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Everything posted by brutus
Hi John. [WA] In response to your comments: " I just tried to replicate your problem with no success! I'm running Win7 64bit, Nvidia 9800gtx " No surprises there and consistent with my earlier conclusion. " Which version of Windows are you using? " Windows 7/32bit as indicated. " Have you done all the Microsoft updates? " Yes including Service Pack One. " Are your video card drivers fully up to date? " Yes. To put your mind at ease; see the attachment. Also, I do not consider this probable 'bug' a substantive one as it doesn't impact on the overall functionality of PTE. More of a challenge than anything else for a software developer seeking perfection in his/her product. KInd Regards, John.
Hello daveat22 Make sure all your wav files are 16bit @ 44100hz sampling rate before editing / mixing. Ideally, the files then need to be combined to produce a single composite track. This process is known as 'mix down'. When completed save your new wav file by invoking the 'Save As' option in your sound editor. If you bypass the mix-down option or its not available, you can still add your wav files sequentially into PTE via the Project Options/ Music menu. Fading between tracks can be achieved by utilizing the 'Crossfade' button and setting the duration time. John.
Hello again Dave, Just hooked up a second hard drive running XP with PTE 6.5 4 installed. As expected everything in the O&A window is displayed correctly. This rules out absolutely any problem with my display monitor. Seems likely the displacement problem is either a bug in PTE 7.0 Beta 10 or a compatibility issue with my 32bit operating system. Thanks for your interest. John.
Thanks Dave, What Operating System are you running? My computer is setup for Windows 7/32bit including all the latest updates. John.
Igor, Visual defect identified in Beta 9 is now fixed in Beta 10 as confirmed in the attached screen capture. Thank you. Note however the highlighted drop-down menu at the top of the O&A window in Beta 10 which also displays a horizontal displacement problem, [ probably overlooked by me in earlier beta versions ], Apologies. Regards, John.
Hello John, [ landsberger ]. Thanks for your input and courteous response to my posts. Just goes to prove that many heads are better than one when the going gets tough. Enjoy the rest of your day in sunny Perth. John. [Yamba, NSW].
Igor. Pleased you managed to track this one down - well done! Will certainly get back to you after the release of Beta 10. John.
Hi all. Test results indicate computer functioning normally - no problems identified. Reinstall of 7.0b9 fails to resolve the issue of the misaligned frames?? Time for a coffee break. John.
John. WA Thanks for your feedback. Immediately upon reading your post I sought to verify your results on another computer, this time running Windows 7/64 bit. and am pleased to report a result in the affirmative. It does raise an interesting question though - just what caused the misaligned frames on the same version of PTE running on my Windows 7/32bit operating System? My initial thinking is toward a corrupted program or system file or even the remote chance of a compatibility problem. In order to check this possibility I will now uninstall PTE completely and do a system check before reinstalling the program and reporting the results back to forum members. John.
"It doesn't help John solve his problem, but I see what Lin sees on my 22" 1920x1080 16:9 monitor on my Vista Home Premium system. I wonder if the horizontal adjustment on John's monitor needs "tweaking". Peter." Hi Peter. Monitor settings checked prior to my bug report and reset to default as per manufacturers instructions . Interestingly, the frames are only misaligned for the 'video' setting. When setting the parameters for 'slides', [pan, zoom, etc] they appear as normal. John.
Hello Lin. 20 inch LCD, 1680x1050 with 16:9 aspect ratio. OS is Windows 7/32bit. John.
Pte 7.0 Beta 9. Objects and Animation / Properties Window. Frames for the setting of Start Time, Duration, and Offset are displaced too far to the right preventing easy access to the incremental menu's, [ see screenshot ]. John .
VideoBuilder is killing me -- why won't it successfully work at th
brutus replied to rungabic's topic in General Discussion
Hi Brent. Wrong Bitrate. Should be in Megabits / second, [21Mbps = 21000000]. Enter the new value and try again. Cheers, John -
Tom. In answer to your first question. You are essentially correct in your assumption - not quite 100% but between 84-94% in my case .To address this issue I decided to convert my MP4 files, [ made in PTE ], to an AVI container using the divx codec while maintaining the same 20Mbps bitrate. This time the demands on the cpu drop dramatically to a value of between 47- 54% whilst maintaining the same picture quality. Note this applies for both cores. See attached screenshot for details. I favor an AMD64 processor matched with an Nvidia graphics card and Asus motherboard. Rest assured I do own 'a very fast system' - 'super fast' would be 'over kill' for my needs as I'm not into gaming. In general, I see little sense in using a bulldozer to do the work of a shovel. With respect to your second question. I own a couple of relatively cheap but now discontinued Canon cameras with fixed lenses for my photographic and movie work. I would expect any of the latest 'up market' Canon's or other name brands using CMOS sensor technology to capture FULL HD1080p at a 41Mbps rate, or close to it. However there are exceptions and closer scrutiny of the published data may be necessary to determine this. If in doubt contact the camera manufacturer. Regarding flash cards, I normally use one of the 8GB / SDHC variety. This allows for 24 minutes recording of FULL HD 1920 x 1080p video. In practice, I tend to shoot video in short lengths to reduce the drain on the camera battery and facilitate later editing with an external editor. John.
