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de Daniloff Didier

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  1. yes idead, sorry for the mistake
  2. Thanks for replying. I understand it will take lot of efforts, but seems lot of proffesionals are using now other programs because PTE doesn't work on PC. Good luck with the new releases and hopefully i will sell again new PTE after my workshop's of this week. Best Regards.
  3. Hey Igor I am very often give workshops for amateur photographers as well as professionals. We all like much your program and few new members from Belgium buying your program after follow my workshop. Now the question, maybe already ask, sorry for that but a lot of professioanal photographers want use PTE but it seems it doesn't work on Aplle computers. Are there some possibilties for that, of will be in the future also a version for Mac users? Kind regards Didier de Daniloff
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