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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. Ron I am also surprised at so little reaction as this is music from someone who does not usually record royalty free music. It is good stuff and just what we need. The idea is that he would make CD's from his back catalogues of music, but it is still good stuff. I am hoping the price will not be much more than a regular CD, but will amateurs pay for this or choose not to and just use their home CD's. I suppose this royalty free music is more important to those of us who want to put slide shows on CD's for sale and do it 100% legally. bbdigital
  2. I have two new slide up on my web site here:- http://www.barrybeckham.co.uk/tutorials/tu..._av/explain.htm I also have quite an advanced movie tutorial CD that covers one of the slide shows here:- http://www.barrybeckham.co.uk/tutorials/tu...s/fireworks.htm Feedback appreciated bbdigital
  3. Igor. I know this subject has been discussed before and if I am not mistaken you intend to include it when you can. I thought you may be interested to know of how many questions I get about this when I lecture to Photo clubs in the UK. Slides shows, via PTE are now a part of my lecture and the question " Can I save a PTE show to DVD and watch it on TV" is asked again and again. I feel that with that improvement, you are likely to see sales of PTE increase. I could also sell copies of PTE at these lecture venues if they were on CD including the product key. Are you thinking of doing something like that in the near future. Many people who are interested don't have an internet connection. Barry
  4. I don't know if the name Medwyn Goodall means anything to people on this forum, but he is a musician who makes, in my view, some great music that is very good for AV. I have been trying to research some inspirational royalty free music for our type of use and again in my View Medwyn Goodall's music fits that desription. He is thinking of releasing a back catelogue of his work on a couple of royalty free CD's perhaps building into a larger CD collection later. The price has yet to be determined, but I get the impression that it will not be huge. Is that something that users of PTE and readers of this forum would be interested in. I am trying to determine if it is and would welcome the thoughts of this group. Those who have heard his misic may be more aware of why this is something welcome. bbdigital
  5. I have just been asked if I produce any tutorials on sound editing using Cooledit (now Adobe Audition). I have a full version of Adobe Audition, thanks to their generosity, but I have never really given the making of video tutorials on this subject serious thought. I always assumed that it was fairly pointless to make a tutorial using software of $24 and then deal with sound editing with software costing $300. I did just scrape the surface of Cooledit a bit in one CD, but that was just a written one and done with the cheaper version of Cooledit. I must admit that it has given me something to think about and I assume that the principles of sound editing are the same via Audition or Audacity. I am thinking about a movie CD that covers all I can think of in relation to sound editing for Audio Visual. For Example Importing from a music CD Converting to MP3 and wave Saving music files Mixing down different tracks Increase music length Reduce music length Joining different music together. Cutting pasting music/and or sound Fade music out Fade music in Add sound effects to music Recording voice overs Add voice overs Adding voice and sound effects to the music file. Adding effects such as echo I would welcome this forums views on that please? bbdigital
  6. Starfish I also received the French email and all I could read was the title of my slide show "Black Country". I had no idea what they were asking, but thanks to you knowledgable people I now understand. Not sure how to reply tho? bbdigital
  7. Richard What is wrong with a 25 meg file with 70 images. If you want quality images in your slide show you are going to get these sizes. For an audio visual of that type I can see nothing wrong with a 25 meg file. If you size your images to 1024 on the long side and save them as a Jpeg at level 6 you will be fine. I am a bit at a loss as to why you feel a 25 megabyte file is too large. If you make your slide show smaller as some have suggested you will not get a screen filling picture. What is the point of using PTE and a Canon D60 and reducing images to 800*600 (sorry Oleg, but I am not sure I concur with that advice) One of the pluses of PTE for me is the fact that we can project a picture at 1024*768. I just could not bring myself to make it smaller. Over 50% of my web visitors have screen resolutions set at 1024*768 so I think that is the size to stay with. Unless your PC is steam driven and as a D60 owner I somehow doubt it, the show should run perfectly. I have a new balloon AV with far less than 70 images and that is 40 meg. It plays a treat on my desktop and I have run it a number of times at lectures on a laptop with no problem. Can you tell us what software you are using and why 25 meg is a problem? Barry Beckham
  8. Pageplus Well, Digital AV forms a fair part of the demonstrations I do I camera clubs and they are very popular. I show a few sequences through the evening to just give members a rest from all that Photoshop technical stuff and it appears to work. I also show how to put together a quick show and always gets lots of questions through an evening. The days of two projectors for me is long gone. bbdigital
  9. Carrigman Thank you for the compliment and your right, it is all down to PTE. You have struck a chord with what you said about changing the way you shoot images. This skill is developed when you do produce AV sequences, you learn to look for bits and pieces that on there own would not be that strong, but as a set they are. I have done this for years being someone who did use all the old style hardware. When I started shooting digital my shooting habits did not change and I always came back from a shoot with the same style of images I would have shot for AV using film. However, until I found PTE my images where then used to produce montages and now, they in turn can form part of a slide show. Quite a neat circle, but your right in what you say. You can come back from a day out with some great images for a slide show even when that ellusive masterpiece escapes you. I am glad that PTE has got your enthusiasm flowing, don't forget to post one or two sequences for the forum members to view. Barry
  10. Delsupserve See my answer to Dianna. bbdigital
  11. Dianna There is a Tutorial CD on my web site that is dedicated to producing PTE slide shows. It might answer all your questions. Try this link http://www.barrybeckham.co.uk/tutorials/tu...udio_visual.htm and check out a slide show sample or two here http://www.barrybeckham.co.uk/tutorials/tu..._av/explain.htm bbdigital
