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Everything posted by Barry Beckham
If you don't mind me asking, what did you have to pay for that high end laptop
Using your own equipment is a good idea if you can do it, but its a shame to see the shows like that after the effort put into them. No-one would accept this degrading of images in a stills competition, but with AV they do so with a shrug as though it is inevitable
Eric Well, of course you know best. In my naivety I was just trying to keep the answer simple and assumed the question was made by a newer user of PTE who is not likely to make a 600 image slide show. Who does? Present company accepted of course. I don't know what I was thinking ! Lets hope Betsy hasn't slit her wrists in frustration.
Eric No offense to Betsy here, but the question asked suggests someone who is a newer user of PTE and in my experience people want a simple answer.
I am a bit confused here Why would another utility be required to clear one sound file link? Unless I am missing something, arn't we making things over complicated for Betsy.
I love the way I can open the size position in pixels window and the 3D window and they remain on screen until I choose to close them. Is it possible to include the Adjust Images and Border window to do the same. That closes down after each use and is not so quick or easy to use.
Betsy You need to look into the Project Options and then the Music tab. If there is a track title in there that you have now discarded remove the link to it. If that doesn't do the trick, you must have a sound file linked to an individual image. In that case, open your slide show into PTE and make sure you can see the thumbnails along the bottom of the screen. Highlight slide 1 and then use the cursor control keys (those arrows up/down - left/right) skip from image to image while looking at the top right of your screen, where it says add sound. Any stray music/sound files will soon show up, then remove the one that is causing the error.
Peter/John I experienced this myself recently and it baffled me for a while. I have made hundreds of sound tracks in the same way, so I am familar with what usually comes out the end of the process. However, on one accasion I experienced what John has explained after editing music in Audacity and bringing it into PTE. All the data told me the track was x length, WMP showed it right, Audacity showed it right, but PTE showed me it was Y length. I didn't waste time trying to chase my tail and simply opened Adobe Audition and edited the sound there, it then displayed at the correct length in PTE. It hasn't happened since...........Conclusion? One of those odd computer things and there are just not enough hours in the day or the will for me to try and track it all down. A rougue Mp3 perhaps, a glitch in Audactity. Who knows !!!
I went to an AV competition the other night and watched the winners and HC's from a competition. There were about 15 AV shows in all, many of which contained animation and some where made with PSG. I guess 10 of the sequences contained some animation, and not one of them projected correctly without jerking across the screen. It is quite off putting on a big screen. Beware those of you entering AV competitions, if your keen on animation, you might be quite disappointed what the judges and audience may see of your show. I tried to suggest that next year a desktop PC is used, but laptops seem to be all the rage these days. Can't think why really.
Making a MAC Executable presentation
Barry Beckham replied to Bruss444's topic in General Discussion
Bill/Nobeefstu My shows are not complex at all, you should know me by now, I can only cope with simple stuff I doubt the complexity of a slide show would prevent it playing would it. It might slow it down or not look so good, but it should at least play. I think the issue is either on the Mac in question and is a setting or something, but Lin may have hit the nail on the head and it is a small bug that needs ironing out perhaps. -
Eric That is not what I am talking about at all, what I suggested is something different, so don't fret and you don't have to differ either. Dave Just tried v5.6 and it does still work in that version just as I was suggesting in my post, so perhaps it is something that Igor has to address. I suppose I should have tried v5.6 before I put finger to keys However, I rarely use fonts in PTE preferring the greater styles in Photoshop, so I wasn't as familiar with the PTE text controls. At least we have highlighted the issue.
