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Everything posted by coopernatural

  1. fh1805, That is the nicest thing you have ever said to me. I graciously accept that you are giving up. "Be kind;life's too short to be angry" Take care, Davy
  2. Mark, Camera and the taker made some great shots. Music and mood,just right. All blended well together. A proper AV. Davy
  3. Mark, Thanks,you started the whole thing. You have a great collection of pics and very powerful. I had trouble getting enough to do the AV. It sounded like Radiohead,but the soundtrack didn't work with the images for me,as there were changes in tempo that you have tracked/synced in the visuals.It seems forced,if that makes any sense. Because of the beat,the next images were predictable.As if the images were secondary. Only a thought,but it might be worth a try with a different track. Davy
  4. Fh1805 If I was paranoid and somebody confronted me on that, I might construe that as a personal attack. If however I was not paranoid and somebody said that I was, I could again construe that as a personal attack. There is room for ambiguity in interpretation, so just to be clear, this was not a personal attack, it was an observation. I only do personal attacks by appointment and never by email. Mick, Thanks for that, but I’m guessing we might have to wait a while (I am assuming that he is not the apologetic type) for an apology from fh1805. Snapcam, Some things have to be said even if they are true. I bully bullies as a hobby. I just can’t help it. Davy
  5. Snapcam, Sorry if things drifted a bit, but as you may have guessed that not all moderators are the same. We are very lucky to have the likes of Ken, but the flip side is that we also have another one, but he is far from perfect. (Don’t we know it too well) So you can Google away if it suits you. Mick, Using copyright music is fine. I have a fair collection of it myself. Youtube has made half hearted attempts to police music/videos, but it is half hearted. You can get just about anything on it. Denwell, If I take a photo of a statue/painting it’s mine unless I try to profit from it. I’d say that was fair. Barry, Go ahead and use the ‘Peter Perfects’ catchphrase. I stole it anyway and besides if I sell it, I’m in big trouble with the Wnsoft Stasi. The Tom Jones album is great. I’m thinking he is of an age where he is hedging his bets with the big man up above. He has led a life that would embarrass a priest. To the less than perfect mod. Just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean to say we are not out to get you. Davy
  6. Snapcam, The Peter Perfects of this world make me laugh. OK maybe they only download a little bit of porn, or just copy the odd CD or DVD. Maybe they only buy or download a small amount of cracked software or Music files, but they still do it, even though they will deny it. There is all this copyright nonsense that can’t be enforced due to the sheer scale of the activities of the Peter Perfects of this world alone. Yes there have been Publicity stunt trials with the RIAA and MCPS with outlandish scare mongering claims, but the fact is, the scale is so vast that they are powerless to do much about it. If I take a photo of a sculpture/painting/whatever, it’s mine. Your man with a clipboard would need a court order to seize it. That’s not going to happen, and even if it did, that guy with the clipboard is going to be walking funny. The ‘You need a licence for this and a licence for that’. It’s like the clip from Monty Python sketch ‘Licence for a fish’. Maybe on the forum there could be a Peter Perfect licence. With the word Dog wiped out and ‘Peter Perfect’ written in crayon. Of course only a total idiot would buy that. p.s. I live 3 miles out to sea in international waters and I have diplomatic immunity. Davy
  7. Thanks for your comments Dom. I don't usually have any problems with graphic content, but knowing this was a real nightmare meant I could only work on a few images at a time. Using different formats added I think to the unsettling nature of the quick timing. Davy
  8. Ken, I remembered to put in keyboard control,as the speed of slides goes along at pace. Thanks, Davy
