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colin hill

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About colin hill

  • Birthday 01/10/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Durban, South Africa
  • Interests
    Aviation, online flying, photography

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  1. Been some years since I last posted on this forum and since upgrading to PTE v9, have decided to use this fantastic product and share. It has been my life long dream to go to St Maarten in the Caribbean and and I spent 2 wonderful weeks there. The island is shared and administered by both France and Holland, very unique. Size of file: 19,3mb Length: 3mins Link: https://www.slideshowclub.com/files/file/459-st-maarten-caribbean/
  2. 4 days ago I uploaded my presentation to slideshowclub and to date it is still not showing. I have since uploaded it another 2 times and still nothing. How long does it take for any upload to be accepted? link:
  3. Hi Lin, Brilliant piece of work. You sure know how to push the limits of this wonderful product. Well done! Colin
  4. Hi Don, Brilliant shots of aircraft. Being an aviation enthuisiast, I would love to attend the Farnborough Airshow. Colin
  5. Mick, A very enjoyable show and a great contrast of colours. It looks like you also had good weather whilst in Venice. Your night shots were excellent. Thank you for sharing, Colin
  6. Looking forward to that, thank you
  7. Hi Jim, An excellent show, with once again, good narrative. So nice to see a show which depicts shots taken here in the magnificent Kruger National Park. Having been there myself, I could relate to a lot of your shots. There are some excellent camps in the park and the game viewing is superb. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Colin
  8. Hi Bill, Had no issues running the show, ran smoothly for me on my W7 desktop. What a stunning show with excellent photography. As has been mentioned, your shots on the beach with the dark clouds were excellent. I also enjoyed the video inserts inbetween your beautiful, colourful pictures. Definately a keeper for me and thank you for sharing a beautiful paradise with us. Regards, Colin
  9. Jim, Have seen your "African Flowers",it was a superb show. Colin
  10. Hi Mick, One word can explain it all and yes, encouragement from fellow forum members does go a long way. Thank you, Colin
  11. Thank you Robert for your comment. It is GREATLY appreciated Colin
  12. Hi Eric, I have no problem at all regarding you expressing your opinion. Thank you as well for your constructive comments regarding my other shows, much appreciated. Colin
  13. Hi Dave, Your comments really gave me some upliftment and therefore the hours that I have spent producing my presentations in order to share my memories with the forum members now seem worth the effort. Choosing the right music for each presentation was a challenge and trying to synchronize the slides with the music an even bigger challenge. This was the first time I had the opportunity to really get to grips with my new Nikon DSLR camera and was very impressed with the results. My pictures may not have been the very best, but I personnaly was pleased with them. Yes i did take all my images in JPEG and in future will experiment with taking them in RAW. You are absolutely right on this point. Once again, many thanks for your kind comments. Colin
  14. Jim, Very informative presentation and good commentary. I now know what goes into making maple syrup. Thank you for sharing. Colin
  15. Thank you for the tip. I have been aware of transitions to music throughout my 12 presentations recently uploaded to the forum. My transitions may differ in length in any one particular presentation due to the next slide to be shown or the tempo in the music at that particular point. I am aware that all may not be perfect, but as they say "practice makes perfect". Your comment is appreciated as is any other in order for me to improve. regards, Colin
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