Dave G I picked up your earlier post in reply to Eric Eric, If you type some text into O&A then go to Properties you can outline the text font and use your up and down arrows on't' keyboard to step through the different fonts and see how they look on the screen in real time. I find that this is a good enough procedure - would you agree? DaveG It doesn't seem to work in PTE Bete 20 now
Dom Faultless, the animation and presentation was bang on for the subject. That is something a family would want to keep and play again and again
I don't think this is directly relative to the the beta copy I am using (Beta 19) or something completely different, but I have never noticed this issue before. I am creating a tutorial and want to display a screen grab of the Photoshop size palette and the PTE Project options palette within a PTE slide show. I grabbed both palettes/windows using Hypersnaps, a piece of software I have been using for many years. The Photoshop size palette displays perfectly sharp in the PTE slide show, the PTE project options screen grab does not. It is slightly degraded and not sharp. The size position in pixels is set to 100% in the OA screen for both grabs I thought I would get around this by doing a print screen and pasting the project options into a new document, but that is the same when viewed in a slide show I grabbed another palette from PTE and that displays sharp ???? I tried v5.6 and that displays the same too. Why doesn't a PTE screen grab display pin sharp in a PTE slide show when it does in the software that grabbed it and also in Photoshop If I place the screen grabs onto a background in Photoshop and save them into the PTE show, the screen grab then displayes sharp Baffled
I hope I am not missing the option to do what I am about to suggest. In photoshop you can create text, highlight that text and then highlight the font style box at the top of the screen (the Options bar) Using the cursor control keys (those 4 arrows) you can jump from font to font and see on screen what that font looks like. Its a simple yet very effective way to select a font for a PTE project. I tried to do the same with PTE and although the font name changes in the small box, the on screen font doesn't. You have select the font look at it, select another and so on, which is a bit tedious. It would be a great way to be able to quickly scroll down the fonts and select one for the slide show being created
Lin Yes I did say that, but I was expecting to see the odd show something like La Creation. I went through about 8 of those shows you gave be a link to, but none that I could run to the end I am afraid. They just use animation for the sake of it and the shows are only of interest to the authors family. Perhaps I made too many assumptions and didn't explain myself correctly. I really am not against these effects when they are used extremely well, but La Creation aside, I don't see very many. Yes PTE can and should remain competitive (and it does), yes it should include all the animation effects we see and more I expect. Ultimately does need to have some sound editing added too. I am happy for PTE to evolve in any way Igor sees fit. I suppose I just get a little weary of seeing constant demos and very few slide shows with that wow factor from the worlds best slide show software forum. I have a sneeking suspicion that I am far from alone in these views, but most people just keep their head down and say nothing. In a nutshell I need some inspiration some times and in the photographic world we get that from each other. That is what clubs are all about, but I almost never get inspired. Perhaps that means my interpretaion of AV is now too narrow.
I think what I have seen from this list proves my point
Jean I downloaded your show a day or so ago, but was out all yesterday and when I added my posts to the other thread I spotted the show on my desktop. What a surprise sequence and your timing is perfect. Your show is what I have been wailing on about for ages in this forum, propably to the annoyance of some, but they can live with that I also wanted to say what I thought before reading any other comments. Your sequence stands head and shoulders over anything I have seen for quite a while. It has animation and some special effects, but they work. They work because they are superbly done and because in my view they are added in moderation and in keeping with the overall quality of the show. Your show also tells the story of Creation very well and I didn't need any commentary to help that along. The sequence captures atmosphere and some emotion too and it filled my PC screen. It was impressive, not just because of size, but due to the quality of the images, which is another of my moans on this forum. It was great to see such quality images and the choices of images you made. Not a duff one in the whole sequence. The soundtrack was perfect, balanced and right in keeping with the subject. There were a couple of long zooms out that generally I don't care much for, but I don't like them because all those I have seen go on and on and on and on. You didn't bore us to death with such a long zoom, the balance here was just right and again in keeping with the images and the message the author was putting accross. It was evident that tender loving care was put into making this sequence and it shows. The transitions were varied, but the right choice was made every time and even the special effect between some images worked too, again due to the subject and the treatment of the slide show by the author. This is what I want to see on the PTE forum, something that can inspire me to sit up and take notice, not reach for the escape button because the animation is tacky and out of place. If this sequence does not win some acreditation then there ain't no justice. It probably already has. Made with PTE of course If I had a hat I would take it off to you Jean - A super show. ps. I would like to show your sequence to our Camera Club as an example of what can be done with PTE. I hope you don't mind me doing that.
