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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. Now I am beginning to feel a bit silly, however. Lin Well, my apologies for leaving out the letters CC between Adobe and products in my text, but I did copy and paste you're own statement at the top, which did include the letters CC, so I kinda think you and I knew what we were talking about. To be honest I don't care what system PTE chooses, because I trust the company to come up with what works and what is practical for them and us. I also have no wish to make light of the wnsoft company either, but I doubt they would have the sophistication to adopt Adobe's system anyway. If we were to be taking each others words and splitting hairs (not something that helps much) I could say that I never did make a suggestion that Wnsoft adopt Adobe's system as you quoted. It's Barry's proposal describing the way Adobe CC works What I did say was: That I really like the way Photoshop CC works in that you can install the CC products you have purchased on as many computers as you like, but you can only use them on two at a time. This requires the ability to sign out and de-activate the copies of the software to allow this to happen. If you are signed in on two computers and then open up a third, the fact you are going over your 2 PC limit is picked up. However, you get the ability via your username and password to sign out of those other computers even remotely, that could be miles away, or as in my case recently, in another country. Very fair, very convenient and works well in my experience. For those following this thread what I am saying here comes from my own use and experience of the CC system. I said in a later text that even if you do already have two computers activated and actually running Photoshop and fire up a third with no internet connection. Adobe will allow me to use that third version for 4 days, before you need to connect, or sign out of one of the others. I have just fired up that third computer again (no Internet Connection) with my other two PC's running Photoshop CC and its now down to 2 days, which you would now expect, but I can still use the software. In a recent visit to the UK I used Photoshop CC for 6 weeks without an Internet Connection. Those clubs I demonstrated at can vouch for this fact. In fact the Adobe's system has another positive aspect. If you have a very old laptop (as I do) which will not run Photoshop CC. (Due to the operating system I think) In that case, via my Adobe CC account (Aus $9.99pm) I am given the opportunity to download and install Photoshop CS-6 in the same way I would with Photoshop CC, which will work on that old laptop. Going back to my original post. I said I liked the way Adobe works in relation to registration. The fact that you are able to download and install the software on more than 2 computers and choose which PC's to use it on. That can include one PC and one Mac too if you like. If anyone thinks this is a bad system, then you have a different way of looking at the world than me.
  2. That has happened to friends of mine on more than one occasion and is why I will not use Adobe CC products. Peter is right. I left for a 8+ week visit to the UK and deactivated my Adobe CC account on the two home machines and activated it on my laptop. As I was using the laptop for demos I didn't want windows updating while I was away, just in case it caused a problem. I deactivated the internet connection on the laptop because I didn't need that for emails. The wifes laptop was configured for that. During my time in the UK Photoshop worked without a problem and it couldn't touch base for at least 6 weeks. I think towards the end of the visit I allowed Adobe to update and even that didn't need me to sign into my account. So, if I have things right. Here we have probably the most comprehensive image editing software we have ever seen with Photoshop. It has never been cheaper since the CC deal and the vast majority of users (millions I guess) don't have any issues at all, Just like me. Yet, because someone you know has had a problem or two, you will not use adobe products. Yes, that certainly is a rational response. Are you really saying that you cannot see any merit in the flexible Adobe registration system? Over the years I have sold many copies of PTE and dozens of people in that time have got hung up and had issues with the product key (mostly their own making) Under your logic, perhaps we should boycot wnsoft products.
  3. As I wrote those words I knew you would reply as you have. Forgive me Lin, but you do state the obvious at times. Well in that case you would think ahead wouldn't you? Like I do in Australia which is much the same in places with regard getting an internet connection. I deactivate the connection on the computers I am leaving at home, because I find I can't use them while away. Then the laptop works with no issue at all and the words ("its not that hard to find a connection"). relate to the majority of people who can.
  4. I have just tested that particular scenario. I have Photoshop CC launched and running on 2 PC's here and then I fired up the third one I use to record tutorials, but I isolated the Internet connection first. When I fired up Photoshop on the third PC the panel attached opened up giving me 4 days before I had to stop using PS on that machine or connect to the internet and sign out of one of the others. If I knew in advance (travelling etc) that an internet connection may not be available as I didn't when travelling to the UK, I de-activated my usual PCc's before I left home and then I get no messages or warnings at all. To be able to use the third machine for a few days seems very fair to me and prevents someone being left completely in the lurch if they have forgotten to deactivate their other PC's or temporarily don't have an internet connection. As you know, its not that hard to find a connection somewhere, especially for the short time you would need it in this situation.
