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Everything posted by coopernatural

  1. A return to an earlier AV. ‘Some rain must fall’. http://www.mediafire.com/?0yag3cgmygixrad Sadness is the theme, so avoid if you are feeling down or depressed. Replaced some images (Google images)and changed things to black and white. The original version was described as being ‘pretty heavy’, so I guess this is even heavier, as it now includes ‘Actiweep Technology’. ‘Warning’ Man sized tissues recommended. Not sure why, but I’m going along with Barry B’s advice, that all AV’s should now be above 20mb in size I managed to pad this one out, to tip the scales at just over. Davy
  2. Hi Mick, Thanks. I stopped volunteering to do slideshows.I did a wedding AV recently which consisted of images donated entirely by the guests.Never again. Lots of blur/noise and the backs of peoples heads etc. It will be good if you can post your brother-in-laws AV here.I was stuck with Google images and it's good to see from another perspective. All the best for 2011. Davy
  3. Thanks Andrew, Have a dram or two on Hogmany and have an excellent 2011. Cheers, Davy
  4. Hi Ken, The old line was 'How do you make a Venetian Blind?' and the answer was 'Just poke him in both eyes'. Burning man is a fun gig. Best book early,say 6 months in advance. You can try Craigslist for a price saving.If you just turn up at the 'Door' it's going to cost a lot more. You could always go with him Happy New Year to you too. Davy
  5. Hi Rick, Yes it only lasts 3min 22sec,but I just wanted something to go with the 1 music track. Music is the theme from the soundtrack to to the excellent film 'Vatel'. Thanks for watching and comments. Davy
  6. All, A tiny little AV, weighing in at around 17megs. http://www.mediafire.com/?kshn5u3ny8n58d9 for PC version. Images courtesy of Google. It contains some religious imagery,so don't download if that upsets you. Davy
  7. Hi Lin, Glad it raised a smile with you and thanks for your comments. Good to have you back on the forum. Have a good one. Davy
  8. Hi George, Very nice of you to watch and comment. It's a redo of an earlier AV. Did this to ease the onset of Cabin Fever. Stuck indoors because of the freakish Artic like weather we are having in the uk. Have an enjoyable Christmas. Davy
  9. Hi Mick, Never mind. Colin will probably get bored with them....in about 15 years Thanks for commenting and have a lovely White Christmas. Davy
  10. Hi Colin, Glad you liked. As for the ladies...... The best stocking fillers ever Have a good one.(Christmas that is) Davy
  11. Great musical piece Ken. I wonder if the pre Christian Pagans were peeved at the hijacking of their celebrations and customs by this ‘new kid on the block’ Jesus. After 2000 years (and more than a few wars) the lease ran out and the multi nationals like Coca Cola took over. Faced with a backlash from all this PC nonsense, a young executive came up with a master stroke to save the day. ‘We’ll make it more inclusive (profitable) and less likely to be faced with a law suit if we re-badge it as ‘Happy Holidays’. I still call it Christmas, even if it isn’t terribly PC. The late Irish comedian Dave Allen had what I thought had a great way to end his show. ‘Goodnight, thank you and may your God go with you’ Happy Christmas. Davy
  12. Hi Rick, Thanks. I made this for the more common 16:9 monitors where it should play full screen. I have 16:10 screen as well and also the expected banding. Cheers, Davy
  13. Daniel, Excellent AV. Photos and music work well together. You also capture the atmosphere of the event and that is something that is sometimes missing from AVs. Well done, Davy
  14. Hi Dan, File size <19mb and duration 3min 32sec. Davy
  15. All, A widescreen version of an earlier Christmas AV, ‘Santa Baby. PC Version http://www.mediafire.com/?6f76liiqcnmz79n Mac Version http://www.mediafire.com/?xa2wkxoaeai48wj An emergency get me out of jail e Christmas Greeting. Davy
  16. Hi David, Thanks for your comments. I have just bought some macro gear and I have been looking at images on the web. Hats off to these guys. I'm having difficulty with static objects. Keeps me out of trouble though. Davy
  17. Ken, It took a bit of time find these and put together. Must have taken a lot longer for the original takers though. Never work with animals, children, or insects! Thanks, Davy
  18. All, I have uploaded an AV to Mediafire, ‘small in a BIG way’. PC version http://www.mediafire.com/?0ahq5x8m7d5g3cp Mac version http://www.mediafire.com/?kymrue557q8ebut Some macro photos of insects and spiders, so if that’s not for you, don’t download. All of the images are courtesy of Google. Davy
