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Everything posted by macian

  1. I wish you all a Peaceful, Healthy and Happy New Year.
  2. I think Barry Beckham's YouTube video may give you the solution.
  3. Isn't this Forum glorious!!!
  4. It works fine for me.
  5. macian


    How was your USB drive formatted? I don't know if that makes any difference – I am on all Mac devices.
  6. macian


    I have several PTE shows (published as MP4s) on my iPad and they work fine.
  7. A very clever and entertaining show, Barry. Thank you for sharing it with us.
  8. Do you mean that in the audio track three is no waveform?
  9. Translation via Google:
  10. This Forum is a mine of information and support.
  11. Sorry, I misunderstood your question, so I have deleted my comment.
  12. Thank you, Barry, it all worked fine, even for this Mac user!
  13. Are they all .jpg files?
  14. I downloaded but got a danger warning from Webroot SecureAnywhere. I did not run it.
  15. Congratulations on the 25th Anniversary of this splendid application. …and special thanks for the Mac version, it is wonderful! Ian McIntosh
  16. Thanks Igor. Ian
  17. How is v.12 progressing? Ian
  18. Which software are you using to play the MP4?
  19. See this. https://christinewiddall.co.uk/tutorials/pan-and-zoom-in-pics-to-exe/ On viewing this tutorial again, I see it is based on a much older version of the software but the principle is OK.
  20. In addition to Jill's comment, I added blanks slide of short duration before and after the video.
  21. I am not sure what you mean by a program list. I have a menu from which to run PTE shows one of them is an mp4 file as a video-wrap inside a pte sequence. iMac 27"
  22. Bert, it's good to know that the problem is solved. That's the joy of this forum!
  23. Via Google translate: Is it possible to make a color gradient on a frame (in a photo with a Simple Border style for example)? I've already changed the color, but it would be perfect if I could do it in 2 tones. I searched but couldn't find... Thank you for your answers. :-)
  24. Mike tells me that he has resolved the problem.
  25. There's been nothing further from the originator of this thread.
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