Geoff and Ken. Thanks for your reply. The point I was attempting to make was that PTE has now moved well beyond the sole production of EXE files alone, into a fully fledged multimedia software program offering much more to intending users. In turn this suggests a change of name to accurately reflect its advanced features and not a 'fix' for some unidentified problem as has been suggested. In my opinion the term 'Multimedia' is a better descriptor of the true features PTE offers to all users. The transmission of programs containing video content with an 'exe' extension will soon become as rare as hens teeth because of increasing internet security concerns. Use of substitute container formats such as MP4, AVI and others will take precedent. This fact is already recognized by the various options available under the 'Publish' heading. My post has nothing controversial about it at all - merely an invitation to engage in useful and productive discussion which may, or may not, be of interest to Igor, his team and other forum members. John.
Igor. With the successful launch of PTE 7 maybe its time to consider a new name for your product. For example,I have in mind something like 'WnS Multimedia Producer' amongst many others. If interested I'm sure forum members would be more than willing to contribute their suggestions. Over to you........ John.
Hi Ron. Suggest you try the following: PTE SLIDE VIEW. ALT+S - Insert Blank Slide. CUSTOMISE SLIDE. Use own background preference, [solid] then select background color as 'white'. OBJECT & ANIMATION. Add 'Rectangle' from menu bar at the top of the screen. Under the 'Properties' tab select: fill mode/solid/color. Highlight 'Keypoint' at the bottom left of the O&A window. Goto the 'Animation' tab and reduce the zoom value slightly to reveal the white background. Adjust the zoom setting to your required line width, then add your video clip. See the attached screen capture. 2011-04-30_214845.bmp Hope this helps. Cheers, John.
John, From the PTE 7 beta notes: - A video convertor for video clips will be included in one of the next beta releases. My guess is this will be similar to handbrake, which is basically a gui wrapper for ffmpeg and x264 encoders. It might have a video trim function to make .exe slideshows smaller. Also if you have not converted AVCHD to MP4 that should help reduce/eliminate video stutter without lowering the bitrate. Tom Thanks Tom. Currently is is not possible for me to transfer 41Mbps,[ MOV or AVI ] videos into PTE without frame stuttering. This problem disappears when I down convert the video to a lower - 20Mbps bitrate video. I am familiar with Handbrake and most of the other free converters so the conversion process is not an issue - at least for me. I convert all my out of camera 41Mbps MOV videos initially to 41Mbps AVI. This is done to facilitate editing and post processing. As many cameras now offer a basic edit function inbuilt, it is highly desirable to be able to bypass that conversion / editing process altogether and use the edited MOV video file from the camera output straight into PTE. Most likely, lower bitrate videos from cameras not supporting the Full HD1080 format, would transfer successfully, [ something to keep in mind when selecting your next camera ]. I do not use the MP4 format because of the non-availability of compatible open source editing software. Embedding of 41Mbps video into PTE might well turn out to be quite a number crunching and time consuming exercise for any software developer. So I don't expect results overnight. [ Igors health issues are more important ]. Meantime I am happy to plod along with my converted files - although the higher bitrate files played back in a highly configurable player do look stunning. John.
Igor. When I load full HD1080 video, [ bitrate of 41Mbps] into PTE,the video playback is jerky. However when converted to a lower bitrate ie.,15Mbps the video displays correctly - albeit at reduced image quality. I suspect a similar problem exists when attempting to output video directly from any camera where the video bitrate is fixed at the higher level. From a user viewpoint it is sometimes preferable and more convenient, to be able to dump the video directly from the camera output into PTE thus bypassing the intermediate conversion process. Do you intend to address this matter at some future date? John.
Hello Igor. I think this is essentially a marketing issue. I note for example most of the contributors to the forum are advanced or senior members with specialist knowledge of PTE . I suspect a reduction in any of the programs advanced features would probably be a restriction on their creative and artistic ability. On the other hand there is always an argument for the simplification of any software; particularly where the learning curve is steep. The risk here is that over simplification can be as bad or even worse than none at all. [raises more questions rather than less]. The program could probably be enhanced by the inclusion of a brief explanation window when the cursor for those functions deemed confusing to the end user are activated – for example; codec, mask, child or object etc. John.
Convert your source video to AVI using the DIVX codec option available in most [ but not all freebee video converters.] Then try again to embed your clip into PTE. John.
Hello Barry. Shouldn't be a problem, [see attached screen capture]. I also use Canon gear – HD 1080 mov @ 41Mbps to HD1080 avi at a video bit rate of 20Mbps. Despite the lower bit rate the difference in picture quality is negligible unless you are pixel peeping or intending to upgrade to Blue Ray. All my evaluations after conversion from mov to avi are done exclusively in MPC-HC prior to loading into PTE . In general they display correctly but as always there are exceptions. Trust this is of some assistance. John.
Igor. When I conclude a presentation with a video clip there appears to be no current means available to fade in the video program audio. Also, a sharper/smoother option for video in the O&A window would be helpful. John.
Hmm. Given some unresolved compatibility issues embedding video content into PTE, I suggest you now convert your HD.mp4 video to AVI by selecting the HD DivX Video setting instead. Then follow the usual method of adding the converted movie file to your slideshow. Keep in mind that Windows7 is by no means free from bugs either - another complication for Igor and his team to deal with. It is far too early to abandon any accepted and credible software; especially only after one failed attempt. That is the underlying principle behind having a forum and bug reports in the first place. I have also taken the initiative of reporting your experience to iWisoft although your description of the conversion as 'atrocious' is grossly short of any meaningful detail. In case you missed it, I did write in my post '……. capable of excellent results for most formats'. John.
Hello again George. Correction Video bit rate should be set to 20000kbps and not 20kb/sec as previously stated. Apologies, John.