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Hi John, Audacity file formats 6+, limited editing, mixer no, video support no, batch rendering no, surround sound features no, analysis tool no. Audition file formats 20+, full editing yes, mixer yes, video support yes, batch rendering yes, surround sound features yes, analysis tool yes. Audacity support...Only if Jimmy is not doing a double shift in Burger King. I agree that Audition is more difficult to learn,but once set up,easier to use.(for me and a few others anyway) Putting a 8khz sample in along with a 44.1khz sample is something that I have never done,but won't be doing soon. If the first track is referenced as the template rate,then put the 44.1khz track first or just resample the 8khz sample . For anything critical it's not a good idea to mix different sample rates. The number crunching can lead to sync/drift issues.Not sure if Audacity is working on the fly resampling,but whatever way,I'll pass on 44.1khz and 8khz . I will look out for the 1.4 version of Audacity.These things are just tools and I don't mind selecting bits out each. If they are free,all the better. There is also a free trial of Audition for anybody who might be interested. Davy
Peter, I'm all for freebie tools and utilities.Although it may be necessary to go round the houses combining some freeware,very often they can put commercial stuff to shame. I'm not knocking Audacity.It ticks a lot of boxes and biggest one is that it's free.It's a good learning tool,but having said that, it is a bit limited. Why Change/Upgrade? When you learn to ride a bike,nothing like taking the stabilisers off. Not sure I would agree with your comments to Yachtsman.I don't see the point in continuing with something if it isn't working for you. Especially if those results are consistent. Cheers, Davy
Haven't heard recordings from the LS-10 other than the web samples. You might get the desired bass boost from the proximity effect (getting closer to the mic)without using a software graphic equaliser. If you are doing any ammount of voiceovers/recording,might be the time to ditch Audacity and go with Audition or similar. Will look out for your review of the LS-10. Davy
Hi Yachtsman, For the money it seems hard to beat.A tad more noise than the more expensive units,so suitablity depends what you want to do with it . Not a lot of difference as long as there is a high enough sound source. There is some roll-off at low frequencies,which makes it sound a bit 'thin',so you might want to apply some bass boost with your sound software. Probably not worth going for external mics as I wouldn't expect the preamps to be great. for outside use,the foam type covers are still subsceptable to wind noise,better with dead cat types if available. For voiceover work, a Pop Filter (£10) is a must. Davy
Some recommended reading. http://tinyurl.com/2tbnqf
Hi Mike, You can kill a couple of birds with one stone. Increase security, increase laptop performance,and tell xp what you want it to do,and what you don't want it to do. It's your computer,not Microsoft's! Have a look here.... http://www.jasonn.com/turning_off_unnecess...s_on_windows_xp There's a small video demo and written instructions for services you can turn off,that you might find useful. You can disable antivirus and other background flagwaving programes for the show duration.(Another system performance boost in itself, especially if you are running Norton). Good luck with the next show. Davy
Brian Putting a cheapo mixer in the loop is where additional noise comes from.Hiss, hum & electronic degradation of signal.Total overkill in this situation. If there is noise pick up, due to poor cable screening,then it is there, whether you use an Attenuator or mixer. As I said, the audio output is healthy enough from a laptop.As long as the cable run is not massive and is of a decent enough quality,I would see no problems at all. I can run cables over long distances carrying about 1/100th of the output power of the laptop. Not a mixer in sight! Davy
Kieron, You can go for a low tech solution.Just get an attenuator for the headphone jack on your laptop. See here http://tinyurl.com/dct7dc It is just a small extension lead for headphones. Plug in to your jack socket on your laptop and the socket of the attenuator to the plug for your Projector/amp. Keep the audio output of your laptop set to high and wind down the volume control to say 75%. Adjust the sound on your projector/amp to give you a reasonable volume.Being able to adjust the small volume control will give you some scope/headroom during the show. Mixers are useful in some circumstances,but no need here and avoid if you can,as the cheap ones just introduce more noise. There's loads of different makes of these things,but the one above should be of good enough quality. The output from the 3.5mm / 1/8" socket is pretty healthy,and in fact borders on too healthy for some inputs,so a passive attenuator isn't a bad thing. Davy
