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jvplap@charter.net's Achievements

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  1. Peter & Yachtsman, Thanks so much for the PDF's. I played with it all afternoon and this software is a winner in my book. Does exactly what I need it to do. Thanks fo helping me out. JP
  2. Peter & Yachtsman, Thanks so much for the PDF's. I played with it all afternoon and this software is a winner in my book. Does exactly what I need it to do. Thanks fo helping me out. JP
  3. Great, I'm printing it off now. Much appreciated. JP
  4. I just found the Time shift tool. thanks, JP
  5. Lennart, Sorry to bug you, I have been playing with the Audacity software and I have a question that hopefully you can answer. I typically import 3 or 4 songs into a project slice them up and fade them into eachother, but I'm having trouble doing this in audacity. I'm looking at the help files and it refers to a "Time Shift Tool", but I can't seem to find it. Is it better to keep these three or four songs on differnt tracks or import them one behind the other on one track. thanks for the help. Jason
  6. Thanks Lennart, I will check it out. JP
  7. Just received my new PC/Windows 7. I was unable to intall Adobe Premiere (Audio Editing Software) on it as it was too old of a version. With Premiere I was able to mix songs, fade them, basic stuff and it was really easy to use. I them would import the wav. file into my PicsToExe slideshow. I know this is a good site to ask as there are alot of talented people here that can help. It doesn't need to be a free download, I just want something basic and easy to use. thanks, JP
  8. Thanks DaveG I have alot to learn. Jason
  9. Thanks Tom, Much appreciated. Jason
  10. Lin, Thanks again. Now it's time to play! Jason
  11. Lin, Thanks for taking the time to give a detailed explanation of my question. I will be upgrading to Deluxe, but I would like to make sure I understand this. Just a few more follow-up questions if you don't mind. 1) What software do you use to view this video MP4 type on a PC? 2) I do have an HD TV with all the supported imputs. Can I plug in my laptop to my TV and view the HD quality video? 3) Some of my wedding slideshows are 400 to 600 photos with numeorus songs. Is there a file size limit? 4) I currently use 1024x768 for my photos. Would it be better to use 1920x1024? Will this stall my program or produce to large of files? 5) Once you create this MP4 file can you burn it to a DVD and watch it on a TV or HDTV? or Do you suggest viewing it through a computer. 6) If you burn this file to a DVD do you use Pictures to EXE Sorry for so many questions. I like to understand the full potential of the software I use and I know the best way to learn is to ask questions and use it. Pics to Exe is a great program as it is so easy to use and very powerful. I would like to upgrade, but want to know what the software does from experts who use it. thanks again, Jason
  12. Yachtsman1 Makes sense to me. I will upgrade to the deluxe version and let you know. thanks for your time. Jason
  13. I have been using PicturesTo Exe for years to create great slideshows. In the past I have created an AVI file and used Ulead DVD Movie Factory to create a DVD that I can view on my TV. My question is, what are these options in Pictures to Exe. 1) Export of HD Video - What does this do? How would I use it? 2) DVD video Disc - Is the the same process I am currently doing now with Ulead? Is it better quality? I only do still photos no video clips. Any help would be appreciated. Jason
  14. Peter, Thanks for the information. I shall do some reading tonight when I get home. Much appreciated. Jason
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