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  1. Hi, I have downloaded V5.6 and authorised it to my new DELL Studio laptop, which has an Optiarc DVDRW DL drive, 4Mb RAM and a 500Gb hard drive nearly all of which is free, so there should be no space problems. Having compliled my PtoE slideshow with music, I then select Burn to DVD. The program goes through all of the steps OK, but when it gets to start burning the disk, the program hangs. There is nothing showing in the progress bar and the two time labels remain at zero. There seems to be some hard disk activity, but 30 minutes later, still no progress. The program does not give a C++ error message about unusual termination (which I have had on my descktop), When I try to cancel I get the dialogue box asking me if I am sure, I say yes but the program does not close. I have to use Task Manager to stop the program, which is showing it as 'not responding'. Even then, there is a greyed out image of the program left on screen and I have to restart the computer to clear it. This happens every time I try to burn a DVD, I am using good quality Verbatim disks. Any ideas please? I have several orders from friends for DVD's and I cannot supply them. McAfee reports the 'imgburn' download site as UNSAFE, so I cannot install the suggested ISO burn software. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. I have created an ISO file, can anyone recommend a reliable software package I can use please to turn this into a DVD.
  2. I have just played the DVD on my Panasonic BlueRay DVD player and widescreen TV and it works perfectly, no sound problem. So it seems my computer DVD read/write drive may be at fault. Good to know that the software is OK though. Any comment on the computer problem would be welcome though. Thanks.
  3. Hello, I have successfully created several *.exe files using PtE but have just tried to burn my first DVD from the same source file. The program creates the DVD OK, but when playing it, there are problems with the sound quality, which are not in the exe file. At random locations there are staccato popping sounds, mostly associated with the bass end of the background music. Is this a known problem. I have a DELL Dimension E521 dual processor desktop with about 40gbytes free on the C: drive. 2Mb of RAM. I do not understand the 'Property' settings in PtoE burner, but have selected the highest bit rate for Audio. Is this correct? Any help would be most appreciated. Burn speed used was 16x using Verbatim DVD-R 4.7gbyte 16x disks.
  4. Yes, I have also.
  5. Excellent tutorials, I am looking forward to working through them. I am relatively new to PTE and these are most helpful. Thank you for sharing your expertise.
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