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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. No, I am havn't taken offence, nor have I missed the point. There are many PTE users with a Canon 5D with 20 million pixels, but that isn't the pont at all. In my experience the Moire effect is what the sharper/smoother tools were designed to fix. To see the moire effect you can use a high resolution image and squeeze that into a small slide show, and/or you can sharpen it a bit too much. So using a high resolution image, I was first expecting to generate the moire effect, then use the tool to get rid of it. If I cannot generate the moire effect with a 6000*4000 image then I am delighted, seeing as it was hard to avoid with much smaller images only a short while ago.
  2. Igor OK and thanks for the explanation _________________________________________ New Bug perhaps - PTE 7 beta 18 Today I opened a new project and added 4 images. I went into the project options main tab and reduced the 7s slide duration time to 1s and hit the set for existing slides and OK. I got an error message. It seems that if you select a slide duration time that is within the transition length of the images this happens, the time line also disappears too
  3. OK, by putting 2 identical huge images into O&A and adding 128 to one and -128 to the other I can now see some effect, but to be honest it appears that I can ignore the setting for my own work because I can't seem to create any problems at the default settings. The moire effect is/was made worse by contrast/sharpness. Thats the shimmy you referred to, and to combat it, we would soften the image a little either global or locally. Igor must have done something to improve the moire effect, because at one point in time it was hard to avoid the moire effect when animating, now its hard to create it. Not that I want it of course, but I do need to inderstand the practicalities of the tools on offer and with this one I can't really.
  4. Dave Well if you look at the dimensions of my starting file and take into account it was confined mostly to a 1920*1200 format, you would expect to see the moire effect. In addition I kept the image small and looked at rotation and panning rather than zooming, all to add to the effect, but there is no sign of the moire effect or any softening or sharpening effect. Igor does say that this feature dramatically increases sharpness of picture. I just want to be able to see that. I have just done the same test and set a 800*600 pixel slide show size with 6000*4000 images. Then I can just see some softness showing on the 128 setting, but who would be doing that.
  5. Igor Ref: Objects and Animation > Properties > Sharper/Smoother My appologies if you have already covered this, because I seem to recal reading something, but now cannot find it. I need your guidance on these settings. I understand what it does, at least I thought I did. However, I cannot create anything in PTE to demo what this does, I can't see any difference Today I thought I would prepare a tutorial on the use of this control and prepared an image with the pixel dimensions 6144*4096. I squeezed that image into a 1920 *1200 monitor and added animation. I put two copies of the same image and same animation on PTE and set them at the extremes of -128 and 128. I tried a few images, but I cannot see any differerence. Can you offer some more guidance please.
  6. Sorry Eric, it breaks my 40mb limit and I can't risk the cost of any more band width. What a shame, I would have loved to have seen it.
  7. PTE 7 Beta 18 Today I made a demo slide show with a small zoomed video, inset over a static image. The video (taken with a Canon 5D) was converted in PTE and reduced in length from about 20s to 10s and also the size down to 950*540. The video name was adjusted with the word converted which does make things easier to keep track of. In practical use, I found that I had overdone the crop in regard to the length of the clip and the video didn't have time to zoom up to the size I wanted witout coming to a stop. (nothing worse than a video that suddenly grinds to a stop before the next image is fully faded in. It has to stay moving over the fade out in my view) No, problem, because I have the original video, so I converted the file again making it slightly longer this time. PTE over wrote my originally converted 10s video with my new conversion to a 20s video. However, PTE still displayed the video for 10s, although it had been over written with a 20s version. I used the replace video option from the properties tab of the Objects and animation screen, but PTE still reflected the old 10s video. I had to remove the video completely and reselect it before it would work correctly, but that meant setting up the animation and edge effects again. Not a problem for the initiated, but it will blow the mind of many users.
  8. Ken Its the usual thing with computers, easy when you know how, baffling when you don't, with too many possible causes and solutions to tie you up in knots. I went to the Sound card and found nothing, but in the control panel under sound, there was a HDMI option that I had to set on default to make it work. When I want to use the laptop sound out of the mini jack socket, I will have to set it back to headphones and speakers
  9. Someone has pointed me in the right direction and I have selected the HDMI from control panel, when I expected it all to be automatic. Its all now working fine. The thread is now resolved
  10. Perhaps I can make it clear what I want to do We always have a laoptop when we are away in the caravan and we also have a flat screen TV. I don't want to buy or have to carry any more gadgets, I want to be able to show what I have on the laptop on TV. That may be a WM Video, an Mp4 Videp or a PTE slide show. When I plug in my 1.5mtr HDMI cable I get picture but no sound when I select HDMI from the TV imput menu I tried taking a minijack from the laptop to the TV input, but that dodn't work either.
  11. The HDMI cable is a new one, no convertors from DVI and I had already thought about a small speaker system. The volume on the caravan speakers is not good and in rain conditions it can easily overpower the sound volume, so that may not be a bad option. I think I need to bring the TV inside and have a play. I have plenty of USB cables. I will also take a closer look at the settings, but I admit I have little tolerance for all this detective work just to get a result that others seem to get easily. Thanks for the tips so far, I will follow up on them as soon as possible
  12. Well, I have looked at the sound setting of the laptop isolated from the TV and I can't see anything that gives me a clue what the problem is. The picture quality is great but I don't get sound on anything when connected to the TV, be they videos or a PTE slide show.
