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Everything posted by coopernatural

  1. Hi Frans, No, I didn't use the PTE Video Converter. I was really just experimenting and trying to keep the file size down. The less conversions the better,but it might be worth a go. Regards, Davy
  2. Colin, Yes it surprised me as well. Was having a tinker with video and was not expecting much. I can see possibilities with this. Davy
  3. Ken, We run a clean show here.I had to impose some censorship before things got out of hand. Davy
  4. Lin, I was suprised at the quality of the video. I was expecting artefacts or jerky playback after conversion. I can only wonder at the sort of effort the animators put into this work. Davy
  5. All, (This is not a slideshow)Just playing about with some video. A snippet from the Avatar movie in HD 1920 x 1080. 34mb and around 1minute duration. Avatar http://www.mediafire.com/?buh5x95ozy07xo5 Davy
  6. Eric, Latest versions of the players (but not the beta versions). Media Player Classic Home Cinema http://tinyurl.com/6re6ot VLC Media Player http://tinyurl.com/2r74l Davy
  7. Eric, That looks a like shifty character with the red napkin. I've seen it before.They infiltrate 'Hotpot Communes' and before you know it, it's turned into a Speak Easy. As for ripping etc, you can to do this on your main PC. All you would need on your laptop is Classic Home Cinema or VLC for playback. Re the Classic home cinema and VLC Media player, both are available free. Have fun. Davy
  8. Eric, Nobeefstu, I have never had the need to use the PTE control function mentioned, but this is still an interesting post. Eric, seeing as you are probably on shakey groung 'legally' by playing back a commercial disc to an audience, you might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb and just rip your dvd to your laptop hard drive. Nobeefstu, would this be the better option? Using freebee software rip the dvd and split it into 2 halfs. Maybe edit out the titles/credits from the dvd as well. I like VLC media Player as it can play iso files as well. Not sure about the switching capability of VLC as have never had to make use of them. Eric, make sure none of the residents is wearing a 'Wire'. Davy
  9. DG, You stated that you threw this together. With 7mins 20 sec of trees, zoom, path, zoom, trees, zoom.It did show. Not sure how you could rejig the content to make things work better. I did like the moving titles and the moire. A quick 60 second alternative version. http://tinyurl.com/7f4h97h Davy.
  10. Andrew, Thanks for posting this and sharing your photos of a memorable visit. The presentation worked well and I liked the video insert at the end. The background information was appreciated along with the additional notes from Cor. Well done, Davy
  11. Eric, If you trust me not to share your details with the forum 'Del Boy' (the one selling dodgy CDs).pm me your addy and will email you download links from mediafire. 1/ of the pics is very large. Might not be of use in your show,but you can get a serious zoom in with it. Davy.
  12. David, I like to see something different and am a bit behind with downloading AVs. It's been a while since 'Full Fathom Five' and this follows along similar lines. Glad to have downloaded and watched. Enjoyed this, as with your previous work. Well done . davy
  13. Eric, I liked the layout and blend of images in your AV.I thought it was well done. Some of the images did suffer from jaggies and artefacts as a result of being ‘maxed out’ from low res sources. It might be worth the effort to replace some of these images with higher res ones. You might as well make the most of the new projector. I have some higher res Lowry images if you can’t be bothered searching. Davy
  14. Thanks Colin, Not the usual music or photo mix,as I wanted something a bit different. Thought about trying some animation,but need to have some more practice. It's times like that,you wish Lin Evans lived just next door. Davy
  15. Ken, Old Boris’s make up is pretty rough too. Still in them days peeps were watching through their fingers. It was scary stuff. Thanks for watching. Davy.
  16. All, 'Lost in translation'. Weighing in at 28mb,with a run time of 3min 52seconds.Keyboard control is enabled. http://www.mediafire.com/?nz2uc4x4hfald2m This then,after viewing some of cescpistol’s AVs and reading the amusing off topic post on ‘Peeps plees Spare a thinking for zee non engliss’( well that’s my translation). I can only suggest its set to a rather nice Mexican Huapango song,but then again,you might think otherwise. An eclectic mix of old and new pics. Will it bring peace and understanding to the forum? No,at least I hope not. We are all foreigners. Vive la difference! Davy.
  17. Anybody want to buy a tutorial disc? Alert!
  18. Cescpistol, There have been no comments so far, but I watched and listened. Finally had to blow the dust of a couple of early Roxy Music albums. Phil Manzanera has such talent. I liked this music piece,but again,image quality let things down, along with changing format size. It may not matter on Youtube,but it is more noticeable here, where most shows are shown as Exe files. Davy.
  19. Cescpistol, Probably more Leftfield/art house and Left of centre than your other AVs so far. The music (remix) works really well, which is more important for Youtube. I am not a fan of Youtube,as image quality usually suffers. What I did notice was that even when viewed at 1080 hd,images were not the best quality. I'm guessing that they were originally low res photos upsized. The changing format of the images was distracting. Sometimes this can work,but not for this one,I thought. There were some funny and thought provoking images,but being totally randon in order, detracted from what might have been a better presentation. Well done though. Davy
  20. Cescpistol, Good to see something new. It may not be to everyones taste here, but you are just as entitled to put up an AV,as anyone. You are bound to gain a growing following on Youtube, with a wider/younger and more like minded audience. I thought it worked well. Davy
  21. Gayland, Thanks, and glad you liked the rock formations. I missed out on so much more, but next time...... Hi Mick, I just get used to ticking the same tabs for each show. I do this when I turn off the navigation bar that I don't like much. Will make sure to keep KB control in future. Timing was dictated by the music and could well have been tweaked a bit better. I think it was BB who had an excellent AV called I think, 'Natures Textiles'. Thanks for the feedback Mick. Gary, These AVs are more just for my own fun. I can understand the need for some intro text and music credits, but I chop and change so much,it might be a pain to do. I associate the text and credits with club competitions, which is something that I avoid. I will do text and credits for the next one, including KB control.....promise. The photos are from Northern Ireland and mostly of the 'North Coast area' including The Giants Causeway. I only took some small part of the sights on offer there. Glad you watched and made useful comments. Thanks to you all. Davy
  22. Peter, I am enjoying getting out with the camera nowadays. I too have difficulties with seeing what comes naturally to those gifted photographers. Talking to a die hard film photographer,I could see his point about making each shot count. With digital cameras and huge capacity memory cards we can snap all day,but often just end up with a large collection of snaps. I know I do. Thanks for watching and your feedback Geoff, It was interesting putting this AV together. Everybody knows thats were the fun bit is. I tried a couple of pieces of more traditional music,but thought this was was different enough to be 'different', but not totally out there. The music was on one of those large compilation box sets of chillout music. The artist was Paul Schutze and the track was 'Sleep 2'. Glad the sequence worked for you. Thanks for the feedback. davy
  23. Andrew, 'Not bad at all', is as good as I could hope for. If only my old Geology teacher had marked me as highly. Thanks, Davy
  24. Colin, The Next AV, I will play it safe and have nice music and manual control. Have to keep you guys happy. I did get the weirdest music CD ever, sent to me recently though. Will keep that one for my next hibernation. Cheers. Davy
  25. Ken, Started out just taking pictures of rock/textures.My old geology teacher would have approved. Didn’t quite float my boat though,so coupled rocks with other shots. I wanted something different for this,music wise. Granted,not everybody’s cup of tea,but it is a quirky sort of a collection. Want to keep my really nice music for a back slapping AV. You know how it is. Cheers, Davy
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