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Everything posted by ChrisJ

  1. A few Web building software packages allow embedded video content, I use Serif WebPlus X4 which can use it here is a copy from the Help File Video Linked video works like linked sound. Supported video formats are .AVI, QuickTime (.mov, .qt), MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg, .mpe, .mpv), and RealVideo (.ram, .rv). (Non-streaming files must download in entirety to a user's computer before they begin playing; streaming files require a special player that buffers incoming data and can start playing before the whole clip has arrived.) YouTube videos which are already published on the Internet can be included on your web page. Videos themselves are not be embedded in your site; instead, just the unique YouTube video ID is embedded in your page as you place the YouTube video on your page—a link is created from your web page back to www.youtube.com. This lets you add media content to your pages while avoiding uploading large videos as part of your site. With both background and linked sound (or video), you have the option of embedding the source file in your site, as opposed to keeping it separate (remember that YouTube videos cannot be embedded in your site). Although embedding any file adds to the size of the site, it is the default option because you'll no longer have to worry about juggling separate files or the chance of accidentally deleting one of them. When you publish your site, WebPlus takes care of exporting and copying both embedded and non-embedded files. You won't be able to play back or edit sound or video files in WebPlus; you'll need to use an external media editor. Both types of files tend to take up a lot of space, more or less depending on the method of compression you've used. The large file size translates to long download times for non-streaming files. Media files also tend to be platform-specific: for example, there are different Windows, Mac, and Unix sound file formats. For these reasons, except for very short audio clips, one rarely encounters non-streaming media on the web. However, if a fast connection is guaranteed, you can get away with using longer/larger non-streaming files. A technically complex alternative is to use streaming media such as RealAudio and RealVideo. Certain file formats (such as those for QuickTime and RealVideo,) will only be accessible to the end-user if they have the correct media player or plug-in installed. You may want to direct the user to an external site so that they can download a free or purchasable version of the required media player or plug-in. As you can see embedding a video file has some problems, not least of which is your viewer having to download the complete video before it will play as well as some platform considerations. Chris
  2. Thanks to John for the Mediafire hosting link. Here is the exe file A Whitby Colouring Book Following further work I have found for the 'Line Drawing' that a Threshold Adjustment Layer or the Photocopy in the Filters work best. The Graphic Pen filter is what's leaving those hatch lines on the pictures. A few different blends would be better too, and so we learn. File size 10.8MB Runtime 3 mins 16 seconds 1024 X 768 Chris
  3. OK first time at this, here is the Mediafire exe file. Thanks to John for the link. Roundhouse Exe File size 26.39MB Runtime 2 minutes 1024 X 768 4:3 Apect ratio Chris
  4. A work in progress. Images created in CS4 layers then imported into PTE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXkdxxkHMQs Some artistic filters don't work too well others do, you be the judge and let me know. Thanks Chris 15.4MB
  5. Here is my first upload. Just 2 minutes long Steam trains, the slides built in CS4 and then blended by PTE. Thanks for looking Chris
  6. Thanks for quick reply Dave - sorted. Chris
  7. Is it possible to change the slide keeping all the timings, fades and actions etc. intact? My problem is this, I generate a show on one computer and want to copy the editable version on another to use for tutorials. Everything copies fine except the pictures and soundtrack, I get a path error as, obviously, the path to the picture won't be the same. It is easy to copy the file with all the slides in to selected directory window, but I cant find any way to alter the path to the picture file. Can this be done or am I wasting my time? It would be an easy addition to make methinks. Most slide show software has a change slide option in the right click menu. Chris
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