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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. Simple answer and one I have been going on about for eons Don't let PTE decide on the size of your image, you decide via choices in the software such as Original mode or Disable scaling of main images. If your animating a show create a PNG frame to cover up any visible movement, if not, your done. The projector will project what you created.
  2. Peter I used to use PTE4 for this purpose, but moved over to a dedicated menu builder when 5 was launched. I love PTE to death as you know, but I now favour Multi-Media-Builder to to what you are referring to. Try downloading this example that I produce for download videos and take a look, obviously the video it refers to wil not play as it would need to be in the root directory with the start.exe, but most of the menu does. You can create the menu as big as you like and customise it as you wish. Its not an expensive program either http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/start.zip
  3. Ron Access your memory banks under Humour - Sense of etc. Tom Don't get me on that bandwagon. I am sure you are well in need of your badge, but if ever there was an abused privilidge in our society, disabled parking it is.
  4. If you drive on a motorway you might get killed in a feak accident If you fly, you may be unlucky enough to fly right into a mountain If you get out of bed in the morning, you might have an accident that day and break your neck. If you use a Mike oldfield track in your AV you might get sued. Its against the law to speed and of course no PTE user ever does that. Its against the law to park on yellow bands and no PTE user does that either, do they? Of course we could just apply common sense.
  5. GaveG OK got it, but what a daft way of working. What possible use is that if you cannot then use the headings and they only show in a preview. They have to show in the customised startup window of the main tab, or what's the point. I thank you guys for all your help and wonder how many hours research it all adds up to ?????????????????????? My point again, if something in the software taxes the experts as much as this has, it needs fixing or dumping.
  6. Mark A really nice idea, but you have lost all the composition of your images, by placing largely dark images onto a black background. We see the edges of the images in some places and not other which affects the charm and flow of the show. The background needs to be black given the subject, so I think it is essential you pick out these images in some way. A perfect subject for that thin white, or grey line.
  7. Xaver Well, it doesn't do that for me and I don't think it does it for Ken either, which makes the Messages Tab in need of attention. I still believe it has no place in the project options, it should be on the top menus tucked away for when we may need it. It would be of value of we could set the options and save them as our own defaults so they appear for every show we make.
  8. Are you saying that you put that data into the Project Options Messages Tab and it transferred automatically to the the Project Options main tab (customise startup window) 32 posts and I know nothing more than I did at post 1, I think that says rather a lot about the messages tab. well, well, well. It works with the password query
  9. Xaver No, you all seem to be missing my point. I appreciate what Peter is trying to do, but I know all that. I know exactly what the startup option does and how it works. It wasn't that I was referring to anyway. (shown below) Have a look at the other screen grab, what do the options in the messages tab actually do. I can change them and they seem to remain in place, but say you place a set of values in the startup section in the messages section. What does it do apart from sit in the messages tab. Nothing, unless I am missing something. It doesn't show in the place I expected it to in my first screen grab. The project options in my view should be the essential instructions to make our slide shows work. That messages tab does nothing towards that and should be moved to another place or deleted altogether if it serves no purpose. All it does is add more to the project options that confuse newer users of the software.
  10. Good news. I have just spoken to the performing rights society and they have said that all PTE users are exempt for any copyright whatsoever. Copyright only relates to all those others who do not use PTE, not us. Honest!
  11. Blimey, I am almost sorry I asked the original question, my life could end before we even get close to the end of the thread. So lets put this another way. Can anyone explain to me what the Project Options > Messages tab is any good for or how it works? The answer appears to be NO!
  12. Well. I have to make the point that if so called experts in the use of PTE have to ask for help because they cannot fathom what the hell something does, then it badly needs sorting or it needs discarding.
  13. FH Do it the other way round, isn't the message tab where we can set that information so it shows automatically in the main tab > Customise startup. It doesn't I can get the customise start up working from the main tab, but what purpose does the messages tab serve, because its passing me by completely. I wonder if the messages Tab is used by anyone.
  14. Sounds perfectly logical to me BJ
  15. Am I the only person who cannot get this to do anything at all. Example, change the startup window details to reflect who I am, where the web site is etc etc, but I cannot get it to show in the Startup window in the Main Tab. The only place my changed text shows in in the messages tab
  16. Craig Your doing nothing wrong, read the page at the link below that may make things more clear. http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/audiovisual/dvd/dvd.htm
  17. This wasn't a serious use or anything to demonstrate fractals, just playing with them for this sequence. I can't see myself returning to them, but they do have the ability to while away a few winter evenings. Yes, I know it's summer now, though you wouldn't believe it in the UK. Global warming in reverse.
  18. Jeff I think it would be a good idea to be able to set those Cover, fit to slide options as user defaults, but I have also asked for a name change of those options too. They should be called cover screen and fit to screen not fit to slide. I can't really see the point in you retaining format only to let the software throw it away for you, it makes no sense. Maintain the format by all means, but arrange a size that gives you a border all the way round, not just top and bottom. That is far more attractive to the eye, rather like how we would present a print. Then select the disable scaling option and your home and dry. You can even create your own Png frame to pop over the top of the images for a real classy appearance.
  19. I guess members are not impressed with fractals then
  20. Xaver I think these types of changes are great for us experts who know PTE backwards and a couple of new changes now and again don't over tax us much. Igor probably has to consider the wider implications of creating a software that while desirable could be over complicated for the new user. I appreciate that it can also be argued in reverse that some sound editing may make the software more user friendly. Now its coming to something, I arguing with myself, who needs a forum
  21. Adda Ever heard the saying Jack of all trades, Master of none. Well, some of those other slide show programs fall fair and square into that saying. No, I agree with FH, lets concentrate on the slide show quality and use a dedicated sound editor for our sound files
  22. Gilbert You can do this with windows. Hit the pause button when an image in your show is on screen. Then hit the Print Scrn button. Open a blank page in your image editor at least the resolution of the images in your show and then hit Ctrl+V You will probably see the image appear, which you can now save and use again.
  23. With respect to Canteau, I disagree with his issue over the size of the images. Size does not equate to the impact and interest of a slide show, unless it was really tiny of course. If I am right Dave you have produced a slide show that will play within a 1024*768 pixel screen and made sure it will not be stretched and the quality destroyed when played on other machines running a higher resolution. I thoroughly support that reasoning and feel it is the right thing to do. I thought the slide show was great and there were lots of places I recognised and the images were good. My only issue would be with your border, it is just a bit too bright for me and it competes for attention between the border and your images. A border should support the images, but here I feel it doesn't quite do that. Subdue it and you have a great slide show.
  24. I have had the same thing and have sent an email to Avast this morning to let them know, sit tight for a while as Limey says they usually act pretty quickly
  25. Be careful it can become quite an addictive program.
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