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Everything posted by snapcam

  1. Hello again Gary When I refer to a beginning and end I mean the flow thro' the show. The start is perfect I love the plane sequence and getting into Dubrovnik. After some shots of the city we go to shots of the sea then back to the city and this continues back and forth. I was suggesting more grouping i.e take the viewer around the city go into the cloisters, use a shot of the entrance to introduce us to the cloister then move on to the nx place of interest as you go around the city. Take us around the harbour. The way you grouped the fish and fruit markets illustrate this point (loved the tomatos pic by the way). I know exactly what you mean about editing out pics but look at the sequence of I think, dancers/musicians and think if the best half of those pics illustrate the point better thanall the pics together. I also know that I am criticising your show as you want to see it and that is why I stress that my comments are meant for a future edited version for outside consumtion. Regards Snapcam
  2. Hello Gary I must say, having been to Dubrovnik your pics brought back memories. You have some really nice images. I loved the lighting in the cloister shots and the concert was very well handled. You asked for comments and I hope you won't mind my tu'pence worth. The show is a wonderful record of your trip however if another version was made for outsiders then it could be drastically shortened to a max of around 10minutes. As I said you have really good images and therefore they can be ruthlessly edited. Another tip is to vary the time on screen with a variation in pace from time to time. This will keep the viewers interest. There are good opportunities to use the zoom control on some shots, I only noticed a slight zoom on the last slide. Your pan shots from the air were great. You could also use the smaller format shots two at a time on screen for variation. One last tip is to conduct the viewer through the show by having a start and finish and not going back and forth. I really hope you don't mind my comments they are meant for a different audiance.
  3. Thanks Peter that wordeed fine. Any ideas why it won't work on customise. I checked on '6' and it is the same. I never had cause to use it before so never noticed but I remember it working in earlier versions PTE
  4. Hi I have started to play with the new features in 6.5 ,sound in particular. Using the PDF manual I have managed to use the 2 track feature and it seems to work.o.k. My problem is on customise slide. When I add a music file it appears on the custom screen but fails to play. I don't see any other instructions other than ad music etc, The syc tab has been cleared to allow custonisation.
  5. Hello Peter *ico file choice does not appear in any of my versions of Photoshop when I try to save. I can't manually create it either. Regards Snapcam
  6. How do I assign an ICON in project options main tab . Do I need to create a particular file outside PTE.
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