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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. I only mention is because I was impressed with it and I am not easily impressed. Some forum members must be using Creative Cloud surely?
  2. Anyway, as I was saying to what appears to be deaf ears. If you use video in slide shows and you are a user of Creative Cloud the video section is worth a look.
  3. In Photoshop CC you can apply adjustment layers to your video. So, not only can you adjust colour, contrast, levels curves , but in strategic places if you need to
  4. Mick Well, proof it needed that it works then
  5. Barry, I can't say what "many authors" are interested in - I wouldn't presume to know another's mind. I think your being very politically correct and diplomatic You have been around this forum and others for enough time to know why comments are rarely made. I agree the stars are meaningless, but we rarely see real constructive comment and I am as guilty as the next person for taking the view, I can't be bothered, not with making suggestions, but what comes after. If a person really wants feedback they should perhaps consider a PM to those they trust and ask for direct personal feedback to them via PM. Perhaps enthusiasts would feel more comfortable with that and the author would get more honest feedback. The only other way to get honest feedback is if the author and those making the comments are not known to one another.
  6. Great words, but we also know that many authors, (not only of audio visuals) are not a bit interested in true feedback even when they openly state that. Many of US have had our fingers burned by offering comment and it's not comment that some authors wants, its praise. So, over time all you see is back slapping, but then we have been here and written this many times before
  7. We all view things differently and whose to say whose right or wrong if indeed anyone is. I have difficulty shaking the thought that we share our slide shows because we are proud of what we have created and want to share them to see if others concur. If none of the slide show is our work, all my reasons for making it vanish.
  8. but many here don't drive their Tesla (whatever that is) they just sit in the driving seat in the showroom making out they are driving
  9. Mur You said I made a presentation in PTE, to my friends in Canada Under the circumstances shouldn't a show like that remain Just for your friends?
  10. I have suggested before that perhaps the time could be used in actually creating a slide show. There's a controversial idea for an AV forum Man cannot live by constant testing of betas alone, or can he?
  11. I think all computer software makers ought to understand that most users don't want continual change, just a little stability.
  12. I sort of guessed that had to be the cause, but I generally only get access to the laptop for the club time each month. Perhaps next month I will bring it home and check it out In the meantime. a reboot at tea time does it
  13. JT Don't make things more complex than they need to be. The question asked was my "main" pictures to be shown in front of another picture. Are we looking to point John in the right direction or show off our knowledge ? KISS
  14. John You don't need to convert anything to video. With what you describe, my "main" pictures to be shown in front of another picture You can do this with two still images Take a look at the PTE promo slide show and see if anything there looks like what you want to do. You will find that top left HERE
  15. I suppose so, never really thought too much about that, but I don't like surprises that catch me out.
  16. Peter I will try and remember that at the club next month. The laptop is now locked up in our clubrooms 40k away JT.well as I said, it's not a problem to re-boot, but you tend to forget sometimes and then when your halfway through a show its too late
  17. As far as I am aware it only has one, because the laptop is virtually the same as my own and both were bought at the same time. Mine will select a change when on battery, but that was the first thing I checked last night, to see if I had left the plug out. I think Colin might be onto the problem, but you would think that if a program isolated anything it would be temporary until that program was closed down. I can get around the issue, by re-booting after a speaker has completed and in the tea break, but would like to find a solution and tip others off about the possibility of this happening. Might just be a quirk of our laptop.
  18. Colin I suspect its something like that, although I cannot replicate it on my desktop. The trouble is of course I don't have the laptop here to try that at present. I will take a look at the next meeting if I can remember. Its rather annoying as I know the issue isn't PTE, but when your showing animation techniques to non users you want them to look their best.
  19. Here is something I have only noticed at our camera club with our club laptop. The laptop is not that old and generally copes fine, apart from what I describe below Each month I place our competition results into two slide shows, one for the set subject and one for the open section and they play perfectly. The high scoring images with titles and names are shown at the end of each sequence with some animated slide styles to aid presentation. On a few occasions PTE has difficulty not only running any type of animation, but even a straight 2 second fade will flicker. However, I have found the cause. On the first part of our evening we will have a guest speaker and many will bring their talk on a stick as a Powerpoint presentation and I usually transfer the images to the desktop temporarily so everything runs smoothly. It appears that whenever I do that, I need a re-boot before we play the PTE slide shows because even though Powerpoint player is closed down, something is still running in the background, or that is how it seems because it badly affects PTE. Its happened enough times now for me to tumble what the cause is. I have also noticed the same thing happening, as it did last night, with a club members talk. The images were brought on a stick and I transferred them to the desktop and just ran them in media player. Later when I came to show the PTE slide show (having not rebooted the PC) the slide show flickered on normal fades and was very jerky on any animation. I rebooted between the set subject and the open section and the second part ran perfectly. So, I have found the cause, but not a solution apart from a reboot.
  20. I can't help thinking that some completely misunderstand the intention or what the Project is likely to do for anyone. Firstly you cannot please all of the people all of the time and trying to please enthusiasts is like trying to find Hen's teeth. I doubt this sort of thing will help those already well into PTE and it's not intended to, if I understand Igor's intentions right. If you open Audition or Camtasia for the first time only it gives you a project you can look at and play. Often, just looking at one of those projects will help, simply by pointing you in the right direction. In addition it is a bit of a showcase for those who download the trial and are thinking of a purchase. If the project is not presented at the start, many newer users will not find it until its too late to help. Jeb, Goddi and Judy, thank you for some encouragement, for me and Igor To the faithful and I don't want to speak for Igor, but I think he was just giving enthusiasts a heads up. He's probably wondering why he bothered, I would.
  21. Its OK now I know what the issue is, but I am still not sure why when I first opened SSC that I could not click in the text box and see the cursor. As I was fiddling around, the curso appeared and I am not sure if it would have done that anyway or I did something by fiddling with the settings.
  22. Dave You're absolutely right. Because I had trouble when the text box first opened after the slide show uploaded I was clicking around to try and get the cursor to show so I could type. I selected back and that was OK, but it showed up as black against the brown background and I changed it to white thinking it was a little glitch that would come right later, as these things often do. When I spotted the spelling mistake I went back in, but had forgotten I set it to white. I guess in my difficulties I moved away from the default text colour that must be a mid grey. I have set that and can now see the text.
  23. I uploaded an old show earlier and had great trouble getting the cursor to appear in the text field. It eventually did, but I am not sure what I did to get it there. Later I spotted a spelling mistake, but when I try and edit the text nothing shows in the text box. If you click and drag all the invisible text will highlight, but I can't see it when I begin to type. I tried with Google Chrome and Explorer with the same results
  24. Mick For quite some time I have used a method which over time has become standard for me. If you place the cursor in any of the animation boxes. Pan, Rotate, Zoom or 3D you can move that object by hitting the up and down arrows on the keyboard.Just press and hold and your image will fly around the screen. If you need it to move faster, use page up and down rather than the cursor control keys. You can place the flashing cursor anywhere in the animation value boxes and this works. .
  25. I have noticed that some camera clubs have bought large flat screen TV's rather then use a projector. I have to say the results are terrible and not a patch on a monitor or decent projector. Quality/colour is bad and In addition anyone more than a few feet away can't see any demo that is being given anyway.
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