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Barry Beckham

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Everything posted by Barry Beckham

  1. Try refreshing your browser, your probably going to a stored page on your computer that you have been to before. Go to the page and hit F5
  2. Andrew The answer is it cannot. You cannot make one format fit another without distorting the images. PTE will enlarge the 1920*1200 image on a 1920*1080 screen until the top and bottom touches the edge and then it will stop. This leaves black vars either side. Try this test, create a blank image 1920*1080 and a different colour one at 1920*1200. Drag the latter into the former and use the transform tool locked to constrain proportions and you will see what I mean.
  3. Peter Yes, the proof for me was some years ago (pre digital) when I went into the loft to do some plumbing and had to move stuff around and found some of my old B&W images. Oh my god. at the time I made them I thought they were pretty good, but finding them some years on was a bit of a shock. I had obviously moved on a fair bit and its only when you see it displayed to you in that way that you appreciate your progress. I agree, its not easy to be self critical, but I have always felt your sucess is not always based on what you show, but on what you decide not to show. Andrew But Barry, they're allowed to be OK but not great. I understand what your saying, but too many people are far too quick to settle for OK in my view, with a little more effort perhaps a lot better than OK is within their reach. I am often amazed at how quick some authors churn out their slide shows. It doesn't alter the fact that some will say they welcome comment, when they only really want positive comments. Its why I rarely comment now, but I watch quite a few sequences. I like to be entertained and we all look for inspiration from others, but to do a real constructive criticim is risky. I recall watching a quite nice slide show once, but felt it lost a lot of impact because the lighting and shadows were really harsh. I wondered if the author was aware of the shadow and highlight control in Photoshop, because I knew from my demos it doesn't get used much. Well, you would have thought I had insulted the persons mother and I was firmly put in my place and told that the author wanted the images just as they saw them. The high contrast reflected that part of the world. One or two other members joined in agreeing with the author, so I think I backed away with my tail between my legs. However, the facts are, that what the author captured was not what they saw at the time and they were all wrong. My mistake was assuming that posting a slide show automatically invited comment, especially from an enthusiasts forum like this.
  4. Now that PTE6.5 has been launched we have updated our Starter Disk aimed at newer users of the software and I chose to use PTE for the first of the tutorials on the disk.. I have included that first section here. It is a tutorials slide show relating to image size, which may help some and it also contains a series of short demos made at the 5 popular resolutions and formats. So, there are 6 PTE sequences in all. I hope the benefit of the 5 demos will be for viewers to be able to see these different formats and how they appear on their screen. It may demonstrate that the larger slide shows play back perfectly well on smaller resolution monitors and projectors. The show is at the top of the page for PC and Mac and is called Image Size
  5. There are always many ways to look at any subject. On the one hand its nice to have someone comment on your slide show or pictures knowing that they themselves are an accomplished photographer or AV enthusiast. However, my grandmother has never driven a car in her life, but she can spot when one is being driven badly, so despite my earlier comments to seek out who you want to make comment, everyone does have a view and you don't need to be an expert carpenter to know the guy who hung your front door did a rubbish job. This is about the politest forum I have ever seen and there is no history of nasty comments from what I can see, but then again most of them are pretty bland one liners. Here is the problem I say something about a sequence that maybe through my own poor English I don't explain fully, or the author finds a slant on what I said a million miles from what was intended. Do they reply and ask for clarification, no, they make an assumption that the comment was a deliberate nasty one and reply accordingly. I am distraught that my words have not been understood and try to explain, but its too late, we are past the point where peace talks can break out and there is the classic reason why you don't see comments on slide shows. There is no point pulling punches here in this post as no individual sequence is being discussed, we all want a favourable reply to what we post and if we have spent a week on a slide show and it is not seen in the same way we see it, it is a huge disapopointment no matter what your skill level or experience. What is the point of taking offense because one person does not feel your slide show is the masterpiece you do. Your never going to please all of the people all of the time and although we may try hard we can't produce a masterpiece every time either. An example is the many slide shows I now never play or show at my demos, why, because I thought they were really good when in the full glow of the creative process, but months and years later I realise they are OK, but not great.
