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Everything posted by coopernatural

  1. Ken, Thanks for that. It's good to have a bit of fun. Cheers, Davy
  2. Ken, Must be Gremlins.Had a stall during upload of AV. I tried to download first time and didn't work.As I was watching the file displaying the amount of data downloading it suddenly jumped to the end.Tried it again just now and it worked ok. Let me know what happens if you try it again. If no good I will remove it and re-upload it. Cheers, Davy
  3. Had made an audio recording of little Dublin girl Rebecca Barry,better known as Little Becky.Made famous while only eight years old on Dublin 98FM. She has made/recorded a lot of funny prank calls.Just google Little Becky. So what happens when an 8year old hates her school and teachers....She phones a demolition company. Some might find it amusing. Not a serious AV,just a bit of fun. http://tinyurl.com/mousrr Davy
  4. Andrew, Thanks for the comments. Bergman was eye candy alright. Love the old B/W films. When men were men and women were women and there was nothing inbetween Davy
  5. Hi Trailertrash, Not much 'Trailertrash' in that AV. Stunning graphics /Artwork on those Trucks. Not one that I seen had the usual 'Wash Me' on the back. The Slides and Music work well together. You should be pleased with this show. Well done. Davy
  6. Hi Ken, I often find myself looking at photos and giving the odd peek with my head tilted at 90%. This is when There are symmetrical mirrored images.It must be an AV / Rorschad sort of thing. A bit like finding faces/animals in cloud formations. Come to think of it,not a bad idea for an AV. Or maybe I should just increase my therapy sessions. Cheers, Davy
  7. Hi Dave, Settings are Full Screen, Aspect Ratio 4:3, size of slide 1600x1200 and have the 'Fixed Size of Slide box ticked. Might just be an 'Optical Conclusion' if you are used to a 4:3 screen. Cheers, Davy
  8. Hi Dave, All the pics are 1600X1200 and have just been googled. I have simply compiled then. Flying around the world to see and take those Pics would have been something. Would have taken months and a lot of $$$ as well. Anyways my hiking boots are in getting mended,so I just had to make do with downloaded images. Soon as my boots are back though...... Have fun with the new HD Monitor. Thanks for the comments, Davy
  9. Lin and Ken, Thanks for the comments. Had a look at those Rorschact Tests. All I can see is mountains,lakes and AV slides. Davy
  10. Have uploaded an AV on mountains onto Mediafire http://tinyurl.com/mousrr Comprised of downloaded pics of,yes you guessed it, MOUNTAINS. If you don't like mountains,this isn't for you. Davy
  11. Hi Mark, Images,duration,timing and music now working much better. (the Travelogue was just too long and images were displayed too quickly) Eno's music has an ethereal quality and works for me. Well done with this version. Davy
  12. Hi Lin. Very kind of you.Appreciate that. I'm now spoilt for choice. Regards, Davy
  13. G'Day Ifa, That 3:27min version is just the ticket.I can put an extra couple of slides in now. Thanks for that and the comments. Cheers, Davy
  14. Hi Maureen, Thats a lot more than just a series of images. It's a cracking AV. Well done again. Davy
  15. Hi Maureen, Don't make films like that any more. 'Here's looking at your next AV.'LOL Cheers, Davy
  16. Hi Yachtman, Was going to use the Stéphane Grappelli version (have uploaded it onto Mediafire as an mp3 file under the same link http://tinyurl.com/mousrr ) Worked out too long though and I settled on the shorter John Williams version. If I gotta spend £0.69 on a download of the Dooley Wilson version,it's no longer for fun LOL. Might even incurr a complete rewrite of the script. The film strip/projector template sounds like fun though....might be tempted. Thanks for the comments, Davy
  17. Not really a serious AV.Just a show of movie scenes with Humphrey Bogart,Ingrid Bergman and Lauren Bacall. Downloaded pics from scanned film,so not of the highest quality and well it's 60+ years old. But if you like 'Bogie'. Theme tune by John Williams.Impossible to listen to this without singing the lyrics to yourself. http://tinyurl.com/mousrr Also did a rework of a 'Fractals' AV posted earlier. Davy
  18. Hi Maureen, This AV did take an age to do,but I'm happy with it now. It's good to hear feedback and especially from a female perspective. I had a look at a list of wars from the earlist times to the present day and they occur with regularity. A bit of a lull for a year or so,but we soon make up for lost time. There has been a slight downturn in the west,but this is made up for in the technological advances in weaponry. I expect we will never learn. Regards, Davy
  19. Hi Maureen, I'm all for pretty pics and nice music too. Don't get out and about to all those exotic destinations though. Suppose I should be out with the camera more,even if it's only local stuff. Could be an excuse for a macro lens,so that's got me thinking. A pretty pics and music is on the cards then, but I might just squeeze another one of this type in. Course it's not a 'Proper'Av,but it keeps me out of trouble and keeps me amused. Thanks for the comments. Am expecting a raft of Lakeland Lass AVs soon. Regards, Davy
  20. Hi Morasoft, Yes another show from you would be good. Maybe you could share some of your animation tips. Regards, Davy
  21. Merci Dadou, I will keep it the same length. I am pleased you enjoyed it. Regards, Davy
  22. Hi Mark, Back down to 40 shades of green. Much better with this version. Davy
  23. Hi Ifa, I am with you on gestaltism in audio/visual (and other) terms. Sound in AVs is often carried out as an after thought.Priority first on how it looks. These audio and visual streams run parallel together. The senses constantly relating one against each other. Good pictures and good music don't necessarily make a good AV. Have seen a few that don't work for me as they don't gel perfectly together. Some also spoiled with poor quality recording/mixing/editing. Might be an idea to create an AV that demonstrates the power and capability of sound. Glad to hear you liked some of the AVs.Not sure if I have reached my goal,but I'll be happy if I get within the 18yard box! Regards, Davy
  24. Hi Mortum & Mark, Thanks for the positive and useful comments. Good to hear from you guys. The duration works for me as well,and if I did find a photo or two to add to it, I would be removing the same ammount of photos from the AV at the same time. I'm aware of overworking something,so if it works for most people,I'm happy to leave it as it is. Regards, Davy
  25. Hi Jeff, Glad you enjoyed it. Sometimes it's hard to know if something you do,is good bad or indifferent. Spent a bit of time on this one though to try and make it work. Good to hear from you and others though with nice comments. This was not an AV in the normal sense for me though,as I have worked at the Somme in France, so this was something that I wanted to do. All the best right back at you. Davy
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