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Everything posted by Aginum

  1. https://freeplaymusic.com/ https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kevin_MacLeod/Global_Sampler/ https://www.chosic.com/free-music/orchestral/ https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/type/video/ https://www.thedarkpiano.com/
  2. Made in 2007 with PTE 4.48 !
  3. English subtitles (automatic translation)...
  4. their looks are always very moving...
  5. Carried out during humanitarian missions (2003-2007)
  6. I'm going to put the one of the Children of the Air then?
  7. Défilé dans la rue, à Montauban (France) 2012
  8. Hot air balloon rides.... https://youtu.be/WQUnNE-SVc4
  9. Dan Il est possible de modifier les paramètres de sortie vidéo....
  10. également possible avec OBS Studio quelle que soit la carte graphique https://obsproject.com/fr/download
  11. Bonjour, Mon site web : https://aginum.net et ma chaîne Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/Pizolatto
  12. Gilio, this is a test done for PTE and with the PTE converter. I know how to do conversions by reducing the format and the bitrate ...
  13. Igor, Video 4k made this morning with my drone Mavic ... Duration 4'40. Converted with PTE (quality : 50%), but in the same format. Final : 2.03 GB ... Creat exe : 1920x1080... PTE does not create the exe. Is this due to the 4K format? Edit : convert MP4 HD or 4K : no problem...
  14. I created a 2.7 GB exe without problems ... Everything works well.
  15. todo list PTE 10 : Blu-Ray Video 4k H265 64Bits ...
  16. Igor, Why not blu-ray with PTE?
  17. Point of view, members Diapositif forum (http://www.diapositif.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=39355) : 1. The demos (like Barry's one) are useful to help discover the different PTE functions and capabilities 2. They could be accompanied by a downloadable folder containing projects to better understand how it works 3. Demos and folders must be on a web page (page Learn more already existing, or the Online Help already linked) and not directly in the software. Demos and folders can then be in one (as it is now) or in several languages.
  18. Désolé Igor, mais c'est ignorer ceux qui ne parlent pas anglais... et ils sont nombreux ! Pour nous c'est sans intérêt... Donner la possibilité de télécharger ce projet, ok, mais l'imposer, non... Translate Google, sorry... Sorry Igor, but ignore those who do not speak English ... and they are many ! For us it is uninteresting ... Give the opportunity to download this project, ok, but impose no ...
  19. Yes Igor, Thanks you ...
  20. Thanks you Igor
  21. Hello Igor, Why he has two tabs Users styles ?
  22. Gary, Mercalli is a plug-in for Premiere Pro (and other software) .... not Prodrenalin ... But Prodrenalin allows, in addition, to correct the defects of curvature of the Go Pro
  23. I would like to participate in this discussion .... Sorry for my bad english ... Barry, here's a test for stabilizing a video made in ULM, with ProDrenalin software ... And a video clip (freehand), stabilized and slow motion ...
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