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Everything posted by Aginum

  1. No, actually, I did not add tag.... Thank you .... i start... PS: it is impossible to upload other file (180MB) .. The download stops almost at the beginning
  2. Hello there, I sent an assembly ("Voyage") twice (the first time Sunday, July 6, the second time yesterday), I have followed the procedure and installation is still not released ... Normal?
  3. +1 Igor , Visualization of the sound waveform is essential !
  4. Personally on my site there is the links to download the .exe and visible slideshows directly to mp4 ... Here
  5. Slideshow presentation of PicturesToExe ... Streaming or exe .... Links here : Présentation PicturesToExe Charlie
  6. No problem for me .. I just sent a slideshow (advertising PTE) directly from PTE
  7. One solution: learn French
  8. Bert, Here, on Diapositif (and also Diaporamaforum), over 1200 slideshows available ... /> View This page Can be sorted by author, date, etc.
  9. Suggestion .... In a future version, you might have a meter that would adjust the sound level .... ?
  10. Very good idea ! Igor ? is that possible ?
  11. Settings > Preferences > Toolbars :)/>
  12. Bonjour, Personnellement, le choix du format par défaut n'a pas d'importance.... Par contre il me semble important de pouvoir choisir le "Mode" par défaut dans les Options du projet Pourquoi ? Mes images sont en format 3:2 . Pour un format 16:9, je ne les coupe pas mais je les mets, une par une, en Mode Cover Slide dans Objets et Animation, ce qui permet de recadrer l'image. Hello, Personally, the choice of the default format does not matter .... By cons it seems important to choose the "Mode" by default ((in Project Options) Why? My pictures are 3:2. For 16:9, I do not cut but I put them, one by one, in Mode Cover Slide Objects and Animation, which can crop the image.
  13. It's better in the project options ...
  14. Eric, All versions of my book is published the same day as the release of PTE
  15. Carmello !!! Jean-Charles
  16. The ideal is Adobe Premiere + Twixtor plugin Here Sony Nex VG20 (50 Fps) J'ai utilisé Première + Twixtor également pour les ralentis dans Fashion Show http://www.objectif-photos.net/photos/mp4/fashion.htm
  17. Must convert text objects in image .png
  18. Pete, Probably because you have not enabled syncing.
  19. WnSoft dispose de tous les mails des acheteurs... Pourquoi pas un mailing ? WnSoft has all the mails buyers ... Why not a mailing?
  20. Is it really important ?
  21. It's in version 7.5
  22. Igor It would be useful to enable or disable snapping of a clip at the cursor... Il me semblerait utile de pouvoir activer ou désactiver le magnétisme des clips audio sur la ligne rouge du curseur, pour une plus grande précision ...
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