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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. Its a small point and hardly relevant, but perhaps because I am of a certain age and still think of a blank as a slide, albeit a dark one that I expected the name to change. The project, that you might see soon, needs to have everything correctly named, but looking at what I completed. It does look like I neglected to do so. It's only recently that I got out of the habit of creating my blanks in PS
  2. I added a blank slide at the start of a recent project and as usual it was automatically labelled Blank. Later I decided I didn't need it, so I used the "Change Image File" option and the blank slide was changed it to a jpg image, but the name in the slide list and time line remained as Blank. Using Change Image File anywhere else changes the file name correctly. Looking at the changes in the Object and Animation screen, it retains the correct file name in the Objects box and the common tab
  3. Urmas Perhaps it will dawn on me when I become more experienced. Perhaps you can define this workflow that will help me understand
  4. Am I out of step here, because I can think of a hundred improvements that I think should be thought of before colour management. I didn't even know colour in PTE was broken. Does PTE need to fix something that works. Convince me?
  5. Why on earth can't we have a way to just drop files onto the iPad -- easily without having to buy a gizmo to do it?
  6. I have always felt fit or cover slide is the wrong title. Fit to screen or fit to AR would be more descriptive
  7. I am not sure if you're missing anything, but I am sure I did do it once.
  8. If its SSC you're talking about, go to your slide show and choose edit, then mouse-over the title and a delete option will appear
  9. Might be an idea to give us a link to that video so members can see what it is like for them. It may go some way to finding the cause. Its not just your internet speed is it? Data not downloading fast enough? Try starting the video and pause it for 5 minutes and then allow it to run. Is it still the same? I just tried a full HD slide show that I put up a while back and after holding the play for a minute or two to allow the data to get going it plays pretty well, full HD, full screen. No jerking at all.
  10. Mur Try making a slide show or two while your waiting
  11. Thank you, now get back to work on PTE
  12. Oh, thanks. I spent an age trying to remove it
  13. Can anyone tell me how to remove the dirty great red banner that says a file link is broken, when it isn't http://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/296-distressed-edges/ It seems a member can place it on there, but I can't see an easy way to remove it, because its wrong. The link is working perfectly
  14. I started to use them quite a bit on the samples and demo's I made to accompany a tutorial video, but I stopped when I realised that not all options would run in a Mac. For tutorials, I found them great for setting the scene of what was to be dealt with in that presentation and showing what was actually achieved. It also forced the viewer to stop and take in any info I wanted to get across. It was also helpful to provide links to related subjects and web pages. However, your right and I cannot recall seeing them used in any PTE presentation that I have seen, so even though I used them a fair bit, I would not mourn their loss. I also use dedicated menu creation software where I can do the same thing. You could spend weeks programming all the stuff you need and I doubt it would encourage any extra sales of the software. Whereas, keeping it simple will
  15. The geology is all true, I went back to verify it. Glad you liked the slide show, I was beginning to think I had created a bomber.
  16. Hist101 I don't think I have specifically done anything on the falling leaf, but I have with a falling drop of water and the techniques are the same. Its not a really difficult thing to do, but once you start writing the steps, you realise there are a fair few stages to it. As always, its easy for those who have worked with PTE for a long time, but not always so easy for others. Perhaps I can deal with that subject in a newsletter, maybe July. Glad you enjoyed the slide show. Unless our presentations appeal to others, what's the point, but for me its a way of showing images that otherwise would never be seen
  17. I have just posted a new slide show of our Scotland trip late last year. Unusually for me it contains three video clips, but I think they fit in rather well. Its available for PC - Mac and iPad. Download from HERE
  18. Lin My experience of Camtasia is that it doesn't capture enough frames to really do justice to PTE transitions and animations. In all other aspects it's great. I haven't tried any others, so perhaps some can I don't know. I have always assumed that if they did, then the capture rate would have to go way up and the file size for downloading may become too great. However, that is getting less and less important these days too. Things move fast don't they I know you would have considered this, but to make sure my demos are top notch, if necessary I will break the video and suggest the viewer watches the exe coming up next. Then continue the video. I see your tutorial is an AVI and I used to use those for quality, but gave up because of the large file size. Your tutorial is 12 minutes at 1280px and its 192 meg. Through Camtasia you would achieve a 1600px video of the same duration which would come in at about 25MB. But, as already stated, it will not show PTE off at its best
  19. I agree this is a good deal and have been saying so from day one, but not sure of a link that does not go to the Adobe site. I would want to buy from Adobe myself Creative Cloud
  20. Sounds like a good idea to me, but I always have difficulty imagining the practical aspects of improvements explained in text. I have to use it to fully understand the opportunities. So, I look forward to that
  21. Training wheels (stabilizers) on your first 2 wheeled cycle are great when you're 4, but a pain when your 14 You can't protect people against every eventuality. That's called a Nanny State isn't it?
  22. I am sure that a method could be found, like Lightroom for example. You can't make a slide show until you have created a project folder and imported the images, sound and all else into that folder. Or, like a web authoring program that prevents you from using an image that is outside the web file structure. The trouble is that once the beginner gets over that initial learning curve, solutions like these can then become a pain in the backside
  23. Tutorials for 7 and 7.5
  24. Wideangle How long do you think it would take to cut out 60 puzzle pieces from one image? Well, with Photoshop actions and with a little help, it will take you under 3 minutes. In a video I made a while ago, I supplied a number of 16:9 and 16:10 format templates of this jigsaw with a variety of pieces. In addition I also created a Photoshop Action that does all the hard work. If you would like a copy of this video with my compliments, please send me a PM with your email address and I will send you a link to the video http://www.beckhamdigital.com.au/store/pc/DAV-The-Jigsaw-Puzzle-Technique-34p65.htm
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