  13. I know many of you on this site are old hands at this, but today I tried for the first time to link my new laptop to the flatscreen TV in our caravan via a HDMI cable. I find I can get a picture OK, but no sound. I asssume that sound does not travel down a HDMI cable. I therefore took a mini jack cable from the output of the laptop to the input of the TV, but try as I might, I cannot get sound out of the TV and its just too quiet from the PC alone. Has anyone else experenced this and can point me in the right direction please
  14. I know many PTE users have one of these Digital Recorders and I bought one, but find I carry it everywhere in my camera bag, but have hardly used it. It seems a shame for it to just sit here doing nothing. If anyone is interested and wants to PM me with an offer, its yours. Details below and I still have the original box and all the bits that came with it. http://www.zoom.co.jp/english/products/h4/
  15. Xaver There is almost always a work around and I already thought of that, but it adds a number of related files and you only need a problem with one and the whole thing is spoilt As the thread is suggestions for the future it seems to me a way to add even more appeal to PTE. Allowing a border to be added to a frame would go along nicely with my first suggestion too.
  16. Lin I am aware of that, but you really need a Png for the purpose I have in mind, because the viewer needs to be able to see where to click to get the info. As far as I am aware you can't add a line around the edge of a frame. On a PTE screen for example, I am unlikely to add information to cover absolutely every option that is abailable. So, what I had in mind was something that highlights only what is available to the viewer and therefore holds information. I can do this with WMP, but then that is another program that pops up and while simple to some, it will require explanation for others and probably cause issues with file associations too. If the option was included in PTE to link to sound files, it would be a one screen self contained slide show. Simple to make and easy to use
  17. Yes, that makes it as clear as mud. Sorry all, but your talking in Geek mode and I still don't know why we have it and what advantage it has. Do I ever decompress an exe file? What purpose does this do and how is it done? What is Aspack?
  18. In the menus for PTE 7, there is a reference to "Allow modification of slide show exe file" Can anyone tell me what can be modified.
  19. Igor Now that PTE can record sound comments, I was wondering if this idea might appeal to you. I would like to create a hotspot on an image, that when clicked will play a sound comment. This would be very good for when PTE is used for instructional or tutorial projects. I can create a hot spot now using a PNG file, but I would have to link that to an mp3 (via Run Application or open a file). The Mp3 would then open in WMP. I wonder what it would take to add a sound comment from the actions on mouse click. Then, as you select that option, a browse window would open so that the relavent sound comment could be selected.
  20. Igor Today I right clicked a Canon 5D video from within the file list and used the Video Convertor to convert the video. The convertor took a 127MB file and reduced that to about 27MB. I then selected that (converted) video from within the Objects and Animation Screen and was surprised to get the optimisation of video clips window pop up. Isn't that what I already did in the convertor, or is converting a video and optimising a video different things. They both seem tomuse the same program. I now have my original video called MVI_5407 at 127MB I have the converted Video called MVI_5407.converted at 27MB Now I have a third video called MVI_5407. converted.converted at 24.5MB I find myself a little confused by this, can you explain it please. Why do I need the process twice
  21. Igor This isn't really a PTE7 beta problem, but something I have noticed for some time. I create a slide show and at the end of the process, I use the publish button to create the exe file, then again to create the Mac file. Lets assume the project file and exe's are called tutorial 1. I then make changes to that slide show, as I need two versions of it and I save the next project file as Tutorial 2. I then use the publish button again to create the PC exe and it it pics up the new name of Tutorial 2. When I create the Mac file, it pics up the original file name of Tutorial 1. Unless you have your wits about you, you can easily overwrite a wanted file. Is that something your aware of and something that can be addressed?
  22. Igor No worries as they say here in Australia, you can't do everything in one go. I notice that my 5D Mk2 videos now work well in PTE, straight from the camera without that keystone cop look of before. When I use your video convertor the video file size is greatly reduced, but the quality difference is hardly noticable, if at all. Not sure what you did, but it works.
  23. I ran both too and found that test715 was unacceptable. It had a slight shimmy every second or so just as you described. I am running a W7 64 bit machine, quad core 8 Gig of ram and a NVidia graphics card
  24. Igor I welcome the ability to record voice in PTE, but when I tried it, I found a problem. The location the sound comment will be saved to is set to the same place as the Project file. That is probably the most logical place for most users. However, I, and I believe other users of PTE like to save our sound to a dedicated sound folder. So, using the browse options , I located my PTE sound folder and saved the comment there. The browse location then showed me the correct location and the sound I saved as “001.mp3” So far, so good. When you start the next recording a message appears saying the sound comment has not been saved, when I thought I had already saved it. I am then given the option to delete that file and start again, or save an exit. I have no option but to save and exit. So, to make the next sound take, I have to open the recording window again (tedious) and then PTE defaults back to the project options folder and not where I want the sound comments to be saved. I also noted that the Mp3 file would not play on my Vista machine in WMP saying it didn't have the right codec. It will open in Audacity. ( I haven't looked at why WMP will not open the sound file yet) It did open OK in WMP on my W7 machine. If I am to use PTE for recorded commentary, I want to set the location where the files are to be saved to and I want to remain until I say different. I also want to make individual takes for most of the commentary I use, so I want to be able to save that comment and go straight into recording the next. A few small tweaks are needed to make it a bit easier to use.
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