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Everything posted by coopernatural
Hi Don, Try a test image with a 1.6:1.0 ratio. (1920x1200).Should do the trick. You can make a custom crop tool size 1920x1200 in Photoshop or other photo edit program. You will have to crop your images to this new ratio. Davy
Maureen and Gary. Thanks for the comments. Pics are mostly from the Nabib and Sahara Desert. It's fun,but thirsty work. Davy
Hi Don, For Question no.1 Search for type of pics you want to browse in Google Images.Open up 'Show Options' Select a Size I.E. 2MP. There are of course lots of web sites with specific Photo material as well. For Question No.2 I had bought a Deepwater Blue CD (Ebay). Easy enough to copy any bit of music you can hear off the internet. Wnsoft police might be listening in though,so I can't tell you how to here. Try to work with wav (CD) files if you can and then convert to MP3 files when you have finished tweaking/editing them. MP3 is a lossy format. For Question no.3 In the options tab of PTE I have selected Aspect Ratio 16:10,Size of Screen 1920x1200 and checked the boxes Fixed Size of Slide and Hardware Acceleration. Hope this gets you started. Davy
Ken, Burned your finger on a bulb? I thought you were still running with kerosene lamps. avy
Hi Ken, I can't get to those exotic places,but that's no excuse not to be out and about taking photos.Am determined to get out this year and do some shutter clicking. I may go the whole hog and do the soundtrack music as well.Might make up for all those hours Googling. Can't even remember what all the buttons do on the camera.I am doomed. Might just be the worst AV ever. No more googled images for a while,but I may put up an AV of some old turn of the century photos I have. Davy.
Hi Colin, Nice one,and now I know where Durban is.Good idea with the map. I enjoy looking at old photos.Certainly been lots of change in Durban and more to come. The Soccer Stadium looks sweet.Roll on June to watch it all. I expect to see a nice AV from our Durban correspondant then (that's you). Enjoyed the music to,so well done. Davy
Hi Colin, Glad you liked it. Thanks for the comments. Freezing weather in the UK at present,so we could do with warming winds here. Davy
Paulo, You should be pleased with this.The Sepia really works well and the mask helps with the aged feel. Sound and effects are top notch. Well done. Davy
All, This is a fairly short (2.5 minutes)AV on dry and dusty desert areas.‘Sea of Sand’. Have put this up on Mediafire http://www.mediafire.com/?00utllwziai Ever changing, the Sea of Sand is constantly moved by a Sirocco. Pleasing on the eye, surreal forms and patterns are created. Music title is ‘Voices’ from Deepwater Blue. Images are courtesy of Google. Davy
Hi Mark, If it got a smile then it worked. Box up 2009 as a pretty bad year.We are into 2010 now.Start putting positive and happy things in that box. Starting off 2010 with a smile is a good start Davy
Mark, I recorded the audio track from your latest version. Voiceover levels are way above the music track. If you are using Audacity have a look at this clip on Youtube.http://tinyurl.com/ybhlb8l It shows how to drop down the music levels while you are speaking.(Ducking) This way will balance things out better. Abuse and disparaging remarks are a comfort,in that it lets me know I must be doing things right. Davy
Hi Mark, An AV like this deserves a good soundtrack/narration. It dosen't have to be an Abbey Road production,but I'm sure John B will keep you right. If he can have your commentary saved as a wav file you can mix it in with your background music.Most soundcards on PCs/Laptops aren't great for mic recording,so this will bypass that problem. If you want to do everything yourself,the Dat recorder should have an analogue output(headphone socket) which can be connected to your soundcard.You can then capture the recorded sound using Audition/Audacity. Give me a shout if you need a hand. Davy
Hi Mark, Ran this version of the Norway AV.The HD treatment works well. As you said,the sound quality (noise gating/hiss) is letting it down. The AV is worthy of a new sound track. If you have to revert to audio cleaners,something is amiss with the recording setup. Look forward to the remix. Davy
Thanks Mark, Nothing serious.Just a fun way to kill a few hours. Cheers, Davy
Thanks Mortum.Tim Burton is a bit of a quirky character,but he has made some great films. I used to upload to Beechbrook and grateful to Bill for his help.I too would have looked there first for a new show. Started to use Mediafire though for uploading,as some of my AVs would not be regarded as Family Viewing. Am used to looking here though now for AVs,so no doubt have missed a few on Beechbrook as a result. Would be good to see more AVs from members,especially the new members,or even the armchair critics. Davy
Ken, Your eyesight is bettered only by your memory. And I tell white lies better than I type. Could have sworn I typed 'Ben Fox was here'. Davy
Hi Laszlo, Images are all Googled,so all I did to some was clean,crop and sharpen. Other pics were good to go and clean as a whistle. Just bought a Laurel & Hardy compilation dvd boxset for a Christmas Present, but am now tempted to hold onto it. Glad you liked it. Thanks for the comments. Davy
All, Nothing very serious.Quite the opposite. A bit of nostalgia,featuring the famous comedy duo,Laurel & Hardy. Music is from the Soggy Bottom Boys from the film 'O Brother Where Art Thou'. Mediafire link http://tinyurl.com/y9qw85y Davy
Thanks Bill, I just assumed that there would have been a notification for AVs posted up on your site. Maybe a tickbox for people uploading to your site with a 'Post link on Wnsoft'. Can never be enough AVs. Will check them out. Regards, Davy
Thanks for the comments Andrew,Colin,and Ken. Despite not heeding the warning. Spending a few hours,or more than a few hours is a bit of fun in PTE. Making an animated film with hundreds of frames.Now thats some serious bit of work. You have to admire that sort of dedication. It's a bit quiet with regards to AVs here lately. I expect there will be a few 3D Cubist Christmas shows soon,or an animated Morasoft creation. Davy
Nothing serious, Just a little fun tribute to the excellent Tim Burton production of Corpse Bride. Condensed to 3.5 minutes. Mediafire link http://tinyurl.com/yauzar2 I wouldn't download it if I were you.In fact i would ask that you don't.Please. No,I insist you don't.Stay well away from it.If you have to,download something else. Can't say I didn't warn you. Davy
Hi Ken, Not a normal AV for me and glad to have it finished,as it is not easy working with these images for any ammount of time. For me it was worthwhile though. Thanks for the comments, Davy
Hi Fransw, Good of you to post comments. Bedankt. Davy
Hi Andrew, It was your Auschwitz AV that started the whole thing. It must have taken you ages to do. Still have that show and am keeping it. The opening pic is iconic and good to know that the little boy made it through. Have been spending a bit of time reading up on my friend's family members and resistance group. For most of that group their struggle ended in a very one sided fight. Like the little boy,I know of one of the group who made it through Auschwitz and eventually to Israel. Thanks for posting a reply. Davy
All, Have re-worked an AV intro I had linked to some time ago. ‘Auschwitz Intro’. A friend in the US told me recently of some of his relatives who became involved with the resistance movement during the Warsaw Uprising of WWII. I made an AV with some of the original images and some gathered relating to his family and the Uprising for him. I have put up this version on Media fire, minus the personal images. Titled ‘Shoah’. http://www.mediafire.com/?thm2iumummh Although less graphic, it still requires a, WARNING Adult Viewing! It is disturbing and should only be viewed if you are comfortable with the subject matter. The music is from Schindler’s List. Not the theme usually associated with the Film, but something dark, discordant and unsettling. Music Title is ‘Auschwitz-Birkenau’. Fitting, as images are from there, along with Buchenwald and the Warsaw Ghetto. Davy.