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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. I seem to have found the problem myself this morning while drinking coffee before work and tinkering. However, Al was right. The time line needed a tweak, but ran OK in the timeline player mode. I needed to extend the gap between slides in the time line or PTE appeared to get confused. For the technical bit I am using a 2.7 chip PC, 1.5 gig of ram, latest PTE version and loads of slides. (not counted them yet) and one piece of music about 4 mins. Anyway I am getting more experienced with the time line now. What I have been working on is a much better jigsaw AV (well thats the plan) One where although only one image is used it does not become tedious or slow. I suppose you guys will have to tell me if I have succeeded and I will post it as soon as I have finished it. I would like to thank all the quick replies to my problem, what a team! www.bbdigital.co.uk
  2. Can anyone help with this. I am putting together a complex AV using the time line and all works well when viewed in that mode. However, save the finished file and one or two fades do not work well at all and there is a jump (the best I can describe it) Does anyone recognise that and know where I am going wrong? Thanks www.bbdigital.co.uk
  3. I have now completed putting together a movie tutorial on the subject of a Jigsaw AV using Photoshop or Elements and of course PTE. It is high resolution at 1024*768 with CD quality sound. Anyone interested can find it on my site here http://www.barrybeckham.co.uk/tutorials/tu...gsaw/jigsaw.htm The final AV is downloadable as is a sample of the movie. If you have any comments on what I have offered I am always open to suggestions. bbdigital
  4. Jim Funny you should put a link to ePHOTOzine, where do you think he got that idea from. I wrote a tutorial for him a year or so ago on this subject and as far as I know it may still be on his web site. bbdigital
  5. Ray. I have two Video tutorial CD's that not only cover Photoshop exclusively, but volumes 3 and 4 deals just with the presentation of images. They cover a simple white or black border to far more creative varieties. Try this link so you can see what they contain. http://www.barrybeckham.co.uk/tutorials/tu...hotoshop_7.html Regards bbdigital
  6. Bill There is no magic for the jigsaw puzzle effect, just a lot of hard work in Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. I am currently working on a high resolution video tutorial of the jigsaw puzzle AV, but it looks like needing 2 CD's. I have kept the size at 1024*768 and a super sound quality and the avi files are huge. The tut covers all of the Photoshop work in depth and putting the show together in PTE. If it works out alright I hope to interest a few people enough to pay a few quid for it. www.bbdigital.co.uk
  7. As far as I am aware the best way is via an external sound editor, trouble is they are often far more expensive than PTE. Of course the benefits are that you can mix music and sound effects and blend music together when you want it longer and when I did this years ago with a 4 track tape deck, that cost an arm and a leg. www.bbdigital.co.uk Barry
  8. I have put up some sequences on the Beechbrook cottage site and you are welcome to take a look at the other images and stuff that is on my web site at www.bbdigital.co.uk Barry
  9. Hello all pte users. I have just joined the forum mainly as I am so impressed with the software. I have quite a large web site here www.bbdigital.co.uk and a few pte slide shows as demos here http://www.barrybeckham.co.uk/tutorials/tu..._av/explain.htm if anyone is interested. I was looking for how to post a sequence onto the demo site, but couldn't find how to. I also wanted to let the developers at pte know what I am doing as a CD I have written on how to put slide shows together is becoming really popular in the UK. I am sure that is already been asked for on the forums, but I want to be able to rename files from within pte. regards Barry
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