  5. Igor. Yes, an internet connection will be required, but only to touch base so to speak. Lets suppose I am at home and have Photoshop CC activated on my PC and my wife's PC. No problems, both version work when launched. I then take my laptop on holiday as I did recently and launch Photoshop on the laptop. It recognises that I already used my two activations and gives me the opportunity to remotely sign out of the other computers so the laptop can be used. It's very convenient to be able to do that. I can have Photoshop on my PC, my wife's PC, the old PC in another room I use to record tutorials and on my laptop. I can only use it on two PC's at any one time, but I haven't mastered how to use more than one computer at a time yet anyway It just seems like a very fair and logical way of working and incidentally that would include Mac versions of the software too. So, if I had 2 PC's and 2 Macs, I could install the software on all four machines, but only activate and use it on any two, which could be one Mac and one PC
  6. Igor I really like the way Photoshop CC works in that you can install the CC products you have purchased on as many computers as you like, but you can only use them on two at a time. This requires the ability to sign out and de-activate the copies of the software to allow this to happen. If you are signed in on two computers and then open up a third, the fact you are going over your 2 PC limit is picked up. However, you get the ability via your username and password to sign out of those other computers even remotely, that could be miles away, or as in my case recently, in another country. Very fair, very convenient and works well in my experience
  7. Igor No problem at all from me, its no different to what we do in many other areas without issue. NB Added later.. Igor, but you are up against those who wrongly believe that they have to pay with their band width all the time they are using PTE. How you get around that nonsense is beyond me
  8. Igor I am sure your aware of this, but PTE enthusiasts are probably less likely to use the DVD option than casual users. I think casual users also probably make up the majority of PTE users.
  9. PTE is a great program, but when combined with some of the image editor techniques then we can really control and be creative with presentation, which is what all this is really about. And there is another method called paste into, but perhaps that is just showing off eh?
  10. HF If you look at the pop up when you mouse over the key frame flag, the time value will show where the image sits in your entire slide show. If you look over to the right in the animation section of the Objects and Animation screen you will see a value of zero in a box called Key Frame Time. Zero indicates the start of your animation for the duration of that particular image. 5000, would indicate a position 5 seconds from when that slide starts to appear on screen. Now you can determine a zoom and how long you want the zoom to run
  11. There is another way of doing this too. create a new canvas in PS/Elements and make that a square. If I were to work this way, I would create it 1080*1080, but slightly smaller to allow a border can be more attractive. It depends what is required. Create another blank canvas at 1920*1080 and using the move took, click, drag and drop the square into the larger canvas. Make them different shades so they can be seen easily. You now have two layers, one at 1920*1080 and the square sitting above it at 1080*1080. Drag any image into your layered stack and then hold the alt key and click the line between the image layer and the square. The image will be wrapped to the boundaries of the square. Use the free transform tool for adjustment in size and positioning. This is a Photoshop technique, but I am guessing it will work in Elements too. This technique is a versatile and useful technique for slide show enthusiasts.
  12. Mick Do you have a reason for retaining the 3:2 aspect ratio you get from your camera. The reason I ask is that your question may be a little easier to understand if you standardized your slide shows on your screen aspect ratio/TV etc . I will assume that is 1920*1080 - 16:9 aspect ratio. I am pretty good at using all the space I have in my own images, yet the vast majority of what I shoot does fit comfortably into the 16:9 aspect ratio. They crop pretty well, most of the time, certainly 95% of the time. Think of the virtual size of the slide label differently. Convert it in your head to say. What aspect Ratio and pixel size do I want my slide show to be? By adjusting this pixels in those two boxes, you determine an aspect ratio too. So if you add 1920*1080 into those two fields and then look at Project Options > Main tab. You will see the aspect ratio of 16:9 is created from the pixel value you entered in virtual size of slide. So, it's simply the size of the slide show that you want to make in pixels. If this doesn't complicate things more. Suppose you had a need for a square slide show. You could enter 1080*1080 into the virtual size of slide, because that would be telling the software what the pixel size of your slide show is and at the same time setting the square aspect ratio/format. Not sure if this helps or hinders ,
  13. Your welcome ????
  14. Try holding the shift key then click and drag. That is a shortcut in Photoshop, but it will probably work in Elements
  15. Congratulations, will you be posting it on Slide Show club?
  16. When a new idea is suggested, there is often a series of replies offering workarounds and I have often wondered how Igor gets through all that nonsense to the idea itself. Shouldn't an Ideas Section be just that. One post, with no replies with workarounds or a lengthy discussion about who thinks its a good idea or bad idea. Those discussions can be had in the general section. Perhaps it would be easier for Igor to select the ideas that have merit from those that don't if they were better isolated. Personally I don't require wnsoft to give me any feedback as I am quite happy to make a suggestion and live by what wnsoft decide. I don't feel the need to lobby him for change. I certainly don't think anything will be gained by Igor having to explain why ideas cannot or will not be implemented. Lets have a little confidence and give Igor our ideas and live with his judgement.
