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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. It would be nice if the Trim Video window retained the size set by the user. Every time I go back in its tiny again
  2. It looks like a small issue somewhere
  3. Video deleted (no longer required)
  4. I think you'll have to put this down to a stupid moment on my part. Blur Transitions are right there where they should be
  5. I’m away from home for a few days, so I’ll check when I get back
  6. The 4 Blur transitions I've previously used are missing in beta 2.
  7. Why would I want to create a custom transition limited to “in this project” Can anyone help me out with a reason why this option is available. Either it isn’t or I’m missing something
  8. Tom You have made these rather well, they work great at the standard transition time. It should be included with the stock transitions.
  9. I'm not sure if this will have much benefit, but its only a small word document. Download Here
  10. Try reducing the resolution to 1920*1080 or 2560*1440, see if that has an effect. What resolution is your screen running
  11. It’s an old technology that has been overtaken by technology. Create your show as a 60p MP4 and you can transport ii on a usb stick and many TV’s will play the video directly from the USB. If not put the video on a disk and a blueray player will play it
  12. The only time I saw that was when I had an image at what I thought was 1920 1080, but I created it 1920*1085 and didn’t notice that I had keyed in the wrong value.
  13. Are the images perfectly 16:9, even a pixel or two difference may show a feint line.
  14. I create the PTE Mp4 into my other project folder for use with Camtasia and a 5 minute video ‘The PTE video is not accessible till that close button is clicked. Is that essential, why can’t creating the video be the end of the process
  15. A small issue, but it catches me out every time, which probably says more about me. I start creating an Mp4 video from PTE AV Studio and it takes long enough for me to minimise the window and continue with my project elsewhere. I may be creating a PTE Video to drop into another project I'm working on, like a 5 minute videos. After a while I go to the folder where I'm working to look for the Mp4, but its not there. I try the desktop to se if I saved it there, as I sometimes do, but what I have forgotten to do is return to the attached screen to click Close. Is it necessary to have to return to this window and click OK for the video to become active?
  16. In hindsight it was a stupid thing to label them as I did. Believe it or not I did see some logic to it as Photoshop techniques have always been linked to PTE for me.
  17. It’s BECKHAM actually, the same as David Beckham, only I had the name first. ‘This idea originally came to me from DaveG, but what your’ve done here looks good
  18. I’ve been keeping a word list of all 100 videos and the YouTube link. Perhaps I should make that available
  19. Tonto I have been aware of this Playlist issue for a while, but was trying to ignore it, but today I bit the Bullet 5 Minute PTE AV Studio Playlist 5 Minute Photoshop Playlist
  20. This is just a personal view. I think themes are great, but probably they lend themselves more to those who need to repeat a slide show many times. In that case the theme used is more likely yo be made by the author and therefore its known what slide styles are contained within the Theme. Probably, the way to see what styles a theme contains is to quickly apply that theme to the number of images the theme states. That should take just a few seconds to set up and what better way to see if the theme meets your needs, better than a full screen preview
  21. To be honest, when I started I didn’t think it would get this far. I’ll take a look
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