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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. I just sent Igor the zipped files, I assumed he wanted to see the componant parts, but perhaps your right, Mac Version of Slide show that was reported not to work for some mac users http://www.mediafire.com/file/qgjdne3plqng4fb/GoodHousekeepingMac.zip
  2. Sorry Igor I never kept a record of who contacted me, but the zipped show can be found here. http://www.mediafire.com/file/b70zns957iwjy7f/Good%20Housekeeping_Jul16-2011_8-35-45.zip
  3. Igor I have had the same sort of responses, on some occasions, Mac users say the show just displays a white screen. They can advance slides manually, but without sound. Other Mac users do not seem to have any problems
  4. Sorry Igor I havn't been keeping up with the posts, my mistake B
  5. Oh, that would explain it??? I haven't been keeping up with much of the correspondance on this beta, still waiting for the convertor Thanks for the tip off, i'll bide my time and try again later
  6. I wonder if any Mac users would try this PTE show for me. I added a wmv video into PTE and it works a treat for PC's but Mac users are telling me it doesn't work. Its only a 4 mb file http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/pte.zip
  7. Eric I don't know and I am only guessing here from what you have said. Perhaps the original key was sold with PTE4 or 5 and that needs to be installed first. It could be that the original key has some link to this previous version and that is stopping you from applying the key to version 6. If you can lay your hands on version 4/5 and try that, it might just accept the key, then you can upgrade to version 6.
  8. What logic am I missing that you spotted and I missed :-)
  9. John Well, your in control about putting the frame on the blanks, I usually start after the blank and before the end one. I like Peters Idea and have used it, but then forgot the default was set and had it included on something for the club and I had to visit every image to take it off :-)
  10. I notice that in the Objects and Animation screen of beta 11 the label for the objects area is down at the bottom right of the screen, as apposed to the top of the box in version 6.5 I can't see how anyone is helped by a label being down at the bottom of the screen where it can easily be missed.
  11. John Because you cannot add a frame globally within PTE, I personally turn to my image editor to do the same thing. I create my frame on a transparent background and save it as a Png file which will retain that transparency. Sometimes that may only be a 1 or 2 pixel line Inside the Objects and Animation screen, you can click to add an image and place your frame over the first image in your show. Now copy the frame from the Objects section using Ctrl+C and skip to the next image from the top right. Hit Ctrl+V and you have the frame on the second slide. Yes, you still have to visit every image, but its a darn sight quicker than the PTE way and you have one important advantage. If after you have done all this, the frame is too bright. Simply make another and save it over the top of your original frame. The new version is now applied to every image instantly.
  12. Igor I did the same thing today and the fault did not re-appear. I will keep you posted if it happens again Barry
  13. Igor Yes, I can understand the issues and can't offer any simple ideas that you would not have already thought of. Xaver makes a good point and if it's something that is not possible to achieve, then we must accept things as they are. I am reacting to questions that have been put to me on emails and demos and my memory of how it used to work back with PTE4. _________________________ I raised an issue recently about your moving the Timeline and Slide List buttons to the extreme bottom right of the screen and you suggested I would get used to it and introduced the F6 key to toggle between the two, but I feel the need to raise this again. 1. Maybe its me just getting old and my eyes dimming, but I keep hitting F5 by mistake and then have to abort a full screen preview of the show, its annoying. 2. When you start a new project and add sound, the wave form opens up automatically on the timeline, which I think that is the correct thing to do, but you have placed the button for the waveform right where I was asking for the slide list and time line buttons. I see little point in placing something hardly used in such a convenient place while other more useful buttons (that I use all the time) are placed at the far right of the screen. We also have the duration of the slide shown, but when we select the time line we can see that anyway. 3. I find PTE just slightly less convenient to use than previous is all I want to say. Perhaps it is a combination of the fact I use a large screen and a Wacom graphics tablet. I just find the logic of bringing the wave form button to such a convenient place while relegating more usable buttons elsewhere, difficult to understand.
  14. Yes. I put all my slide shows together manually using the time line and to do that you have to highlight all the images and cut the transition, which shunts them way down the time line. However, as you work through the show, you catch up to them again and have to cut them again and again and what I described is the result. Its just an annoyance thats all and very confusing for new user.
  15. I was adding some different music to an already completed slide show in Beta 11. On two occasions it threw up what you can see in the screen grab. I had deleted the original music, added a second track and was adding an offset when this happened. It occurred twice with two different track of music. The only way out was via task manager. Never had anything like that before from PTE ?
  16. Peter Well, what can I say. 1. Its obviously not working very well if an experienced user hasn't found it. 2. Why on earth should we need to select an option like that, it should be default. 3. All these comments are not an issue for us geeks, think of the new user who can't even get the slide show to end right. 4. While I am foing to that selection, I may as well do what I have been doing.
  17. I have been having a clear out of old slide shows and demos from my web site and became inspired to remake one of the old shows that I felt had to go. It was small, the image quality could have been better and there was no Mac version. Its called The Days are Blessings and may be a bit of self indulgence as its a short sequence based on a song I have liked for decades. Hence the remake, mostly different images, but same music. The second one is called Art of Photography This uses similer techniques to those used before, but music, and style are different. Both shows for PC and Mac can be found HERE
  18. Bert You can show your slide show made at 1920*1200 on a digital projector running 1024*768 with no troubles at all. I do it all the time at demos and NEVER have any issues with it. If your laptop is reasonably modern, as you connect to the projector you may find your laptop screen changes automatically to match the projector. Failing that, as DG says change the laptop screen resolution manually.
  19. Jim I came away from AVG some years ago after those irritating issues of false positives. I switched to Avast, which is free and recommended by someone. (cant recall who) I am not an authority on this, but it works for me and has protected all our PC's perfectly OK and no troubles. Take a look http://www.avast.com/en-au/free-antivirus-download
  20. Trailortrash Of course you are experienced enough to comment on PTE. My granny has never driven a car, but she knows when one is being driven badly. Your suggestions may have a lot more validity than those from the enthusiasts. I suggested a while back that there was a need for a simple flow chart (wizard) for those who just want to create a simple slide show. Or for thosewho are just getting started with PTE and don't want to commit a year of their life learning new software. When you think what you actually need to make a slide show run, from all the project options tabs? Its very little compared to all the options packed in there. As consumers we all demand zillions of options, but then they get in the way of us learning the bits we need to know.
  21. This is exactly what I have been patiently waiting for. I am not interested in any video less than HD, but unless I have missed it, I havn't seen anything posted that is close to what I an looking for, apart from Igors short demo, that was better. No offence intended to what has already been posted, but I am not at all interested in poor quality video playing as a backdrop to stills, or small videos clips playing over stills pictures. As soon as you do that, the eye is draw to the movement and you may as well not have the stills at all.
  22. Bert When we create a slide show for our PC, many of us tick the box in Project options to fix the size of the slide. This stops the slide show being made larger (and therefore poorer quality) on larger resolution monitors. When we make a DVD we must untick that box or the slide show does not fill the screen, even if it was made at 1920*1080. I have no experience of running slide shows on the TV, but I would try unticking that box, just in case it also affects a slide show played from a laptop as well as a DVD
  23. Anthony Yes, that is an annoying problem. The way I work I often end a show and find the last slide now has 300 seconds of time on the screen and I have to adjust that in the options. Perhaps that will be something that gets put right because it could really confuse a newer user of PTE
  24. I don't think I understood a word of that I think your right Igor, I need to see and use the changes before I can fully understand what you are talking about. I will look out for beta 11
  25. Thank you David, I would have made it longer, but got fed up searching google for the images.
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