I have just watched a slide show that stands head and shoulders over anything I have seen for quite a while. It has animation and some special effects, but they work. They work because they are superbly done, they are added in moderation and in keeping with the overall quality of the show. The show also tells a story and I didn't need any commentary to help that along. The sequence captures atmosphere and some emotion too and it filled my PC screen. It was impressive, not just because of size, but due to the quality of the images, the choices of images and the whole audio visual experience. The soundtrack was perfect, balanced and right in keeping with the subject. There were a couple of long zooms out that generally I don't care much for, but I don't like them because all those I have seen go on and on and on and on. This didn't, the balance here was just right and again in keeping with the images and the message the author was putting accross. It was evident that tender loving care was put into making this sequence and it shows. The transitions were varied, but the right choice was made every time and even the special effect between some images worked too, again due to the subject and the treatment of the slide show by the author. This is what I want to see on the PTE forum, something that can inspire me to sit up and take notice, not reach for the escape button because the animation is tacky and out of place. If this sequence does not win some accreditation then there ain't no justice. It probably already has. Made with PTE of course La Creation by Jean-Charles Pizolatto - If I had a hat I would take it off to you Jean a super show.
Lin My appologies I never picked up on this thread, just followed your link on the other one. I am not used to them moving around and wasn't paying attention. Please move the other post here if you wish. However, we may be at cross purposes here This post was only for Barry and in regards to an ongoing discussion about the fact that people are using "animation" in their slideshows. These are "NOT" shows which have been (to my knowledge) entered in any competition nor do they represent in any way my opinion of what constitutes either a quality or non-quality slideshow. They are randomly selected shows representing what users of competing products (Proshow and MemoriesOnTV, etc.) are asking for and doing with animation and effects. I understand that PTE has to move with the competition and I have never had any issues with that. I am not against all animation for some daft reason. What I said, or tried to say was that what I have seen in some animations are tacky and do nothing for the slide show appeal and I asked where these techniques were being used, not in the context of competing software, I am not interested in that. You can split hairs about PSG or PSP but the fact remains a butterfly jerking accross the screen in a stills AV is WRONG. If it must be done at least use PTE where it will be smooth. I keep saying this, but my interest is what I would call pictorial AV and the vast majority of slide shows posted here and beachbrook are that type of show. If the aim of an individual is to reach a wider audience and try to appeal to that audience, some of what I see has no place in that slide show. I don't believe that is just a narrow view I hold and that is why I said. Point me to where I can see this sort of technique used, but perhaps I should of qualified that and said show me where this technique is being used in any slide show that is above average or has been credited in some way.
A Stress Test for Really Good Video Systems
Barry Beckham replied to Lin Evans's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Well, I am ploughing through a few of these shows, but I have not seen anything yet which stands out and why are they all ProShow gold llinks? If I wanted to watch a butterfly jerking it's way accross the screen I would use Proshow gold myself. I will keep watching, but my resolve is slipping a little. Later addition I have watched a number of these shows and I am beat, they are mostly personal slide shows of family celebrations that have no appeal outside that family. and some of the special effects like the butterfly was tacky and added nothing to the slide show. That is the trouble, get it right and animation enhances, get it wrong and it really kills the appeal. -
A Stress Test for Really Good Video Systems
Barry Beckham replied to Lin Evans's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Yes I am fully aware that as I get older I may get out of touch, but I know what I find appealing and what I don't and I also realize that as you get older you get set in your ways. Taking that all into account I cannot force myself to like something that I feel has little place in AV. When I mention AV, I say that in the belief that 99% of what is posted in and around this site are pictorial sequences, not instructional or tutorials. Different rules may apply to those. Yes, please point me in the direction of the best AV you know about that uses these types of effects. I will be the first to admit I have made a bad mistake if I realize I have. I am not stubborn and I have no problem with saying ooops, made a mistake there. We see loads of whoops of delight over certain animation effects, so, if they are so popular with people why don't we see them used? I don't have a problem will all animation, but these effects that try to mimic video are a disaster in my view They are what I would describe as tacky and unbelievable. Please educate me into what I am missing because I still think the bog standard fade is a very difficult act to beat? If I have it wrong I want to know what I am missing. -