  12. Igor I have just spoken to the Editor of the magazine that my PTE slide show and movie tutorial was published in for September. I was asking him about the possibility of a further slide show and movie tutorial in a future magazine issue. I suggested that I could explore the selecting of slides and the Pictures 2 exe time line in my video tutorials. As a result the Editor is interested in hearing from you with a view to putting your trial software on the CD that comes with the magazine. This would be a great opportunity for you and I can tell you that this magazine is the leader in the UK with regards the circulation. Please would you like to make contact with Jon Adams of Digital Photo at the address below. Jon.Adams@emap.com I hope you did receive my CD ok that contained both my slide show and tutorial that appeared in the September issue. Regards Barry beckham Web Site:- www.bbdigital.co.uk or www.barrybeckham.co.uk E-mail :- barry@bbdigital.co.uk barry@barrybeckham.co.uk barry.beckham@ntlworld.com
  13. I agree with Ron , two great sequences. However, I want to know more, which is sparked off by the great images of Venice. Was that some kind of annual event where peoplke dress up or was you just in the right place at the right time. I have always wanted to go to Venice and if this event is an annual thing it is worth making sure that I am there at the same time. bbdigital
  14. Vivid light magazine is very good, I liked the macro article using the Canon 65mm lens a lot. There is another photo magazine on line called www.ephotozine.com The Editor is the former Edito of Digital Photo when it was called Digital PhotoFX. It always baffles me how they can produce all this work and support it from advertising revenue. Then again the money these internet sites pay for their articles, (in my experience very little), so perhaps thats how. Never the less the quality of the articles are great. bbdigital
  15. MikeyUK Glad you like Digital Photo and it does pack in quite a bit each month. I made a point of looking out for photo and digital magazines while in the States back in March and did the same in Australia a year or so back. I have to say that the magazines outside the UK are not a patch on those we have grown up with. The quality of the paper is thin, which takes its toll on the quality of some of the images and the layout is just not attractive. I think readers in the USA and Australia would enjoy the UK magazines. I know of some aquaintances from the states who do have an overseas susbription to Digital Photo because they feel it is better. There is plenty of advice in this forum on PTE Mikey and Tutorial CD's if you need them on my web site. www.bbdigital.co.uk bbdigital
  16. Ken Considering that Digital Photo are the leading digital UK mag they do not have a web site, only a subscription page here. https://www.subscription.co.uk/home/subso.a...?m=118&src=fl01 bbdigital
  17. Al All Digital Photo have on the web is a subcription page here https://www.subscription.co.uk/home/subso.a...?m=118&src=fl01 bbdigital
  18. Just to inform all interested people that PTE is feattured in the September issue of Digital Photo. The magazine is called Digital Photo and it is the premier UK digital Imaging magazine and is the sister magazine to Practical Photography that has been out for years. Digital Photo started off at Digital PhotoFX about 6 years ago and I am told by the Editor it has the largest readership of the digital magazines in the UK. I have written tutorials for this magazine since its launch and the September 2003 issue carries the PTE slide show put together by myself on the Yosemite national Park in the USA. I think the magazine also carries both a written and a movie tutorial of the whole process, but as yet I have not seen this issue magazine yet. I am aware from emails received that the early copies have already been sent out to subscribers of the magazine, but it wasn’t on sale in the book stores this lunchtime when I checked. I expect it to be in the UK shops within a day or so. I am also aware that at least one reader has bought PTE because he emailed me for some help. I suspect there will be many more. bbdigital
  19. Good work Olga a great slide show with quality images bbdigital
  20. Although I have not seen it yet, I understand that my Yosemite AV is included on the cover CD of the latest copy of Digital Photo. I presume the tutorial is also included. Igor may see the sales of PTE rise for a week or two, with a bit of luck. bbdigital
  21. Marianne Just read your mail about black country, I actually use PTE quite basically and all the work is done in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements for the slides that blend fropm one to another as parts are added. Basically all that is, is a montage of 5 or 6 images, broken apart and each layer or added part is then saved as a slide. Some advice already given is good and that is to start a bit more basic and work up. There is some information on my web site here http://www.barrybeckham.co.uk/tutorials/tu...v/startercd.htm with a tutorial CD that is available if you still need some help. bbdigital
  22. nobeefstu I go along with all that, but....................why are there always so many buts in this life LOL...??? Anyway, what was I saying. Oh yes, but!! people will still print screen grabs and despite my earlier comment about low quality, have you printed out a 72dpi image on a good inkjet printer lately, they are not bad you know. Probably good enough for 70% of people to A4. Especially if they are getting them free of charge. Don't get me wrong I am not paranoid about people stealing my pictures, I am sure it has happened already. It's just a shame that we cannot prevent screen prints and have confidence that it stays that way. I suppose its the age old argument, if you can put in an electronic anti copy device, some clever bugger will develop an electronic way to take it out. Oh well, what the hell. btw..........Tonight I have been bombarded with virus emails, all picked up safely, but be vigilent with what you open people. bbdigital
  23. No, still can't see the point and the Pros I have lectured to would love their low res images free from a screen grab possibility. We, the initiated understand the resolution issue but most don't. They will grab the images, print them out and then blame the photographer for the poor quality image, that is if they even realise they have a poor quality image. Never mind, I can see that one more program to take a screen grab will not hurt. I use one myself for writing tutorials called Hypersnaps. I just wondered what the enthusiasm for this software was from a group of people who had the originals. bbdigital
  24. Am I being daft, but why would anyone want to capture PTE screen images unless it was that they are up to no good and stealing someone elses work. If you make a slide show, where is the need to capture images from the show in this way, you would have higher resolution images at your disposal wouldn't you. Am I missing something or just being suspicious. bbdigital
  25. Sorry Sharon, but I found the fractals very uneasy on the eye. I need something gentler and with more variety for the slide show to appeal to me. Individual slow disolves to a haunting peice of music may work better as the shapes and colours blend together duting the transition. bbdigital
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