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Everything posted by Barry Beckham
Peter I didn't appreciate that and a little klaxon was obviously sounding as I wanted my findings confirmed Thanks
A Bug or my system? Can someone confirm this please using 6.5.2 Add three images to the slide list in the usual way, lets say you have three images 001.jpg, 002.jpg and 003.jpeg Highlight slide 002 and using the option "Change Image File" swap 002 for 001 So in the slide list we now have 001, 001, 003 Highlight the 001 you changed (previously 002) and go into the O&A screen On my PC the images display as the correct image, ie 001 is seen but the name in the Object box shows the original name 002 Is this a problem on my PC or a bug
Yes, when you add the image, you get the opportunity to add the image to this file, or all files in the show Same thing for borders and canvas applications
Keith Lets say what you need to last over the entire show is a frame around/over your images. Add that frame.Png file via the Objects and Animation (O&A) screen Highlight the file name as it appears in the Objects box on the right of the (O&A) and hit Control C. That will copy it to your clipboard User the little black arrows top right to skip to the next image in your slide show and hit Control V and the Png file will be copied in place, skip to the next slide and do the same, etc etc
Keith You will need to create the file you want that contains the transparent areas in an image editing program like Photoshop or Elements and then save that in Png format which will retain the transparent nature of the image. Then import that image into your work in PTE via the Objects and animation screen. Click the icon top left of that screen to add the Png to your show.
Yes, I can hardly wait Think how much better the quality of the images and slide shows will be. Its like two guys sitting in a forest shelter having a discussion about what make of hammer was used to bang in the nails that holds it together.
Have you noticed how Mac users have to continually say how wonderful their Mac is. I have noticed that at my camera club and I am not sure why they feel that need......Never mind . Tell you what, Macs don't produce superior images. Its just another of those pointless debates that we have to have, my Ford is better than your Toyota, my Dad's bigger than your Dad .....
PS MACs 'Just Work'! Then why isn't there an equivolent of PTE for Mac's.
You need to look at your page number order, they are not quite right
Harmsway The product key should have been sent to you automatically via a confirmation email, so the first place to check is your spam folder. Sometimes I understand this can be responsible for customers not receiving their key. The other cause is one of those Internet mysteries. I also run an on line shop and sometime the oddest things happen to just one customert that you just can't explain or get to the bottom of. Send an email to wnsoft and let them know your problem if you don't find the email in your spam or junk folder
not with the Dom lurking in the background but it works OK I wasn't being rude to the Dom here, I was actually conceding that he is the master at this. I know how some get the wrong end of the styick sometimes
Plitvice Lakes National Park-Croatia
Barry Beckham replied to goddi's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Gary That sure is a beautiful place and one of those that makes you want to visit when you see the images. I think there are a few AV techniques you could consider next time, which would avoid one or two minor problems. First though I wondered why you didn't take the coast road that appears to hug the coast from Bankovac to Senj. I guess it was down to time, but it looked like it might be a really nice ride along the coast road. I think the map idea is a good one, but I would just like to see the wider area on a smaller scale map so I can see exactly where you are in relation to Europe. Then fade onto the closer map showing the more detailed journey. I could have accepted the red line speeded up just a touch. With your text, you can always blur the image beneath so that as the text appears the image behind blurs a bit. It is a nice affect and the words then don't get lost against the background. Almark was right that text on text is not a good idea, it confuses the eye and takes away that smooth move from image to image that your trying to achieve. There was evidence of the Moire effect and you might want to tick the box in the Objects and Animation screen called Anti Shimmering. As long as the moire effect isn't too bad, which it isn't, that should take care of it. You were up against it a bit being in a forest type location in bright sunlight. The contrast range was more than the camera could cope with at times. For best results we need dull weather for forests generally, but when your passing though do don't have a great deal of choice. I know, been there done that. The second piece of music does have an audible sound in the background like an old movie projector playing. I think you should change that for something better. It is said in AV circles that there is no need for text at the end of the show to say The End. It is one that I agree with and the end of a show should be obvious by a fade down to black. Your final image sits on screen and doesn't end. A personal choice I know, but in my view a fade down and removing "The End" would be worth considering. Fantastic place well worth a visit by the looks of it. -
George You have the pages turning from the wrong point and that is why they slide a bit and then turn, it doesn't look right, which I guess is where your stuck. However, your setup in the O&A screen does look a bit complicated to me and it would take to long to unravel it and then type out a solution. With this type of animation you only need to get the cover or start page right and then the first couple of pages. From there you just copy each image along with all the page turning animation and finally use the Change Image File Option to change each page of the book. The actual pages can be separate to the animation. See, its very difficult to explain this in print. If you email me I will give you a link to one of my templates and from that you will see how that works. I guess there are a few ways to come at this and I am not claiming mine is best, not with the Dom lurking in the background but it works OK A thought crossed my mind, why such small pages, why not make the pages fit better on your 1280*800 screen. Unless you have a reason for doing that which I am missing I can't see the point in that.