A Stress Test for Really Good Video Systems
Barry Beckham replied to Lin Evans's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
I am of a similar feeling to Almark and I believe that while many of these animation effects can have a place, when used they generally exclude any chance of capturing a mood in a slide show. In my opinion of course. We live in a visual world where we can easily see the earth rotating around the sun and lots more besides, in superb quality too. The Hollywood movies create these effects all the time and they are very convincing and we have become accustomed to them. It's natural then for us to compare what we have seen at the movies or elswhere with what we see here with regard animation. There is no comparison. So, as clever as it may be, any animation that shows the earth revolving around the sun will be compared to the best we have ever seen and then a PTE version comes up a little short. Now I say that as a PTE enthusiast and one who has seen some really clever animation demos. So where are all these effects used, I never seem to download a slide show and see any, why is that? Could it me that it's because they don't add anything to a pictorial slide show and 99 times out of a 100, that is what people are making, a pictorial slide show. Now I am really going to throw the cat amongst the pigeons. A lot of what I see appears tacky, unconvincing and has no place in 99 of those 100 shows. (Ducks quickly and takes cover ) -
Anyone who has the opportunity to watch this show on a large flat screen monitor, first in it's original version and then this revised HD one would instantly be sold on this HD resolution. The issues aside that Eric raised in another thread about PC's that can't handle anything above 1024*768 aside, this is the way to go. Soon 1024*768 will be like the Dodo....dead! I fully agree with DaveG about the line and for exactly the same reasons, but even without the line, for me this had more impact, yet we are only talking about size. There was a time when I would have said size isn't everything and of course it isn't, but all things being equal its hard to beat.
Island of St.Lucia - 1st time AV
Barry Beckham replied to colin hill's topic in Slideshows & AV Shows
Colhill I don't think the forum members are being very kind to you. Many must have downloaded and viewed your slide show, but only one person has made a comment for you. I am going to suggest a reason why and try to give some constructive comments as we go. Many people are uncomfortable in giving any feedback unless the feedback they give can be all positive, so rather then say something that may not be taken in the spirit is is intended they don't comment at all. If this is your first attempt at a slide show, then your on the right track, the music matched the images fine. The show is a great record of what looked like a great holiday. You were there, you experienced the sites, the smells the food and all those emotions were wrapped up in that holiday feeling. When I view your slide show, none of those emotions are there and what is left is a great record for you and your family, but with limited appeal for me A slide show does not have to be full of masterpieces, but if you want it to have appeal to a wider audience, then it does need something more. Your images are a series of snap shot records of your holiday and while important to you, they are less interesting to others, or me in this instance. A slide show with wider appeal does need some great images in the show, especially when presented to photographic enthusiasts. So, what do you need to do to improve for the future. Think about the slide show you will make at the time you shoot your images and get as much variety as possible. Remember that outings on a boat with a crowd will have limited appeal to others, the countryside and seascapes will have much more appeal, but go for some detail shots too. Variety is the spice of life they say. You are always going to be up against it a bit with regards quality images in a country that has such strong lighting conditions for much of the time. There are tools in image editing programs that will help you deal with those harsh highlights, which really do kill off a lot of appeal in some images. Try to shoot more of your AV images earlier in the day or towards the late afternoon when the sun is sinking and the lighting generally more kind to us. If your going to use sound effects, then fade them out gently at the end as your slide show ends rather abruptly and that can spoli the moment a bit. Maureen made a great point in another thread that we sometimes forget. A slide show can be improved by taking out images and making the show shorter. You had some images included that really should have been removed. One looks like a building site of a walkway and try to avoid too many that are the same. ie 3 views of what is the same subject. Straighten those horizons as Dave says and see what digital skills you can develope to improve your images. It is possible to improve many of your images, but of course it takes a little learning, but it is great fun too. You can't be an expert on your first attempt and full marks for putting your first attempts up for all to see. That takes quite a bit of courage and it is a shame that more members havn't given you some honest feedback. You will be glad to hear the next one you make will be easier and better.