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    New Hampshire, USA
  • Interests
    Photography, Web Site Design, Fly Fishing, Good Friends, Food, Cooking

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  1. Hi, I tried to download this file a while back but was only able to download the first two. I couldn't get the 3rd. Did anyone get all three that would be able to send me the 3rd? You can email me @ jrb059@adelphia.net thanks. jrb
  2. Hi Igor, I voted for the 1 to 6 categories. It's my position too many categories would be just as confusing as no categories at all. I'm not sure the categories you've suggested are the best to put out there. Maybe after you establish the right number of categories we could take a few days/weeks to discuss the proper titles for the categories. Having the "right" category is probably as important as have them. Thanks for the chance to contribute! jrb
  3. How about "Beta; now and future" Bug reports on current beta versions and what we'd like to see in future releases. jrb
  4. Thanks ccmans. jrb
  5. In the old forum someone posted a utility that could be used to change your display size on the fly. For example; I'm using 1024 x 768 and want to see how my show will look in 800 x 600 or the other way round. Anyone remember what that utility was and where to get it???? Thanks, jrb
  6. Thanks to all. I think we'll take a look at the Nikon's. I've always thought Nikon made a great camera, but didn't realize they'd become so reasonably priced. Guru - I'd love that camera with a digital back for myself!! Once again, thanks. jrb
  7. Hi all, Once again I need advice on a good NEW camera for a friends son. The young man is what I'd call an intermediate Photographer. Here is what he said he would like: SLR with both automatic and fully manual settings. The body and a basic lens should cost no more than $500. Is there anything out there that I could recommend he look at? JRB
  8. I second that request. jrb
  9. jrb


    Kurt, It sounds as though you get what I want. I'm looking for the presentation to be full screen and can't seem to come up with that. Click on the background tab and tell me where the option for no background is located. JRB
  10. jrb


    Well I'm sure not an expert on P2TV, but "full screen" means the photo takes up the entire screen. I too have xat and that produces the photo's in full screen very nicely. It too has it's drawbacks, but at least it does not have those troublesome photo album backgrounds which limit the size of the displayed photo. If you could point out how to make the photo full screen I'd be a lot more interested in P2TV, it does have it's good points. JRB
  11. jrb


    Bill, I tried Pictures2TV but didn't like the "formats". It seems as though you can't display the show "full screen" with no background. JRB
  12. jrb


    Bill, How about posting the location where PicturestoTV can be downloaded. Or you can email it to me using the email link below. jrb
  13. I'm not sure I understand what you mean, Ken. What I'm talking about are major divisions under which you post threads on a particular topic, such as "HELP!", this might be where those who have questions on "how to" could post their questions. Another division could be "REQUESTED ADDITIONS TO P2E", here would be threads on new additions to P2E. "BUGS" could be a division where owners of P2E could report bugs and get help with "work arounds". etc. jrb
  14. What ever happened to the question posted earlier about adding topic headings. We could divide this forum into subsets that would be dedicated to a specific area of concern, such as "Desired Upgrades to P2E" and "HELP" or even "Freebies". That way you will be able to find topics of interest much faster. jrb
  15. As long as I have a forum, let me plead for the ability to create a "VCD". I've looked at other software that will create slide shows to play on one's CD player and want that ability in Pictures to Exe. I see the quality is not as good as we have in the PC Monitor, however, to be able to produce a VCD that can be seen by friends and relatives that have no computer out weighs the reduction in quality of the photograph. Besides, most will not notice . . .first of all, they have no idea of the original quality, and secondly, even if they knew the original quality, most would not care about the quality "loss". Igor . . . . PLEASE? jrb
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