Snapcam There is a difference and most music is actually royalty free as the copyright always remains with the author or musician playing it. For AV enthisiasts use, the two terms more or less amount to the same thing, but I have never heard any truly copyright free music I would be likely to use. Generally it seems to lack that something that makes music stand out. Most music we can buy to use in our slide shows has some parameters of use and that is a indicator that your actually buying royalty free. The Music for Photographers albums we sell are actually Royalty free and the license is for low level use. That means it's OK for anything we are likely to do, but if you wanted to use this music on TV or in a run of 250,000 CD copies the license doesn't cover that and you would need to re-negotiate. The whole concept of our music is for people like us and wedding photographers would be typical I suppose. I contacted MGMusic some years ago and explained the dilema AV enthusiasts have with music and must have caught them at a good time and Music for Photographers was born. We now have some 36 albums inclucing a sound effects one
But, Dave, the people who need that advice are not likely to be forum members.
Begging your pardon Dave, but your stating the obvious and I am not laying the blame anywhere. Having sold around 800 copies of PTE I do attract those who have a problem even those who never purchased PTE from me and I always try to assist them. While I agree that they should have taken more care, life isn't that simple is it. Some people just don't forsee a computer failure until it happens. Wnsoft do respond and resend the product key for those who have mislaid it and the word has got around around that they do. Anyway its good customer relations to respond timely even if that response is to say, sorry we cannot help.
Almark Yes, that just about sums up my view, but Davy had a valid point originally that there is such hipocrasy with these issues and I would love to scan the PC's of those who shout the loudest. Nearly every time I do a PTE demo there will be someone who wants to make a big issue about music copyright and often their thunder is crushed when they learn the music used is royalty free. Lets be honest this forum and most others are made of a hardcore of regular members and sometimes the stating of the obvious does get a bit tedious. The vast majority of people do still have a conscience and perhaps we should leave these issues to them.