  6. Ralph What a can of worms you have opened, but Peter does sum it all up rather well. To be a judge you have to be a politician, but to be a politician you then need to sit on the fence. As Peter says you try hard to be positive, while keeping comments constructive, but sometime that is almost impossible. Sitting on the fence also means that the comments will be bland and almost useless. The answer? I don't have one, I wish I did. Most people are so concerned about causing upset that they say little at all that helps the author. In fact if a show is posted that perhaps is not quite to the usual stanadard you will notice fewer comments. Simple answer is it's easier to say nothing than risk the wrath of the person who only really wants adulation. If you want real comments, don't put your show up for general comment at all. Post it for general interest to all, but just ask one or two members for the real feedback your looking for, either privately or in the forum if you wish. How do you find them ? Simple, look at what the members produce in their own slide shows and approach those who your happy to receive feedback from.
  7. I recently posted the following I have continually found it fiddly and annoying to place my cursor into the selections in the music > Customize options. I place the cursor and drag and nothing happens. I find myself having to do this a few times before it pickes up and highlights the value so I can change it. I use a wacom Bamboo graphics tablet, but I just tried it with a USB mouse and it is still a bit tricky to highlight the value I want to cjange. Has anyone else who uses a tablet noticed the same. In the fullness of time I have found the solution. You have to click into the little boxes in the right place and then the values highlight automatically. I find if I click on the right side of the box all is well. Previouslu I was used to a touch and drag and when you do that, the fiddly problem occures. So, solution found with experience
  8. Roel Over the last months and especially in the past few days I have been using PTE 6.5 extensively and I have not had any of the issues you describe. I also think I am right in saying that most of the other regulars here havn't either. That tends to suggest that whatever is causing the issue is on your PC. Why not try a new Mp3 grab from one of your CD's. Windows Media Player will do that for you and then see if it will select that new track. Its a place to start
  9. I have noticed that the fade out (I use 15 seconds) seems to fade a bit too quick right in the last second or two of the fade. It just isn't quite a sweet as the fade we get with Audacity and it sort of ends a little too abruptly, especially if you listen with headphones. Can it be made to fade out a bit better. It seems to need a linear fade to start, but a slow down at the end, if that is possible.
  10. Sorry to remind you Eric, but you never saw the point of creating a slide show at 1024*768 and then playing it back at 1280*1024. If you don't like it, don't use it, but it has to become a part of PTE at some stage.
  11. When you go into video builder, untick the box bottom left which says Create menu. I have not tried it, but the "Next" option then takes you straight to the final DVD creation screen and I guess that will bypass any menu pages and play the DVD automatically
  12. Igor I feel like a Jackass, the disablement of the acceleration was done accidently and as I never turn it off, I never thought to look for that. I am releaved in some way as I thought I had found a a problem in 6.5 Do you have a padlock so I can lock that little box shut :-)
  13. Igor I am noticing a subtle difference in the faded transitions on a slide show demo I have just made with version 6.5. It seems to me that when the fade starts, there is a momentary jump as though the fade is starting fast and then the fade returns to normal speed. I thought it was my eyes letting me down at first, but I am sure there is something not quite right. The demo I am making is of a show I have made before so I am used to seeing these images with this music. Of course the content of an image will make a fade look a little different at times, but I wasn't happy with the fades. I tried a reboot of the PC and I see the same thing in both a PTE preview or via the exe. I saved the files to zip and brought it up on another completely different PC (my new 64 bit machine) and I notice the same problem there. As best I could, I then recreated the slide show using PTE 6 with all the images in the same order and I CANNOT now see the fault. Obviousy I couldnt make an exact copy of the show in PTE6 because I used the sound editing of 6.5 I have placed the zip file on my web site at http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/ptetest.zip NB Can I remind anyone who downloads this that the music is copyright and should not be used.
  14. Well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force them to drink
  15. Ralph Thank you, you probably noticed that the inspiration for the slide show came from a degree of anger too. I just got fed up with intelligent people who for reasons I still don't understand still believe that the camera is an instrument that is designed to record exactly what is there. It isn't and it doesn't and the sooner the penny drops for them, the sooner they start to produce some decent images.
  16. Igor Lately I have had quite a few questions asking me about PTE fully working on a Mac and another came in this morning via email. I usually say that it is not likely until 2011, but that is only my guess. While appreciating I am asking an almost possible question, are you able to give a best guess so that the infor I pass on is from you, rather than me.