  19. Hi Mick, All of the Pics can be downloaded from Google. You just have to know where to Google You have to book the 'Burning Man Festival' about 9 months in advance now! There are videos of it on Youtube. Here's one that isn't too techno/weird. They seem to be having fun. Thanks for your comments. davy
  20. Rick, Thanks for your comments,as I wasn't sure how this AV would be greeted. I learned a bit while making it and that is always a good thing. Cheers, Davy
  21. Colin, Thanks for watching and your comments. Who can resist lovely ladies. Eyes of them though.I seen them first Ken, I have no problems sharing sunscreen with these ladies Free application service also provided I put up a mac version here. http://www.mediafire.com/?0p271fzcgaarwws Davy
  22. Ken, I had originally been sent pics from a friend, who had attended this year’s Burning Man festival. I made them into an AV for him, but as these were personal pics, I did not want to include them here, so I had a look at images from over the last few years. I replaced each pic from the original version. I would take a trip there myself, even if it was only to share a bike ride with a few hundred women. Davy
  23. All, Have uploaded an AV, ’Burning Man’ to Mediafire. http://www.mediafire.com/?qyif8h774o3bc64 ‘Warning Graphic Content’ It contains nudity, a Death Camp where a brutal crucifixion takes place, a bit of idolatry and some fire dancing, so if you think that might offend you, don’t download. This is a watered down version and just to spoil things further, I have disabled the keyboard controls. Davy
  24. Xaver, No doubt you will be reminded from one of our Oberleutnants that a lot of people here derive their German language from 'Allo Allo', so some of the finer points may be lost in translation. I can't fully understand the language myself,but I do get the picture. "Gott in himmel" (I think) is my response to the several thousand euros fee. Davy
  25. CJDNZL, If I remember correctly, it was your friend Peter who rushed to your defence after I had thanked you for replying to a message that was not even directed at, or for you. It is interesting and informing now to see you take up a reciprocal defence. It’s all very touching, if just a tad suspect. Now onto your enlightening points. I have read and re-read this thread, and I have to say that the remark above, clearly pointed at Peter, is right out of order in my book. Of all the posters in here, he is the most correct in what he says Technically incorrect. Peter elected himself as being less than perfect, without that I could have been talking about someone else. As such, Peter pointed the finger at himself. Your book of order has no place here methinks. Peter is not the most correct in what he says. He is writing, not talking. This to say, Davy, that you are quite happy to break the law if you can get away with it, and you don't mind saying so in public. I dare say most of us have used copyright music at some time, but not as blatantly as you appear to do. I made no mention of my happiness to break any law. Is it more of a crime to be honest and say you do something, than to lie and say that you don’t? Shame on you. If I take a photo of a statue/painting it’s mine unless I try to profit from it. I’d say that was fair. The photo is, the copyright in the image isn't. Please read this again. I only mentioned that the photo was mine. Nothing else. To the less than perfect mod. Just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean to say we are not out to get you. That is a totally uncalled-for attack on Peter, and by rights should get you banned from the forum. If I were a moderator you would be banned forthwith. The ‘Less than perfect mod’ was attributed by Peter.I merely addressed him as such. Please do a Google search on the ‘Just because you are paranoid’ phrase. It’s meaning is not as you have incorrectly assumed and is not used in that context. If you were to read further, you would see that I did clearly state that this was not an attack. Assuming now that you have Googled away and can maybe understand the context to how that phrase is used and In light of your incorrect assumptions, my being banned may be being a little bit harsh. ‘If I were a moderator’ is no doubt your dreams, but to burst your bubble, that is never going to happen. I am quite prepared to accept your apology. Make it private if you wish. I can keep a secret. Davy
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