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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. A short presentation of my morning on a stormy beach. For PC - Mac and YouTube in HD
  2. Bert You have to select the high resolution from the options or it plays at mid range I think. Click the little cog wheel and you should see the 1920x1080 option.
  3. Last week I uploaded my slide show to YouTube A Journey into Photography at 60p. The file size was 700MB, it went up no trouble and plays fine.
  4. I was working on the finishing touches to a slide show today and the main thing I was doing was using the Change Image File option to adjust some images to see if they worked better. I can't say for sure that this caused the errors, but they came up twice. The first time I did a screen grab and also a screen grab of the Task Manager, which I used to shut PTE down (attached) The second time I was about to do the same when PTE crashed and ended itself, or windows did it.
  5. It's happened twice in different projects both larger ones, but not since I posted. No one else seems to have noticed it, so perhaps an issue my end. I cant really say what I did apart from making an adjustment to the show project file, then saving it as slidehsow 007 when it was previously slideshow 006. Then creating a safe show for Internet and although the project file was version 007, Pte wanted to create 006
  6. Thank you all for the comments. Anthony, its not that easy to get the variation needed at the Blue Mountains. As you say, if you get off the tracks, your in the forest with no view at all. I am sure some of the all day walks might reveal something, but I am past that. There are walks and then there are the Bear Grylls type stuff I do have another slideshow, but it's very short and hopefully sweet. I did an experiment with filters and just can't make my mind which to go with. The standard shots or the filtered ones, maybe both. I keep watching it every day or so and I like them both. I do have some good history images of Ballarat, but not even thought of where to go with that. I will save something for the winter, you know, when we are snowed in with freezing temperatures Remember, it can get down to 13c here in winter. It's almost enough to change out of shorts
  7. Of course I don't mind you giving an honest comment. I would rather you said that you were so moved by the sequence that you will play it once a week from now on but that's not entirely realistic is it. Honesty is the best policy every time and you have hit on the one thing that went through my mind while making it. The main area of interest is the three sisters, but you're right, how many images can you include of them and get away with it? I thought I had, or might, but then again my view is coloured by the fact that some were shot under different light conditions and I told myself that would be a sufficient variation. I do have other images of the place and I may be able to find one or two I am happy with, but I can't bring myself to put images I am not entirely happy with into a side show. I'd rather dump the show than do that. The issue here is, if the very thoughts you raised were in my head at the time, why didn't I deal with them at the time? Because we convince ourselves it is OK for reasons only a neuroscientist may be able to answer. Its that old thing that when we are in full creative flow there is no stopping us. Just looked at it again, there are some nice images there, even if I say so myself.
  8. I was one of those who didn't care that much for the blur option when it was added, because I didn't like the effect. To some degree I have come to accept it, but I would like it constrained like Photoshop and not to affect borders. I expect this may give Igor and his team some headaches, because there is a natural crossover between PTE and image editing, but how far is that taken?
  9. Not if you don't own one mouse on 4 computers it doesn't
  10. This came up originally while making the PTE-9 Promo, but it surfaced again on another show I made. The ability to adjust critical sound volume in the Time Line when blending music, commentary and perhaps sound effects is still a fiddly and annoying aspect of PTE for me. I am a user of a Wacom Graphics Tablet and in all other respects it is far superior to any mouse for fine control, but not with PTE sound, but I suspect the mouse is just as fiddly. It is almost impossible to drag volume down to 6% and remove the pointer and have the value remain at 6%. The hand has to be so still to achieve it and I find I miss 4 times out of 5, often the volume will jump to 15%. I appreciate, the width of the music edit area can be increased, but I don't want to have to go into settings to achieve that. Three reasons: 1. It takes too long 2. It takes up too much real estate on screen and needs to be constantly reset. 3. In critical work I am making volume adjustment often and it gets painful to achieve I would like a value box so in critical adjustments I could change 6% to 4%. Try doing that without making the width of the wave file 400% and you will get frustrated. I would like to be able to click an audio key-point and have a value box open that I can ignore if I want to drag to change volume, or over-type the volume value if I don't....
  11. I do have a secret, it's to ignore it all Music copyright changes hands so often from artist to record company back to artist that YouTube don't really have a hope of being up to date in all situations. You can find whole albums on YouTube, so we AV enthusiasts are not part of the problem.
  12. Another Slide Show called The Blue Mountains, but reluctant to post on SSC or I might get accused of hogging it and have to change my name to Eric
  13. PTE-9 Promo Pdf
  14. Geoff There are some things worth pursuing and some not and this is firmly in the not camp. As Lin says, it's easy to capture the screen, whether wnsoft tries to protect it or not. Think about it, those who would be defeated by what was in PTE previously are not threat to you or anyone else. Those who are a threat can step around the issue easily. I use a simple little program called hypersnaps and I can capture the screen while your show is playing.
  15. Sorry. I made an assumption you were referring to the Navigation bar, my mistake. I am not a W10 user yet, but wouldn't be best pleased to have that pop up while playing a slide show
  16. Personally, I like it turned off for traditional AV sequences. You can do that in project options
  17. Jevans The Great Ocean Road is one of those places you need to stay for a few days. Just passing through you do get to see the sights, but for good photography you need to find the locations and be there at the right time. If you dropped into a location like this and had wall to wall blue skies for a week, it might be good from one point of view, but perhaps not the photography. Seems a shame to be in Melbourne and not get to the Ocean Road, but from Melbourne to Portland around the ocean road is around 400k each way. It's not a day trip Thank you all for the comments, they are appreciated
  18. A Journey into Photography
  19. This has happened to me on a few occasions: While making a slide show and saving consecutive project file names ie slideshow 001, slideshow 002 etc. On making a slight change to the project I save a new project file, lets say to slideshow 003. When I make a safe exe for PC, PTE tries to create slideshow 002 and not slideshow 003 from the project file just saved.
  20. Your welcome, at least one person has looked at it thank you
  21. If I am reading your query right, I have to say that maybe you're not going about this the right way. One of the first and most important disciplines when making slide shows is to copy all the images and sound files into a dedicated project folder. They need to be in one place and dragging them from different locations on your computer will almost certainly end in tears.. Once you have the files copied to a dedicated folder, open PicturesToExe, browse the file tree for that folder and the images will appear. Select them all with Ctrl+A and drag them down into the slide list at the bottom.
  22. Open Pdf HERE Videos on PTE issues and Mediafire included
  23. Thanks for the responses. I had settled on 15 minutes myself, but wanted some independant views, because unless you listen to other views, how would you know yours is right? There's a word for that !! Oh yes, I know Free Speech. If a wedding template was made at 15 minutes, then an impressive slide show could be created in less than 30 minutes (a guess) and if a few more minutes were needed, then Slide Styles could easily add those minutes.
  24. Can I drag you back to the question, which was from a viewers point of view. Forget your own likes and dislikes, or what you would do or how the quality affects how long you would view. Assume the presentation is from a pro wedding photographer and assume the images are of the quality you would expect . Just think of a still image presentation of a wedding of your niece. What would be the optimum time that you would be prepared to sit and watch.
  25. Question From a viewers point of view, say your Niece, Granddaughter or acquaintance has a wedding AV available, what is a reasonable length in minutes for you to sit through? I would appreciate your views on this please. It will likely vary depending on the viewers relationship with the Bride and Groom, but what I want is a consensus mean figure
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