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Everything posted by 8321

  1. Hello all, I am on 7.5.2 and have read all the threads on the topic of "go to slide with name". In my show, go to and choosing a slide name from the drop-down list takes me to the slide before the one I want and then fades into the one selected which is not the action I want. I set small durations (2sec) because I am using manual Nest slide. The name of the target slide is mainmenu so I don't think the OS is messing up. One respondent suggested putting blank slides before the one I want to go to but this is not an elegant solution. Any ideas please? Jeff
  2. Thanks Xavier, Thought so, but was hoping for someone with a brilliant idea. Jeff
  3. Good day all, I have attached an audio clip to slide 10 and want the audio to continue while slides 11, 12, etc are showing. I ticked Do not interrupt.... It works as designed when the slide durations and transitions are specified. However, I want to control Next slide with a keyboard action: Project options/Control/Wait for a key press to show next. In this case the audio is interrupted. Is there another setting that I have missed? Thank you, Jeff
  4. Don't be put off by the French language of this post. There are Union Jacks indicating English translations of the rules on the site. This competition is for short AVs (less than 3 minutes 21 seconds) on any subject. There are already many entries from GB and South Africa. Anglophones, please join us. Regards, Jeff
  5. Barrie, there are two judging venues in Australia this year (and two in South Africa). Am really surprised that you are unaware of the competition. Maybe the French language (in the past) put you off. Virtually everything is in English as well as French these days. Thanks, Maureen, for your promo work. Much appreciated. Regards, Jeff
  6. Sorry if I missed something. Have been a bit out of touch with the forum. Is there news about a waveform being included in the O&A view? Regards, Jeff
  7. Well done! Jeff
  8. Hello Colin, You have probably already swiped your plastic. As a fellow countryman, this is what I have: Olympus handheld recorder from New World, Rode NT3 cardioid microphone (plugs into Olympus) from Musica Instruments. Use Audacity for editing. The most difficult thing is the "recording studio". I cover the walls of the spare bedroom with blankets and make do, using a mic stand for the Rode. It is not perfect, as I have been told by experts who listen to my recordings. Good luck. I hope you will be back for our salon next year. Jeff
  9. Well done Howard and congratulations on your "M". Remembrance Day is not a big thing in this colony. However, with no WW1 survivors at the Cenotaph this year, it is this kind of stunning production that keeps the folly of war in the collective mind. Thank you for that. Jeff
  10. Thanks Lin and Tom. A very comprehensive answer as usual from Lin. For what I need, frame capture is overkill. I will stick with what I have rather than trying google earth pro, which I am sure is the way to go in future. Regards, Jeff
  11. Hello all, I am trying to include a bit of Google earth animation in an AV. I use Screen recorder Gold to capture the screen (maximized) and produce an AVi. As recorded, the action is smooth but played back with Windows media player it is jerky. PTE video converter does not make the jerks any worse but also no better. It would appear to be a non-PTE problem. I know there was an answer somewhere else about not being able to capture screen animation perfectly but I can't find it now. I have tried slowing down the earth movement and various combinations of capture frame rate from 15 to 60 per second. Any suggestions welcomed. Thank you. Jeff Morris
  12. I seem to recollect the (free) size limit on Dropbox is not large. Yousendit have recently reduced their free limit from 100mB to 50mB. Splitting sounds like an option if you are dealing with tech-savvy recipients. Jeff
  13. Good business sense. Jeff
  14. Afrikaans: Waar het u van hierdie pakket gehoor? (formal) Waar het jy van hierdie pakket gehoor? (informal) Igor, are you going to translate the answers as well (tick boxes/dropdown list) or will it be a free test box? It seems you don't ask the question on the order form yet. Jeff
  15. Thanks, Maureen, Jeff
  16. Lovely Maureen, Thanks for sharing. Super photos. I will be there in September/October and would like to know your itinerary. Regards, Jeff
  17. Hi Lin, Its actually a colleague, using 9.0.91. I am happy with Avira and nothing reported. {Sorry, read the thread about antivirus software after posting this query.} Thanks for the reassurance. Jeff
  18. Hello Cor, Not a comment about your excellent production on one of our famous artists. AVG antivirus reports that it contains a Trojan. Are you, or anyone else, aware of this possible problem? I have read here that Norton can identify false positives. Regards, Jeff
  19. I am battling to fine-tune synchronisation of music beats and images in an O&A window. Are we any closer to getting Ed's suggestion? It would solve my problem. At present it is stabbing in the dark. Regards, Jeff
  20. Upgraded to v7 (not the problem) Found O&A, Adjust image and border. Set parameters there and problem solved! In Xara3D6 loop must be ticked and set to a large number (depending on how long the object must perform). Jeff
  21. Hello Lin, All this needs is a quick phone call but a post will have to do instead. I am using PTE 6.5 beta 8 (maybe that is my problem!) and Xara3D6. Animation settings 60 fpc, 15 fps, 0 pause, loop ticked and any number from 1 to 99 times. Export animation as .gif. In PTE preview the animation goes through only one cycle and then stops when it should loop. What is the trick I am missing? Thanks a lot. Regards, Jeff
  22. Are the judges from the United Nations? Jeff
  23. With pleasure, but lets keep it friendly. Without turning to the OED, I meant the millions of people around the World without access to Sky TV, BBC World and UK local radio/newspapers/magazines. To them, AV is just AV. They have not heard of the upcoming vote. I admit, "illiterate" was an ill-considered choice of term and could offend some Forum colleagues - sorry! Have you a better term for what I intended? Jeff
  24. Well done. I think it was from Richard Brown that I heard it first: the hardest part is deciding WHAT you are going to make an AV about. It's that spark or flash, and you found it. Unfortunately it will be lost on many illiterate non-Brits. Jeff
  25. "However, there can be a problem with persons who have false teeth. False teeth cause a number of problems with speech, causing odd sharp sibilants and even whistles when pronouncing 's' and 'c' sounds, and from close listening to Barry's audio I wonder if he has false teeth. I apologise if this sounds a bit personal." - Colin I listened with small auditorium-quality powered Rokit 5-inchers through a semi-professional PreSonus mixer and a 2011-year model desktop (and not a laptop with a built-in squeaker). It really does sound like false teeth. Jeff PS (postscriptum in latin) If we can't take the mikey out of one another in friendly, non-degoratory, non-aggressive ways every so often, it is a sad AV world. At the same time some of us may learn a little about human behaviour. I certainly have.
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