  17. Provocative? Why, because I said progress changes things? Surely I need to be a bit more radical than that to be provocative. However, I wasn't, but progress is such that we have to move on and perhaps the time is right to simplify AV as much as possible. Its not as though we are fighting new users off is it. That's right, but surely my opinion is as valid as any one else's? I don't recall saying it wasn't. I am just happy for Igor to make his decision. If the fixed size of slide remains, OK. If it doesn't then I'll manage and I am sure everyone else will too. I did see that you put Mk4 rather then three and assumed it was a typo. I must put my order in quick for the new Canon, because without fixed size of slide I will need all those pixels to zoom into the backside of the fly in my soup. Now I am being provocative
  18. Whilst using higher resolution images in a higher resolution project is the obvious answer it will, for some - in theory, curtail the amount of zoom which can be applied to some images from older cameras. Well, there is a result for a start Some animation needs serious curtailing especially deep zooms. Not seen one example where the image has had the interest or the quality to hold my attention. A mediocre picture on screen far too long and zoomed into extremes just because they could. Not a great basis for creative AV or interesting viewing.
  19. Yes I did hit the point and I understand the point. This forum does have a habit of stating the obvious. No, I would rather an old slide show is not upscaled, but things have to move on. The speed with which the digital world moves, I can see Igor's dilemma and if he tries to meet all the desires of this forum, the software would still be back at V4. If we have to forgo that feature, but get others in return, then what has to be has to be. We can't always have what we want and it is only Igor who knows what he can and can't achieve. Perhaps we are getting a wake up call here, start making your slide shows in readiness
  20. Igor You're on a hiding to nothing here. Meaning, your never going to please all of the people all of the time. Just go with what you feel is right and in the words of a famous film. We may need Bigger images No problem with that, our PC's and PTE can handle them. It's progress.
  21. Igor Just reading your comment for the second time and this thought came to me, which is probably a bit off the wall. When we do a file new, we select our potential output as well. If video is selected, this then closes off any options like passwords and manual control that would not be available in a video. However, it would need to be switchable at any stage for those who selected the wrong output or those who just change their minds
  22. Lin Maybe you're beating this drum, just a little too loudly
  23. Gary I know what you mean, there is a significant amount of Photographers who are only just coping with what they need for their basic photography. They see the making of slide shows as a step too far. The way I tried to break this down was to first do a short demo to members on how to make a slide show, but you have to forget about ANY fancy stuff like resizing images, adding animation or video. Just keep it simple and basic...and short. Some of the technically clever slide shows we see posted can actually have a detrimental effect when seen by some. They give newcomers the wrong idea, padding out their initial view that its all too much trouble. I then got the club to run a mini 10 competition and I created a disk with the trial version of PTE on it for members to try. It was back when you could make a slide show with 10 images and a logo appeared down the bottom of the screen which we had to live with. It was well supported and from there I have helped those members who showed interest. So, as you say, you can lead a horse to water, but it's not enough sometimes. This is the first time our club got involved in such a large competition and I receive a fair number of calls and emails from entrants and potential entrants. The two questions that stick out in my mind was the first one from Mac users asking advice on what software they should use. So, maybe a Mac version of PTE will do more for sales than the PC/Mac percentages would indicate. The second issue was over resolution and Aspect ratio. We left that in the rules as a creative choice of the entrant and it's clear some were confused. They were so used to their club laying down draconian rules on image size that a set of rules that left it them, had one or two a little baffled. We can tidy that up next year. I think the best promotion for AV it to demonstrate putting together a simple collection of images as a portfolio. Maybe an end of year, best images I shot this year type of thing. Those with the interest will continue, those who don't will let it drop. We also have to accept that PSG got a toe hold into the amateur scene and then members will take advice from others and follow suite. When software is recommended, it's rarely done from a position of real knowledge. How many have enough experience of different software to be able to make that judgement. Its just a case of do what I do.
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