  17. Peter With a graphics tablet you don't use a left mouse click, just touching down on the pad is the equivolent. I have managed to get the selection of the music controls a little better by making the tip feel of my pen very soft, but I have been using a Pen for 12 years or more and never had to do that before. It just seemed to me that if there is a tolerance that Igor uses in these boxes, perhaps it could be relaxed a bit. If it's an automatic thing, I will have to live with it. Even now with the pressure set as low as I can get it, when I touch down on the music time values they often do not select. I have to make a concious tap harder than usual to get it to work right As I have said, I have used a graphics tablet for many years and never had any difficulty in selecting any values in any boxes until now
  18. PTE Beta 15 I have continually found it fiddly and annoying to place my cursor into the selections in the music > Customize options. I place the cursor and drag and nothing happens. I find myself having to do this a few times before it pickes up and highlights the value so I can change it. I use a wacom Bamboo graphics tablet, but I just tried it with a USB mouse and it is still a bit tricky to highlight the value I want to cjange. Has anyone else who uses a tablet noticed the same.
  19. From confused of Brisbane Well, I have looked at comparison images with this box ticked and unticked and you can call me thick if you like, but I can't come up with a circumstance when I would possibly want this option or in what circumstances. If I am being dense, please enlighten me, after all I am only a beginner. Stick it in the menus at the top of the screen for the 2 people who may want it
  20. Peter I edited my post and while doing it you got in first
  21. The "low quality of resizing" is actually more accurately called "nearest neighbor" resizing. It isn't so much "low quality" as it is "imprecise" resizing. Since it stops at the pixel level rather than the sub pixel level of accuracy this line is eliminated in some cases. For most this feature need not be used." Thanks Peter and no offense is meant by this but that is techno babble that the average user of PTE will not even contemplate Here is a question for forum users Who uses it and why? This is what goes through my mind and I appreciate it sounds a little arrogant, but here goes. I am the fussiest person you will find about about image quality, the Moire effect and any other imperfections and I have never found any reason to even investigate what it was. So, my question is, why have it? If you do have it, please dont call it Nearest Neighbor Resizing as that will mean even less than the current label. Better still tuck it away in the menus for those few who may use it and don't have it on display where we all say, What the hell is that .
  22. Am I the only one who really doesn't know what this option does. I am an experienced user of PTE, but I don't know ? I never use it, probably because I havn't done any tests to establish exactly what it does. Igor Can you explain the thinking behind the tool and give me some idea when you think it would be of benefit. I understand and use resample in Photoshop but can't quite see the link with PTE
  23. PTE Beta 14 I noticed today that if you go into the light box while the slides are shown as thumbnails it is easy to copy and paste an image. However, if you move into the light box from the time line you can't. It threw me for a minute as I could not quite understand why Ctrl+C - Ctrl+V worked one minute and not the next. Is that supposed to be the case?
  24. Photogman To save me typing a lengthy explanation perhaps you can read this on my web site http://www.beckhamdigital.co.uk/audiovisual/dvd/dvd.htm If your going to play back your DVD on a TV, then firstly the TV will not look so bad as trying it on your monitor, which I guess you have done. Also you will be viewing the TV from a much longer distance than a PC monitor and that makes the image look acceptable. If you expect to re-create the exe quality in a DVD, you won't unless you create a HD video and I guess the short times scales rule that out. You sound really concerned about this and my approach would be to consider taking a laptop, projector and a screen, but then I have those to hand. If not, just go with what you have made, if it is to be seen on a TV, it will look OK. Try it yourself, don't look at a DVD on your computer, that just makes the difference between the exe and a DVD more marked.
  25. Yes, whatever we say or do in this fascinating hobby there will always be exceptions, my own son uses PSG to make slide shows (DVD's) mixed with video for his car club and for that they work pretty well too. Generally we still have a way to go to see the quality we really must see in our AV on line. I am not against movies on line and in the fullness of time, I think the youtube thing will oust TV. Instead of TV moguls dishing up to us what they want when they want to show it, we will dial into anything we want on line and feed it to our TV I just get disapointed when I see a show have the edge taken off it by the medium its displayed in. In fact I have the same views on many of the clubs and societies I visit, they just don't have any common sense. One buys the latest Photoshop for the clubs laptop with a view for members borrowing it. It never happens of course and all the while they are desparate for a decent screen and projector. Perhaps I am too obsessed with end quality as there seems precious few people who want to join me
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