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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. Dbolt. You have to be practical and most of what we would like to be able to do, may not be possible or practical. If it were me, I’d make my presentation as an Mp4 video - 1920*1080 pixels at 60p. I’d also create an EXE as a backup and I’d take two USB sticks, with the same content on both. Just in case one USB chose that time to throw a wobbly. Not likely, but better safe than sorry. Copy the content to the computer and run it from there as a preference. You don’t say if the venue is a Camera Club, but if it is, any club that does not have the equipment to play that Mp4 should be drummed out of the Brownies.
  2. It is a darn good camera though.
  3. Alex55 I think you’ll find that the camera plays a much less important part in the process than being at the right place at the right time. The video below explains https://youtu.be/f0YO_hPo0u0
  4. I use a Canon R5 full frame Mirrorless camera for these images.
  5. The making of the above
  6. Please see below
  7. JRR I just read your comment again and feel the need to say I agree with you, if I am reading your meaning correctly when you say. Too many people go the route of "look what I can do Mom!" with all that is available to them. I have to say it’s something I’ve always thought, but it’s not easy to find the appropriate words to express that without feathers flying. In my view, far too much effort is placed on transient effects, even though they maybe sophisticated and clever, and nowhere near enough effort on the quality of what is being displayed or how the images are synchronised to the soundtrack. If there is a place we should see good examples of Audio Visual, surely it’s on a dedicated forum like this, but those examples are few and far between. The most lengthy threads seem to be tied up with obscure technical issues and rarely do we see any discussion on technique and production issues that affect the main thing we strive for. That our presentation is well received and does not have viewers reaching for the escape key one minute in. There’s a YouTuber I view who does not appear to be a photographer, but his presentations are very appealing to me, because he concentrates on the content, synchronisation and he keeps things simple.
  8. JRR. Thank you. The music is royalty free supplied by Google for use on YouTube. Anything copy-right gets flagged within a minute of posting.
  9. Make sure you copy and past it into the registration. If it worked before, it should work now.
  10. Good point
  11. My experience is the reverse of yours Jill. From the earliest days of digital cameras I’ve only ever used card readers. That would be about 25 years now and I’ve never connected any of my cameras to my computer to download images. I’ve not had one failure in all that time, be that a card failure or lost images, but I always format the card in the camera and never allow software to remove images from the card as part of the download process. I also don’t allow images to build up on a card either, which means the cards are in and out of my camera probably a lot more than most peoples. I download the images I shoot every day with few exceptions. Then format the card ready for the next day out. I’m not sure what one persons experience amounts to, but with not one issue in all that time suggests I must be doing something right. I do buy good quality cards, but I have to admit my card reader was a cheap one that I used for many years. Only changed it recently when I needed to download the new type of Compact Flash cards.
  12. The posting method that seems to be the most popular is to output your presentation to an Mp4 video at 60p and post it to YouTube. You can link directly to that show from the forum. Example below
  13. I wouldn’t put money on this, but I think it’s an issue at the software/forum end. I’ve had the -200 issue on my own forum in the past and it was an issue with the forum software, or a server setting.
  14. I was a bit skeptical that Photoshop would cause this, but posted just for info, probably never happen again. ‘Many thanks
  15. I’m not sure if this will help someone, but a recent contact to me could not get the Themes & Styles button to work in PTE AV Studio. I made all the usual suggestions about a reboot and clean instal and also removing cache, but he said it had no affect. I’ve just been told that closing down Photoshop before installing PTE AV Studio has cured the problem, but something doesn’t seem right to me. However, I thought I’d post it for information.
  16. Can you define “Modern”
  17. The trouble is that many newer users of the software assume it’s something they have done wrong or there is a setting somewhere that needs their attention. The result is they are sidetracked away from the creative side of making a presentation and spend time looking for an error or mistake, that’s not there to find. Thats not fun.
  18. I've had a question sent to me, which unless I am missing something, appears to be a small bug. The attached video demonstrates the issue https://www.mediafire.com/file/5d218xee1jmatjk/PTE_AV_Studio_Keyframe_Issue.mp4/file
  19. Tom. How can you use 10 different screen recorders to a sufficient level to then be able to accurately assess them against each other? It would take me an age to do that.
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