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  1. Annually in Scotland there is a memorial event in the City of Edinburgh to mark the American Servicemen and Women of Scottish Heritage who fought and died under the American Flag during both World Wars.
  2. On the 2nd of April, the Scottish and Northern Irish Yeomanry [ Scotland's reserve Cavalry Regiment ] received the Freedom of the City of Edinburgh. They paraded from Edinburgh Castle to the ' Merket ' [ Market ] Cross and the Deputy Lord Provost [ or Mayor ] invested the Regiment with the Freedom. This Honour allows the Regiment to March through the City with fixed bayonets which would otherwise be illegal in Scotland.
  3. The Gardens of Remembrance are an important part of Scotland's life. It's also the world in which I live. I really didn't think there was a presentation in this years images as the contrast between Edinburgh and Glasgow [ weather wise ] was unbelievable. However when I heard that song I knew I had to get it done. I hope you see something you may like.
  4. Before the devastating fire. This is also the first time I have used frames, thanks to Barry's videos. I hope you see something you may like.
  5. Oh dear, its that simple. Thanks Dave.
  6. and its work worldwide. I've been a CWGC Volunteer for about 2 years now, since my Mem Sab passed away. It involves visiting the CWGC Sites or Plots and Scattered Graves of our WW1/WW2 Casualties. Reporting on their condition ie Stability, legibility of the lettering etc. but also some cleaning if the stone is dirty, which is quite often especially when its under a tree etc. Where you may see a family memorial with just the casualty's name legible, or the only one painted in, its because the CWGC is responsible for that casualties name even tho the family may have opted for a private memorial rather than a CWGC headstone. Where the stone[s] are overgrown its also the volunteers job to clear the debris away and trim the area to 1sq mtr round the headstone. This work is then reported to the co-ordinators who gather such info. I find trees are a menace. It may have been a romantic notion in 1914-1918 but nobody gave a thought to 100 years down the line and the size the trees would be and the potential for damage both above ground but especially below. However, over the last few days I've been closeted with Barry's instructional videos and I'm stunned at the things I didnt know. I particularly like the facility to move the slides along to the peaks in the soundtrack. I still dont know how to embed the video. Sorry. If someone could let me know, I would be grateful.
  7. Bloody hell thats incredible.
  8. John, their parents are Veterans.
  9. Thanks Igor. I have it now. That works fine. I've also found that copy and paste is a useful tool.
  10. This is a composite album of images from 2016 - 2021. Ride to the Wall or RTTW is an event where around 20,000 Veterans, Non Veterans, Civies all come together at the National Memorial Arboretum in the UK's Staffordshire County. RTTW didnt happen in 2020 but we came back strong in 2021. The album is my favourite method of creating this type of display, even tho its VERY complex. I hope you see something you may like. I dont know how to embed the video.... Sorry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj_Yc9Cqg6Q
  11. Is there a way to keep the animation tab boxes checked at all times. I'm finding it a bit tedious having to check them each time a key frame is added or an image added. Please tell me there is a way.......
  12. WOW. Thank you. Thank you Thank you.
  13. It seems that function only works on a slide with a single image. Not a slide with an image and child images. Looks like its a full replacement. aw well.
  14. Sorry to be a nuisance, but I simply cant get that to work. The change image button doesnt appear in O/A and if done from the slide list it simply adds an image rather than change it. The properties tab only shows the details. There doesnt seem to be an option to change the image. I know I must be missing the obvious but Im a bit lost at this one.
  15. Is there a way to change an image [ using the change image button ? ] after its been placed in a show with its own key frames and child objects. It will be a lot of work if it cant be done. Any help out there please?
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