Hi Forgive me if this topic has already been covered elsewhere (I did look, but couldn't see anything) ... I'm new to this forum, but I've been a PicturesToExe user for a couple of years. In the last few days I've been putting together an AV show on my new laptop, and I had a suspicion that on playing the whole show (from the start), the pictures were not changing at exactly the time points that I had specified. To check this I set up a very simple test as follows: I have 2 pictures and 1 piece of music. The music is about 4 minutes long. There is a very noticeable single drum beat about 3 minutes into the song. I set up the transition from slide 1 to slide 2 to coincide exactly with this single drum beat. I checked this by placing the slide on the timeline, positioning the blue triangle just before the start of slide 2, pressing the play button in the preview window, and then tweaking the position of the slide on the timeline (so that the slide changed exactly on the drum beat). (I've used this approach many times before.) Then I ran through the slide show using "Preview" (i.e. starting from the beginning). In this case the transition from slide 1 to slide 2 occurs later than the drum beat. The transition is only about 1 second late, but that's late enough to spoil the effect! I have the same problem if I create an Exe file and run that, and I also have the problem if I run the show from the start in the preview window. In the past I have always found that PicturesToExe gives me great control over the exact timing of transitions to coincide with certain beats in the music, so I'm really puzzled about what's happening here. Has anyone else come across this sort of thing? I'm wondering if it's something to do with my new laptop. I've used the same piece of music in the past (on an older laptop) and the slide transition occurs perfectly in time with the drum beat. Any thoughts or suggestions would be very welcome. Thanks very much. PS I see this feature with versions 5.5 and 5.6.