I regularly get asked for help by those who have lost their PTE product key and cannot get any response from wnsoft. I have had two in the past week, but one reported back that evenually it was resolved and a replacement key sent to him. This is the one received today Got my new tutorial disk and have spent a few happy evenings reminding myself how good they are. Unfortunately I cannot get on with any useful work in P2E as my program needs a key and, guess what, there it was, gone!!! It's v5 I have installed. I've e-mailed Winsoft on four occasions now and had absolutely no reply. Are their old e-mail addresses still valid? I'm willing to buy the program all over again but as a canny Scot I'd hate my money and credit card number to be skulling about in limbo for evermore and me left with nowt in the end. I know this is not what Beckham Digital is really for but if you could throw any light at all on this lack of communication for me I'd be gratefull indeed. There needs to be a quicker response to this issue I think and it happens too often for it to be caused by the spam protection
Almark and Others I am not agreeing or disagreeing because I can't quite make up my mind where I stand, but as a discussion point should we not consider that the Internet has changed the world as we know it. (the law aside just for a minute) All of us who post our images and/or slide shows onto the internet do so knowing just how easy it is for that work to be used by others elsewhere if they have the inclination to do so. If we were that worried about that we would not put up any of our images and slide shows where others can get to them. In saying that I am not condoning it, but we are all street wise enough to know it could happen. I am certain my tutorial disks have been copied and shared in camera clubs and once some did turn up on E bay. Generally, there is nothing much we can do about that except where the use is obvious and blatant or we could spend the rest of our lives searching the internet to see if someone else has stolen our work. We have to assume that the majority of people still do have a conscious and mostly they do in my view. We can't allow the few to cause us to see threats under each rock. There is a wider debate regarding copyright that I read in a book recently that dealt with most of the great inventions of the past 4-500 years. Many of those inventions provided drugs that saved millions of lives. Practically all were ideas by one person, picked up by another and modified in the light of new evidence and then by another and so on. This writer was making a point that under the strict copyright laws of the 21st century, this would not happen now and therefore we deny ourselves a repeat of some of the greatest inventions we have seen in the past. That is a bit off the track I suppose, but it does make you think a little more deeply about was is right and wrong with using another persons idea. Personally I am not a fan of using other peoples images in my slide shows, but I can't say I have never used a graphic from the Internet. For work I put on a commercial CD I will use copyright free music or in the past have purchased a piece for use. (As in the Dvorak New World Symphony) I recall it cost $35US. Not a fortune, but probably out of reach of most amateur AV enthusiasts. I think it is probably quite rare for images and slide shows to be stolen and then someone else makes a fortune from them. The one thing about forums is that we do often lecture each other and state the obvious at times, but that is the nature of the beast. Ignore that and take away the good bits and before anyone says this. What if I found someone using my pictures on the internet. I did once and just politely pointed out that the images on the CD they came from wasn't copyright free and they were removed. I will worry about what I will do if I find someone selling my images on line when I discover them . I would probably ask what their secret was because I can't seem to sell any myself. Wish I could
Quite right too, I have lost track of how many of my PC's have suddenly burst into flames and threatend not only my life but that of others.too. I have a better Idea, lets allow any computer into any property or hall, but test the owners, some of those need to have a label attached, certainly certified ! Something like Jumped up Peter Perfect Smart Arse would fit the bill
Well that livened up the forum, what can we do next
Nobeestu I owe you an appology because I read your original post, but to be honest never gave it much thought. I was annoyed that I could not create my demos without huge file sizes and didn't want to do anything at that point that was different to what I did before. Having read your second post more carefully and after giving it a try I have to say thank you for a great solution and I regret not paying more attention to your first post. My first demo was 18.4 MB, but using your idea it came down to 3.9 MB which is far more like it. What made you think of that?
Davy Best post I have seen on here in ages. Peter Perfects, I love that phrase and I am going to wantonly steal it and use it (Copyright Free) in my lectures. If anyone wants to prosecute me I live at No 4 Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Here is some feedback from a Lecture on Disk I provided on the subject of PTE and for maximumm fun value read it with the funny voice used in many m Monty Python sketches There was no mention of copyright as applying to the music used in preparing an A/V presentation, although the credits did state that the music used in the example slideshow was “royalty free”, I feel the subject should be mentioned to prevent possible prosecution should copyright be infringed. You can imagine the puffed out chest of Peter Perfect as he spouts these words of wisdom to enlighten us all. Anyone who does not know about copyright must have been in a coma for the last 50 years or they are just too stupid to be allowed anywhere near AV anyway:lol: PS. Isn't that latest Tom Jones album just the greatest. I think its one of the best things he has done and he is around 70 I think.
It may be converting all tracks into the exe file, but it does not remove the parts of the tracks not used. I proved that yesterday by making a demo with Audacity and it was the difference between a 7MB file and an 18MB file. You can see for a 8 image demo that is too large.
Thanks, but I want something quick that produces the demo as I am recording the video or the time taken to make the demo starts to become too much