  9. I have uploaded an AV ‘911’ to Mediafire. PC Version http://www.mediafire.com/?imoxh7vdyhnmw5o Mac Version http://www.mediafire.com/?5ivy4x9wm1txob4 I had collected some images after Mark (Almark) had put an AV up earlier in the year. I have used images from before, during and after the attacks of September 11, 2001. People watched on helplessly, in shock and disbelief as the horrors of that day unfolded. The public outpouring of grief, anger and frustration was in a small, yet poignant way, demonstrated by an impromptu memorial that sprang up. It was called ‘Tiles for America’. People made and left personal messages on tiles and hung them on a fence. For me, one of the messages captured the mood perfectly and I have used it as the introduction. The nature of this AV will mean it will not be suitable for everyone. If you think you may be upset or offended by it, simply don’t download. Davy
  10. Snapcam, Thanks for watching and your comments. Googling for images is cheating and frowned upon by some. Photoshop is cheating too. Nothing I have put up would be technically good enough to do well in an AV festival,even if it wasn't breaking their rules. Maybe someday I'll enter my banned 'Hardcore Driller Killer Zombie Vampires on Crystal Meths' AV. That might raise an eyebrow or two. Davy
  11. Rick, That 30" monitor sounds sweet. Thanks for watching and comments. Note to self for next AV, need more bubbles Davy
  12. Mick, Glad you stayed awake and held fire on the esc key. A little bit of relaxavou music is good for you. Thanks for watching and feedback. Davy
  13. David, I tried to create some subtle movement as the static images were just that...Static. I haven't tried any sort of animation effects before, so had a go with a bubble or two. A lot to learn still,but it's a start. Glad you liked.Thanks for the feedback. Davy
  14. Thanks Ken, I did try to take some underwater pics,but ended up with nothing like the ones here. Davy
  15. George, Thanks for watching and glad you liked. Sea turtles are cool. Davy
  16. All, I have uploaded an AV ‘Below’ to Mediafire. http://www.mediafire.com/?t5cl3yxopibva0n A short trip below the waves. Images courtesy of Google. Davy
  17. Ronnie, You were good enough to send me a Bluray version of The Town of Usk and comparing the original with this template version,I prefer the original. It might be something to do with the subject matter.Maybe this template would work well with something different,say family snaps,but buildings wizzing about doesn't do it for me. As a side note (I can't find your original thread),but I was one of the ungratefuls who downloaded your freebie tutorials and didn't leave a note on your website. Well I didn't actually get a chance to even view them until last night,so I will be sure to visit your site. If only all tutorials were written as clearly as this and without waffle. A belated thankyou. DavyC
  18. Kieron, The graphics are all via Google Images,all 2mp or above. In Google images once you have typed in the subject matter,there is a 'Larger Than' button. Click on it and select a size. This will filter out all of the smaller images. I have had little to do by way of effects.I might apply some filters, noise reduction,correction, and cropping,but that's it. (for this AV anyway) I do pay a bit of attention to placement of images,as I want to avoid a clash between pics.A desired effect is to get a neat 3rd image in between transitions. I know it's cheating and some don't approve of 'Googling'for images,but it is not something that causes me lack of sleep. Thanks for viewing and your comments, Davy
  19. Andrew, Imagination is a wonderful thing. Without it,we just make boring documentaries. Glad you liked it. Davy
  20. Ken, Pleased I got your undivided attention I never thought about the woosies,and this is the watered down version. So now i'm upgrading the warning to, 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'. That should cover everything. Davy
  21. All, Have uploaded an AV, ‘Heaven and Hell’ to mediafire. http://www.mediafire.com/?d0c98tcthd29h7h It’s an interpretation of the lyrics to a recent Tom Jones track, ‘Burning Hell’. Warning.It contains some religious and fairly graphic imagery, so do not download if you think that it might offend or upset you. Because of this, it comes with an adult 18 rating, so if you are lucky enough to be below 18, best not view it. Davy
  22. Hi Daniel, I thought this show was great. You capture the atmosphere well, with very natural looking Photos. Keep up the good work. Well done, Davy
  23. Maureen, Best AV I have seen here,since 'The Dolomites'. Great stuff. Davy
  24. Hi Maureen, But Ken hit the esc button. You stuck it out to the end and got the full effect of my tweaked twinkles Glad you liked. Davy
  25. Thanks Rick, Glad you liked it. I forgot to mention the music. It was from a girl who is as mad as a box of frogs. Yes Bjork and the piece is called Overture. Davy
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