BB/Bjc Haven't had any time to play with the Acid Pro software,but it does use the same 'engine' as the Cinescore which I hadn't heard of before. You do pay for the themed music available on Cinescore,but it does quickly let you produce something without the large learning curve. The midi does struggle reproducing some sounds,but it could be still quite useful. Interesting to see if the 2 programs are compatable.Don't see why not,but Sony do like to make things that way. Thanks for the Links and sound clip. Davy
Hi Larry, Thanks for the link.I will have a proper look at it later on. Just so happens when I went on the site they were having a special one week only sale! I downloaded the Sony software suggested by bjc ,to have a try out with it. Afraid I may not be up to satisfying tin-eared folk. My creations will be only for those who have their ears Painted on. Davy
Hi Bjc, Had a listen to the tracks you made,well done. Must have taken a while to do. Liked no.5 the best though strangely drawn to No.7 when you play it backwards (not joking). I will have a look at the software you mention and do a trial download. Before I forget the Air harp thing on Jonathan Ross is on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcdQvOLJoNc My next AV will be just out in time for PTE 16! 50GIG of loops! Should remind you that I also do a loop backing up service FOC. Cheers, Davy
Hi Brian, Thanks for that .There are variations in cabling and neutral/earthing arrangements in the UK. I wouldn't chance sticking my 2 fingers between live and neutral on any system.The theory is that an RCD would not trip,but they would likely detect an imbalance and cut out. I thought you might have meant RFI/Transient suppressed 4 gang trailing sockets,and that is why I queried you recommending them, as a must have safety feature.You know the ones that claim to guarantee your equipment up to £50,000 or so if you can prove that their 4 gangs couldn't stop a full blown lightning strike on nuclear EMP.(yea right) The plug in type rcds for extension leads to lawnmowers etc are electronic and uber fast and sensitive. I wouldn't fit one of these electronic rcd plugs to a trailing lead inside, if the club/venue had existing rcd protected sockets. Computers/hard drives and audio equipment aren't always appreciative of rcds on a hair trigger. Don't mind that the Rcds can weld their contacts together and are regarded as sacrificial. I don't feel that way about my PC/amp gear etc. Don't suppose it would do any harm to have units checked/tested for compliance. A different matter though when some guy with a clip board orders you to. All I remember of working south of the border, was that the Guinness tasted better. Davy
Hi Ed, Had a look on Youtube at the Abaltat stuff. Thinking it's very early days with that one. Not sure if Howard Shore, Hans Zimmer etc.are going to be losing much sleep. Also had a read of some of the earlier posts. I can understand why some don't like the idea,of an all too easy/auto music making program as it takes away from creativityor sense of achievment. Is picking out a clip of suitable music somehow more creative? An interesting thought for the future....You have made up your AV in PTE 16 and you go to play it. PTE puts up a message.'Are you sure you want to proceed? The music you have chosen isn't quite suitable. In fact PTE would rate it only 2.6 Points out of a possible 10 Points.Would you prefer for PTE 16 to select something much more suitable? PTE can increase third harmonic distortion to bring down the score to 9.4 Points from the available 10 Points.' Even putting in a voiceover on an AV is much more work and creative than picking out a music track. I don't think that trying to do the 'whole thing' as it were is an easy option. Considering the work,time,and cost it probably dosen't make sense,unless you want to do it. It dosen't have to include computer generated music at all,could be guitar,piano etc. It certainly isn't being less creative. Cheers, Davy
Hi Yachtsman, Im from Northern Ireland,so I still get to see Johnathan Woss when he's on air. Didn't see the show,though I think I seen a concert of Jean Michel Jarre when he did similar. I remember seeing,I think it was a russian invented device that produced weird and wonderfull sounds depending on your position/proximity. Will check out the BBC I Player. I can imagine my finished AV though, PTEs being played with the sound off. Davy
