’ at the bottom of your screen you will see a timeline with your slides. Click on the audio waveform tab on the far right and it will bring up the soundtrack as matched to the timeline. Make things easier to view,by doing a mouse drag upwards on the horizontal bounding line between the timeline and view screen. With the audio waveform stretched in height you can now see the peaks/beats more easily. Click on a particular slide and there will be a vertical line showing its relative position to the soundtrack. You can now drag the slide along the timeline to sync fairly accurately to the audio. You can tweak things further/differently by milliseconds by fine tuning the duration of a slide in the, Slide View mode ‘Customise Slide’ setting under slide duration. Read the tutorials though,for a full deccription of this. I don't use Audacity or PTE sound edit function. Try working with wav files for your sound creation and then when happy with completed editing etc,convert the audio track to mp3. MP3 is a lossy format, a bit like photo jpegs that will degrade with changes/saves. Seems like you are having fun,so just keep at it. Good luck. Davy
  25. BB, I am going out right now.Will post back later to you. Davy
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