Hi All, Just wondering if anybody in wnsoft land makes their own AV music. I know I can download free zillions of themed music,to go with whatever, but I am thinking of having a go at something home made. Thinking of just making something computer generated with maybe a midi keyboard. Looking for advice then on software, or how you do it. Or why I shouldn't do it. Not sure if I am a musical type,but I remember my mother telling me that when I was only two years old,I could play all day on the Linoleum.LOL Davy
Brian, Not sure if you might be confusing terminology when you mention that in Southern Ireland you also have ELCBs in addition to RCDs. In a modern context of an installation ELCB/RCD are they not effectivly the same thing? ELCBs were no longer a spec item in the UK in the early 1980s. They were replaced by RCDs.ELCBS still exist all though not like the earlier voltage sensing types. Confusion exists as some keep refering to them as ELCBs. The other thing you mentioned earlier was an EU multi-outlet with RCD protection. I Worked in southern Ireland last year and I don't think I ever seen one. Davy
Mark, Of course,it dosen't have to be for Valentines day. Might be useful as a distraction if you want to smuggle in some nice new camera gear into the house. Cheers, Davy
Hi All, I have put an AV up on Beechbrook entitled Love. http://beechbrook.com/pte/ Consisting of Photos, Paintings and computer generated art. A simple and light hearted take on a complex and serious subject. It may well serve as an emergency Electronic Valentine's Day card to keep you out of trouble. "But I didn't forget your Valentine's Day card dear.I have lovingly made this AV for you." "Oh how could I ever doubt you.You're the best". Kiss Hug Kiss Hug. Job done. Davy
John, Enjoyed the Show very much. Had a nice dreamy/old world take on Venice. Don't think I would have seen that if I had been there. The hanging lamp changing colour and the frequent colour popping broke things up for me. Maybe just having a popped image at the start and end of the show would have worked better. The music for me, worked well. Nice one, Davy
Mark, Had made a 1024 x 768 version with static images. To give some headroom for some fairly long pans in this version, I purposley used a higher resolution to maintain the image quality. Davy
I'd be interested to know the Pixel sizes of the images and their file size in Mb? DaveG Dave, Pixel sizes are 2048 x 1360 and file size around .4 Mb . I didn't deliberatly set out to make some definative test show,(I wouldn't know how) as I had just about gave on it, as it wouldn't play well on other friends PCs. There might be some merit in gauging what will and won't work. For some,it may be of some use in allowing them to adjust PC/Graphics card settings to make it play better. So many variables even for 2 similarly specced machines, a test like this dosen't prove anything except to a degree, how each individual machine (including software and configuration) will perform in playing this file. With enough feedback from users though, it might give an indication of what might work and what might not.What helps and what dosen't. The slideshow has not been made to give a predetermined pass/fail test for PCs. Just more of a workout challenge. If anybody wants to design a more useful set of performance tools (PTE Olympics),I'd be interested. Davy.
It's interesting to see what actually runs OK with the different PCs here. I was thinking it may have been down to Video Card settings,or the ammount of Video ram on the card, but I think you may well be right and it's more down to the processing capability of the Card. I used 2 cameras. 1 was a Pentax Clone (Samsung) dslr and the other was a Nikon D300. Davy
Hi Ken, Great,you passed the test with flying colours. If needed I will upload the navigation bar to it. Think I need to download and read the help files. Davy
I am replying to myself,which seems odd, But I uploaded the Cambridge AV onto http://beechbrook.com/pte/ It was originally put up on Youtube. Thanks again Bill. Davy
Hi John, This could turn out to be interesting. I suppose I should put the spec of my PC here. Win xp Pro 64bit SP2 CPU Intel 2.4 gig Core 2 Quad6600 4 gig of ram Nvidia 8800 GTX 768 meg Vram I just downloaded latest drivers for the Nvidia card.Might be worth checking their site. Also see if there is a 'Sync lock' box you can tick. Not sure if you need to download the Nvidia panel to your PC if it's not already on your machine. Might be worth a tinker and a tweak Thanks, Davy